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SAVP FoxRed 11 Nov 2015

Margermarket - SAVP Savannah Petroleum in talks to close USD 300m Niger licence farmout by 1Q16Savannah Petroleum [LON:SAVP] has seen a variety of international, independent and national oil and gas companies assess data regarding the sale of between 30% and 50% of its interest in the R1/R2 and R3/R4licences in Niger, a source said.If a farminee took a 50% interest in the assets, Savannah would likely look for a carry commitment of around USD 250m and USD 50m cash to cover back costs, the source said. Savannah has spent around USD 100m on development so far, he added.Savannah holds the entire issued equity interest in these licences, with the Niger state retaining the back-in right of 20% of profit oil on R1/R2 and 15% on R3/R4 15%, according to a company presentation.The deal is expected to close within or before the first quarter of next year, the source added.It is understood that Jefferies has been mandated to conduct the farm-out sale process.It is looking for a partner with a strong balance sheet and solid technical experience. Savannah would likely retain operatorship as it has the local knowledge and infrastructure to optimise the field development, he added.The assets have garnered particular attention from Asian entities, with national oil companies such as ONGC [NSE:ONGC] and Petronas amongst those having shown interest, a person with knowledge of the situation said.Proceeds from the farm-out will be earmarked for a 20-to-30 well-drilling campaign on the licences over the next 18-to-24 months and to commission further seismic studies, the source said.R1/R2 is Savannah’s flagship assets and covers around 8,406 square kilometres in south-east Niger. The licence has best estimate gross risked prospective oil resources of 1,191mmbbls, according to a recent CGG[EPA:CGG] re-evaluation.Savannah signed an agreement with the government of Niger for its interest in the R3/R4 PSC on 31 July, according to a company announcement.The farmout process began following this agreement, the source said.Together, R1/R2 and R3/R4 make up 50% of the total Agadem basin acreage, with CNPC holding the remaining 50%, according to Savannah announcements.Savannah trades on the London AIM stock exchange with a market capitalisation of GBP 56m.Savannah and Jefferies declined to comment on any ongoing farmout process. Petronas and ONGC did not respond to requests for comment.

QPP eagle51 11 Nov 2015

Re: Good news on SFO "This surely confirms that Court approval for the capital return will be granted. It had already been pitched at a level which I am sure they had been advised would (almost) certainly be approved" understanding is that the final nudge down to 90p (from the "not less than 100p" was on the back of such advice. We don't have the information to judge whether or not it's overkill but it's clear no chances are being taken of getting a 'no' from the Court.We've been short changed though and what the directors say doesn't quite stack up. They're keeping hold of £45m now that should have come shareholders' way and have "traded us" for the "maybe" stuff at the end of an 18 month warranty provision.I will not be too concerned if I see this £45m being put to immediate good use, but the minute I see the directors trying to get their own paws on it will be the minute war breaks out, as far as I am concerned. I hate being misled and whatever anyone says, the statement about the payout being "not less that £1" was never in any way qualified. 90p is less than £1. I will no longer believe anything the directors tell me - they had long enough to work out their strategy for the Court hearing and nothing new came up on the liabilities front (they told us this in the RNS). So why the sudden change of heart? Advisers? Tell the advisers they're being over-cautious and work on the balance of probability; have a plan B if the Court says no (it still might if people in high places have already decided it ain't gonna happen because.............).We've been let down. And can you see the type of people who crawl all over QPP or whatever it's now stupidly labelled - a name that doesn't convey anything unless your Siegmund Freud - saying it's fair enough to say that what was 1p before should now be 10p on the share price? They should have found a way to leave it as a penny share, then at least we'd have had some fun seeing the price jump around a bit. As it is, half the price of the new set-up will just be conceded immediately in a market where to a lot of people QPP is about as popular as syphilis.I'm looking for a raft of statements from the board soon, to the effect: "goodbye everyone and good luck, the decent thing now is for us to move on - the new set up doesn't justify a board of our size and we don't want to get in the way of incisive management. We hope you don't think we did a bad job when the chips were down". Will we get them? Nah - there's £45m extra there now.How many listed companies, particularly AIM ones, do you see where truly excellent management is in place, skilled at taking measured risks that put pressure on them to perform by making the greater part of their wealth dependent on the rewards for success? Virtually none. Most AIM companies don't even make a profit (I'm not kidding) if you measure it properly. Directors are egged on to be hideously greedy by non-execs who pretend they chair things like remuneration committees for the good of shareholders, when the only reason they're there is to bury their own noses in shareholders' troughs. They all help themselves to millions they don't deserve. Why? Because they can - it's become a very sick habit in the UK.It was refreshing to look at SGH's accounts recently. As usual I headed for the directors' remuneration page ('pages' in the case of SGH) after checking out the key fundamentals I use to measure my attitude. Pages and pages of all sorts of directors' performance incentives and justifications. How much did Grech get at the end of it all? Aus $650k. Other directors scored less. There aren't even an excessive number of options in play. The shenanigans around suddenly finding there were 26m 'in the money' options coming along to dilute us when there was cash about to be paid out was an unpleasant surprise (some were undoubtedly justified - others less so but it wasn't explained properly).I don't want to go on. Directors shoul

SBLM nat81 11 Nov 2015

Re: large investors you havent missed the boat yet in JLP. mcap now around 30m. yes, it went up from 1.5p but still plenty pf upside. i can see similarity with AMC where it went up from 2p, settled at 10p then went up to 40p earlier this year on licence news (near 200m mcap). (of course now AMC is down due to lansted dumping shares)nevertheless, JLP will start generating revenue from Jan (ie 2 mths away) and it is low cost and hence profitableanyway, both SBLM and JLP have the potential to multibag very soon. patient is needed though

NYO Mome Wrath 11 Nov 2015

Nyota, Paul Johnson and Metal Tiger [link] Aug 15 Paul Johnson Executive Director Share Purchase (1.85% of Metal Tiger)Metal Tiger's target is to deliver a high return for shareholders by investing in significantly undervalued and/or high potential opportunities in the mineral exploration and development sector timed to coincide where possible, with a cyclical recovery in the exploration and mining markets.  [link] Tiger (LON: MTR), the natural resources investing company has made tremendous progress, with substantial gains made in the Direct Equities division.  We strive to be a strong financing partner for investees, and for example reinvested significant profits achieved in Kibo Mining and Eurasia Mining with an early conversion of 3 year warrants.  But alongside supporting investee companies we also have a duty to crystallise gains and redeploy capital in new opportunities, which we do proactively.  The Direct Projects division is active with investments in a successful Tungsten/Gold project in Spain, an intriguing Gold/Antimony project in Thailand and the Company also awaits initial data from its Gold Joint Venture with Kibo Mining in Tanzania.   The Direct Projects division collaborations continue with Ariana Resources in Turkey and Eurasia Mining in Russia, seeking out new precious metals opportunities.  We are optimistic of progress on both fronts this year.“And we are pleased to confirm the Company's search for new opportunities in precious and strategic metals is highly advanced, with late stage discussions taking place with regard to a potentially high grade gold opportunity with near term production potential.” (Coud this be Nyota? Probably not as I don''t see any near term production forthcoming. Then consider:[link] Johnson has been buying since before 24 Sep 15 when he exceded 3%. Maybe he got lucky at .03 to .04 with his initial unnotified, pre 3% tranches. HIs 5th and latest notified share purchase in NYOTA takes his holding from 90,407,293 to 105,541,771 shares giving him a 7.02% interest. At around £0.005, maybe a tad less, say £0.0045 an investment in the region of circa £475KThen back to [link] there can be no assurance that a deal will be signed and announced, we are of the view that in today's challenging markets, only the best projects and opportunities deserve Metal Tiger's attention and Company's capital.About Metal tiger:-[link] consider the vesting conditions for the Issue of Performance Rights to Directors [link] 1 “The Company completing a transaction which requires shareholder approval for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 11.1.2 and/or AIM Rule 14 (Reverse Takeovers) by 31 Dec 16.That's just over 7 weeks away and presents the 3 directors with 24 million shares with a “technical value” of A$34,625 - £16,112 at todays Forex,10 Nov 15. .24 Mllion shares in the FIRST tranche of 3 for EACH director at the last placement price of £0.0055 gives each director a £132,000 “bonus” and there are TWO further tranches to follow Dec 17, Dec 18Nyota is up to the gunnels, fair wallowing in shares with a 60% spread between bid and offer at close, 10 Nov 15. 11.1.2. and/or AIM Rule 14 - It's a very specific request for the shareholders to address.Is it perhaps KEC Exploration Pty that they have in mind? Anyone like to comment?Tranche 2 The Company completing 3,000 metres of drilling at the Ivrea Proj

PDL Shotry 11 Nov 2015

Bullish Div Agree with Bt on the bullish Divergence on daily chart.4h chart really doesn't look good (MACD diverging) so I'd have said no rush to enter. However, we are approaching some good potential support areas on daily/weekly/mthly and the mthly and weekly TAC-DMI (ADX derivative) could be moving towards a signal for a change in direction. The daily is not and the 4h is pretty negative. Going to be interesting to see how this resolves, i.e. over time (not too much further price movement) or with price. My guess is that we're due a bounce. It's even possible, looking at weekly/mthly charts that the trend might be close to changing. I've set a first buy at 57.5. I'll watch closely and would be happy to start speculatively accumulating around these levels. I'm not an investor however and won't be holding for a long period.

SBLM Sprocket60 11 Nov 2015

Re: large investors Yes JLP looks interesting. Was in a while back around 1.5p but lost interest when it didnt move for a while. Bad move as i could have made a few thou on that if i had held for a few months.Have been day trading Anglo American with a profit each day i have traded but i think i have missed the boat on JLP. Too many still in at low levels ready to take profits on any spike.Could be the one to make fortune though if they can produce platinum at low cost.

ULT wulwirth 11 Nov 2015

click A few names you end here [link]

SBLM nat81 11 Nov 2015

Re: large investors LMI is going down. PIs will be loosing money. if you into platinum, have a look at JLP. waiting games changer there and have huge upside. was 25p a couple of years ago and hopefully will be back to that sp very soon./saying that, i feel that SBLM will also rerate very soon. i recalled we have BFS due before christmas.

EROS richard599 11 Nov 2015

More ... Follow up from Seeking Alpha ...[link] no view on this, but you can see why it might dent the SP.R599

TALK II Editor 11 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Should Investors Be Buying Talktalk Telecom Group PLC After Today’s News? "Shares in Talktalk Telecom (LSE:TALK) jumped by as much as 12.5% in early trading today after the company hiked its dividend, instead of cutting it as many analysts had expected. Talktalk's dividend hike came alongside the company's first-half ..."[link]

ECR etadelete 11 Nov 2015

Re: Flat line.... try accumulating at these levels will be good.lots have my shares. 50 per drop 1 week.gla

TOT Ripley94 11 Nov 2015

Re: Resurrection? 5% spike ... past limit by 4%Longers work against then day.

GBO dkok 11 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries Hi TX2If that is the case, and the administrators are looking to maintain the holding company in order to seek the best outcome, how come they are allowed effectively to de-list the shares, effectively denying the actual owners of the holdong company thier rights?!!This is highly suspect in my opinion, but it seems we have no voice and no protection. We have been lied to by management who it seems have deliberatley falsified the financial statements, the auditors GT has quite possibly not done its job corerectly as if the directors are identifying cash generative business, they should be seeing the bank statements to prove it and should have been interrogating them rigorously before signing them off.The shareholders therefore have been mislead by the BoD, have been let down by potential accountancy negligence by GT, and are now having their shares cancelled by the auditors before they have even done thier job in trying to sort the company out as a going concern. AIM needs to be thoroughly reviewed and rules amended if it is to survve IMHO, as it is currently not fit for purpose. There should be rules in place to ensure that business owners cannot sell such a large percentage of thier share ownership as Costis did without enfored notfication, at say every 1% of holding. That at least wouldhave allerted shareholders to him exiting from the company with money, and effectively may have prevented us all being in a total; loss situation.Thankfully, i didn't have as much in here as I had earlier in the year as I had sold a chunk just prior to the Greek vote in orde to do a property deal, but I have still lost 20k shares as it stands. A company not doiung as well as expected and the share[rice falling I could take, but the most alarming thing about Globo is the deception.Seriously considering my investment strategy and may well consider giving any AIM companies a very wide berth, or only hold a small number as part of the speculative portion of my portfolio.GLTAdkok

ECR lotsadosh 11 Nov 2015

Re: Flat line.... bsr - Decided to vote you up for the Fart.....

PDL Andy Reilly 11 Nov 2015

Re: Newsflow.. `In line... bt - I was looking at bullish divergence on the PDL chart yesterday, and on your second link it seems clearer. I couldnt see too convincing a divergence on the chart I was looking at, but it will be interesting to see whether the 60p area does offer support. It certainly isnt a pleasant ride for holders currently.