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QPP Topalov 11 Nov 2015

Re: Edison Research Mel,You say that PSD is not rocket science yet Cannacord got their forecast horribly wrong. Their price target for QPP was out by about 500%. You still think the vast majority of hearing loss claims will progress to fees? What are you basing that on? The uncertainty and lack opf track record was why PWC deemed the QPP accounting policy inappropriate and why S&G and QPP agreed on the NIHL sale price..

QPP melrosian 11 Nov 2015

Re: Good news on SFO Eagle I think you got one thing really wrong. I bet Seadoc liked "S" . He was probably carrying out research for a doctorate in Hawick and in that Aviemore clinic. Mel

OXS luckyman2 11 Nov 2015

Very Near Future? It depends on what their definition of "near future" is. One persons "near future" could be another persons "distant (faraway) future".

QPP melrosian 11 Nov 2015

Re: Edison Research TopalovThe PSD is not in rocket science category. It is an amount of WIP, bought at a discount, and in the case of hearing loss claims , bought for nothing, which, in the vast majority of cases, progresses to fees. Of course if its all fraud - not so - but nobody believes that.SGH's problem is that WIP may increase before it spits out cash. They have done a smokescreen job with accounting policy switch , so that the actual WIP at transfer is almost impossible to get at. However the only thing that SGH has done which QPP couldnt do ( I guess) is fit together overall finance to plough through the period in which.I am not always correct but after selling the AIM shares - after the PSD sale - QPP had C£45M debt to clear. Edison is predicting A$1.25 B revenue . I think more than half of that is from QPP PSD and from all we know that QPP PSD revenue to 2016 is north of £300mThat suggests they could have factored actual invoices for £25M. QPP needed £20M more debt + the extra WIP hump finance to get to 9 fig profits in 2016. My sums suggest they needed £25-30M max for the hump. Nobody was going to divy that up for RT - new board - different story. Should have been a walk in the park after a bit of pain on the sp. . Nobody can rely on Edison being correct but we can all join dots and conclude that they wont be out by more than 20% and more likely 10%. It would be a mugs game discussing how close to the mark are their estimates. However they can be 15% out and the SGH revenue tojune 2016 is still going to look good. Jutsifying Edison accuracy isn't my point.My point is more to do with common sense. SGH would have been lunatic not to arrange adequate finance for the hump. Once over the hump the WIP is a net cash generator. Once the obvious jump in profits is reported by SGH, and debt levels are seen to be falling and commensurate with EBITDA will look good. How good - dont know. BUT a forward PE of 4 give plenty leeway for PAT estimates to be wrong and still look very good. The sorties have had their evil way and delivered an opportunity in my opinion. On the 3 businesses in QPP - I have little to contribute. I like the cash left and the cash coming. Like other investors I hope its good Mel

TLPR II Editor 11 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: 'Historic' deal for Tullett Prebon and ICAP "Just five days after confirming talks were underway, and a week after issuing a profits warning, interdealer broker LSE:TLPR:Tullett Prebon has announced it will shell out over £1.1 billion on rival LSE:IAP:ICAP's global voice broking business. ..."[link]

CLIG Dino78 11 Nov 2015

TV Interview with CLIG's Barry Olliff Good afternoon. Please find below a TV interview with CLIG's Barry

PDL Andy Reilly 11 Nov 2015

Re: Bullish Div S - well I had a little punt and bought 5K PDL at 60.3278p with cost! Just a dabble, but happy to add another 5k a tad lower if needs be. Had another look at that bullish divergence, and it looked a little more convincing today with a lower entry point. Lets hope some insti isnt unwinding their holding in the background - absolutely agree with your approach. Best of luck -

MIRL Kenj2 11 Nov 2015

Re: Here is the Plan....Looks brilliant Zombynation, which market were you proposing to buy on?

SAB valeite 11 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done the rest of my portfolio means i can buy scooter , no more

AMFW Kenj2 11 Nov 2015

Re: Where's Lambrini gone? " Why would anyone post a Sell recommendation after a big fall?"Dazedandconfused, you have failed to understand my posts. My point is that no SELL recommendation was posted by LG, before the sharp fall.Hence anyone following her BUY advice, a week earlier, would have lost a lot of money.

GBO Andy Reilly 11 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries dkok - the problem is that when a direcotor deliberately sets out to cheat investors and the market there is no amout of regulation that is going to prevent the scam being attempted. So often, after a scam has been exposed, it all seems so obvious, but that is partly because most people assume everything is being done legitimately and by inclination we dont like to focus on wrong doing and criminality.On the other hand the professional people, auditors, regulators etc, are supposed to be there provide a bit more reassurance that the rules are being applied. Unfortunately history throws up many examples where they have also been duped by scams, and failed to prevent absurd levels of risk taking. Enron, Madoffs Ponzi scam, the banking crisis, etc etc...It just reinforces the need to apply a big dose of scepticism when investing, and which is why I prefer a TA based approach, as it detaches you to a degree from getting too involved with the company's story and it management.

QPP The Millipede 11 Nov 2015

Re: Good news on SFO The regulator (sic) was forced to give up its prosecution after a court ruled that the misleading of auditors by a company was not an offence under English law....Only an individual can be prosecuted for the offence.---------- ---------- ---Which is fine as long as individuals actually are prosecuted. A bit like bail-out-the-banks-but-jail-the-bankers....... If only. Sigh.

NYO Mome Wrath 11 Nov 2015

Re: Nyota, Paul Johnson & Metal Tiger Wonder if PJ will buy more now the ask is 0.07.Wonder if Metal Tiger has a stake in NyotaWonder why the spread is 40%

XEL jaja 11 Nov 2015

sold XEL.. next to rise JLP...

GKP jaja 11 Nov 2015

JLP is moving up now