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HLMA lambrini girl 11 Nov 2015

Re: Uncharted heights SELL target £3..

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 11 Nov 2015

Re: AoW 'And where is the research with what you posted regarding the 'fire sale' of PGD Argentinian assets, for 4p Max. and a move to Uruguay exploration, it's all conjecture on your part.Just think of the drivel you posted when the price was 40p rising to 70p and what your posting now - Have you ever been on the money, or is it all horseshit sunshine ?'---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------Good afternoon ChutesI have given my opinion which I have not dressed up as being anything other than that: For the avoidance of doubt - here again is the exact wording as written in my post which perhaps you missed:'All a guess but if my ‘musings’ are anywhere close to what is unfolding – what a clever way of executing exactly what the Concert Party set out to do.This is pure guesswork – but one thing for sure – we do not have surplus cash to bring existing gold plays to production or to chase new opportunities elsewhere so what other possible explanation could there be?'The whole point of these forums is to give investors a 'voice' and to share information/research and to discuss all possibilities with the companies in which we have an interest.The facts remain that the share price has fallen from 75 pence to where it sits now at 1.5 pence which is disaster - plus if you look at the reaction to the recent Uruguay announcement you will notice that there are no volume purchases on the back this news which indicates how the news has been taken. Beyond anything else - How can PGD enter into a new financial commitment in Uruguay if there are not the funds available to develop and bring to production our existing gold plays? That's the big question - I then went on to highlighted a number of possible ways that the funds could be raised.As to whether I am correct or not with my 'guess' - time will tell and we all await the unveiling of the plan as to how we are going to achieve the funding that is required - not just for the initial US$ 500,00 to US$ 1.5 million but also should we decide to run with Phase II which will cost us a further US$ 2.0 million.As to whether I have historically called it correctly or not with PGD - let me assure you that I have got this wrong 'BIG TIME' as have many other Private Investors who believed what we were being told by our Management and invested accordingly on the back of the information that we were given. That's where I and others made our error - we believed what we were being told.That aside - I presume that we are all here to try and achieve a return from our investment in this company - so let's be respectful of each other's position because at the end of the day - all us Private Investors are in the 'same boat'.Good luck...


Looking good to take out recent highs [link] like 1.55 may well be tested shortly and broken as we run up to Christmas.Better to hold now and run with them.GLTA

SRX donkey derby 11 Nov 2015

Re: Proactive Investors Interview With Inves... Thank you for these notes; you can get the proactive notes via google by typing in the guy's name. I and other investors think that srx shares are worth a ton more than 28 pence and in any event I have a cynical view of Investec. When it was discovered that Investec were the April sellers whose stock was acquired by Pala and the fact that they went below 3% was not formally announced but they turn up as Nomad I became rightly or wrongly cynical.Imo either you will see increasing profitability in the year ended 31.12.16 partly as a result of the commissioning and operation of the new Gangama nine with the increased chance of a divi which will raise the sp or srx will be taken out by Pala or by a third party at a price acceptable to the other three institutions. If it is the former, it is possible that srx may seek a main listing but before doing so may issue more stock in an attempt to enable Pala to sell more into the market once the sp has gone up.It is interesting that 13.8 million shares changed hands recently but there was no announcement of either Pala or the other three institutions taking those shares. Unless the news was deliberately or negligently suppressed, there is a new holder holding that stock or there was an intercompany arrangement by an existing holder. Views from others would be welcome.


nibbling a few more 50k at 10.98 and anything under 11 is going in my portfolio.tiger


Cracking results & share price movement Hi Anyone,Very quiet bb here which is good as below the radar of most.Cracking results & share price rise today currently up 7.3% 15.55 / 15.76 spread.GLTA

SRX Donatron 11 Nov 2015

Proactive Investors Interview With Investec Interesting interview with the analyst that recently returned from the Sierra Leone visit:[link] like we should expect to see a transformative effect on the SP from late 2016. Hopefully we can hit the heady heights of £1 in 2017, if not before.

HLMA Yertiz 11 Nov 2015

Uncharted heights Halma steadily rises up towards the £8 barrier, now at an all-time new high price. Quality company, quality share, quality management, dividend always increasing - there's just nothing not to like about Halma. Just surprised there aren't more investors discovering this gem.Time to fill my boots with more, as I believe once the £8 ceiling is breached (as it surely must be in the next few days), the next stop will be about £10.

BAB Komatsu100 11 Nov 2015

Why BAB is trading far too cheaply Why Lloyds Banking Group PLC & Babcock International Group PLC Are Trading Far Too Cheaply[link] services provider Babcock International (LSE: BAB) has also suffered from sinking trader appetite in recent months, and the stock has shed 15% since the start of June. Although prices have recovered some ground since then, I believe the business can still be considered an excellent value pick.As one would expect, a steady flow of capex reductions across the oil and gas industry has dented sentiment towards Babcock for many months. And the London firm added to these concerns in July by advising that it expects "oil and gas revenue to undergo a low double digit decline in the first half of the year" thanks to project delays and cancellations.But the energy industry is responsible for only a small percentage of Babcock's total revenues, as the business provides services across a broad swathe of industries in both the public and private sectors. For one, Babcock supplies military training and infrastructure and equipment support across the UK's three armed forces, and just last month inked a five-year contract with the MoD to supply engineering services to Royal Navy air stations in the south-west of England. The deal is worth around £100m per annum.Backed up by a colossal £20bn order book, the City expects Babcock to punch earnings growth of 10% and 13% for the years to March 2016 and 2017 respectively, producing very cheap P/E ratios of 12.9 times and 11.5 times. Projected dividends of 26.1p and 29p per share for these years may create handy-if-unspectacular yields of 2.7% and 3%, but I expect payments to continue clicking higher along with earnings growth.So if the stocks mentioned above have whetted your appetite for even more FTSE winners, I strongly recommend you check out this totally exclusive report that highlights a broad selection of dividend destroyers set to deliver stunning income flows.

PDL Shotry 11 Nov 2015

Re: Bullish Div I've moved the limit buy up to 59.5 as it looks somewhat better. Have also entered a small SB at 60.25. There are sensible reasons to try this out. It'll either work or not

QPP shabby 2 sox 11 Nov 2015

Re: Good news on SFO The regulator (sic) was forced to give up its prosecution after a court ruled that the misleading of auditors by a company was not an offence under English law....Only an individual can be prosecuted for the offence."__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______For goodness sake, surely this principle must already have been established a long time ago. How long have we had auditors, companies, misleading of auditors, lying Directors, English Law, lawyers. What next - that companies are a legal entity, directors have a fiduciary duty, the earth goes round the sun, the earth is round!

CRL TX2 11 Nov 2015

Results Sound performance.The £850k exceptional profit from the sale of Real Shaving Company has improved finances with substantial net cash on balance sheet.NAV now over 10p with approaching 9p per share net current assets.Good value.

SOI allthatglistens 11 Nov 2015

Very impressive Class with Aberdeen Asian Income.

PGD chutes 11 Nov 2015

Re: AoW AoW,And where is the research with what you posted regarding the 'fire sale' of PGD Argentinian assets, for 4p Max. and a move to Uruguay exploration, it's all conjecture on your part.Just think of the drivel you posted when the price was 40p rising to 70p and what your posting now - Have you ever been on the money, or is it all horseshit sunshine ?Chutes.

PCI A_cluelesspunter 11 Nov 2015

Re: The SP... Yep indeed it does and that's why I asked. Just wondered whether you were on here enjoying other people's misfortune or whether you were in the same boat.It's a bit of a rubbish boat to be on isn't it.Clueless