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NXR Hardboy 12 Nov 2015

Interims Excellent.Sales up 9%, Profit up 34%, Cash Flow up 15% EPS up 46%, Dividend up 19%.

SRES MISOLDB 12 Nov 2015

Re: Bad Luck osammy can have my 1.5 million for a lot less than 2p each....let me know ..!

SNG doc-lee 12 Nov 2015

Directors' Buys Them that ought to know something have increased their stakes handsomely.I hope that signifies good news in the pipeline soonish (touch wood)?

GBO Orchard Gate 12 Nov 2015

Re: Legal Action - Share Soc Just my personal opinion based on previous dealings with him but I think Roger Lawson is a berk, best avoided. I'd have nothing to do with him.The fact he was deriding those who said Globo was a fraud, even just a few days before it went "POP" says a lot.

SEV on greenhill 12 Nov 2015

riddler podcast - picks Servision Know why SEV was up on Tue and Wed? Any one knows riddler?Tue (10/11/2015) [link] Over 1000 AIM stocks and riddler picks Servision. Says a lot !check out this podcast about Servision.riddler has many followers. [link]

WIN The buzz 12 Nov 2015

Half Year Results The results seemed to me to be more or less OK. Nothing sparkling, but steady progress at reducing debt and still on track to a stable financial position. I have said for some time now that if they can keep this up then the company would not be overwhelmed by the debt and pension deficit. The detractors at that time seem to have disappeared now. I have sold all my WIN now as I felt that they were close to being fully valued for there current state of recovery. That said I can see them continuing to recover and build new business.The B

SPI wastamoney 12 Nov 2015

Re: To buy or not to buy Well if you haven't bought yet, you may get the opportunity now following this mornings trading update. NHS revenues down 39%, growth forecast lowered etc. I do think SPI is a long term winner, just a matter of when to jump in.

NIPT tullowtosell 12 Nov 2015

RNS Correcting subject.... damned predictive text!!!!

NIPT tullowtosell 12 Nov 2015

END This is all good.... but where are the contracts?

BEZ Greyinvestor 12 Nov 2015

good results Travelling today, so not much time to post, but good IMS today, I thought. Excellent revenue growth in a really tough market, only HSX has done better.Profits look fine, as does investment return.There will be bad claims years to come, but this stock remains an indefinite hold for me.It's especially nice to see quality revenue growth. I just hope that the management team remains stable and that the company does not get acquired.Silence on the divi, which is fine. Let the year pan out, the company is a good payer.Well done BEZ management.....

QPP eagle51 12 Nov 2015

Re: Edison Research Topalov - I'm pretty sure SGH didn't pay anything at all for the 53k NIHL claims. No-one could work out what they were worth. The proof of their value will be in the eating (so to speak) ie the 50% (after 'certain expenses' - we know not what these are) of revenue (presumably gross) generated by SGH. I think the money is supposed to come in from SGH quarterly until 30 June 2017, at which time any cases still in progress or waiting to start will be valued on a NPV basis by someone independent and the full amount paid over, hands will be shaken and tearful goodbyes will end the proceedings.The NKOTB at QPP have said £39.6m will come in from these cases (note - not "up to but not less than" £39,6m) and that this will be paid out to shareholders when it arrives:[link]

AVG Lion Rock 11 Nov 2015

AGM Report The AGM was as always an enjoyable one with many interesting things coming to the surface, and great scope for the future. The meeting scheduled to start at 11.15, was preceded at the request of the Chairman by a one minute silence at 11 minutes past, in memory of the fallen of conflicts since the Great War!There were less than 10 shareholders this year to hear a run down of the events of last year that represented a perfect storm for Avingtrans and how its effects were managed. The Chairman as normal rapidly despatched the formal aspects of the meeting before asking CEO Steve McQuillan to give a run down on events since the last AGMIn terms of the Aerospace business the destocking by Rolls Royce last year was in Rolls term quite small bur for those suppliers further down the supply chain its effects were much more dramatic. In the first quarter of the financial year the drop of business was about 50% recovering to 75% in the second quarter before returning largely to normal for the second half of the year. At the same time RMDG had just been acquired knowing that initially it would operate at a loss until rationalisation of current work had been completed in terms of agreeing new rates with customers for ongoing/new business. The transfer of the Derby site into Swadincote (RMDG) had been relatively painless and the site was now profitable - albeit currently in a small sense – from which it is expected to improve but above all no longer operating at a loss. All the major sites are now operating the Epicor system that is showing benefits with more to come through not least financial information on a month by month basis is now available in the first five days of the following month, where previously this was at least 15 days. Also it had allowed a lowering of stock levels on an ongoing basis by £½ m at Farnborough that will reduce working capital requirements. Further savings are expected at the other units as the system beds in properly, the smaller units will be equipped over the next two years incl the operating units in China. The Composites division whilst not yet profitable is losing far less that it has in previous years from acquisition, indeed the stand at the Paris Air Show was popular in terms of interest not least by some of the competitors intrigued by some of the products on display.. The manufacture of engine components in composite represents in general terms a 50% weight saving on its metallic equivalent and on a complete engine a total saving of some 5kg – not much in overall engine weight terms but significant saving on the overall average life of the engine. Interest aside from Rolls is also being seen from other engine manufacturers including SNECMA & Pratt & Whitney. Rolls are happy to pay much the same price for composite parts as they do for the metallic items that given the composite items are cheaper should see significant margins attainable. Further markets for composites outside of aerospace where weight saving is critical, includes the high end of the automotive world and also oil & gas where oil rigs can also be weight critical. R&D in this area has given rise to 3 patent acquisitions to dateThe Energy & Medical division also had a problematic start to the financial year in that having no sooner acquired Maloney Metalcraft the oil price collapsed and the expected future business in that arena disappeared with it. Notwithstanding this the costs of maintaining the unit in its current form was unsustainable so the decision was made to close the manufacturing side of the site and outsource future production.. As I suspected this was planned at the time of acquisition, for some point in the future but events brought this forward by virtue of necessity. In selling the site it was fortuitous that the new owners did not require the office complex that has allowed the engineering design team to remain where they are with little or no disruption so the team, comprising approx 30 staff with cons

FENR dr fuzz 11 Nov 2015

Re: Finals From the presentation of results earlier today they hinted at lower capex going forward with a positive impact on cashflows probably trimming of debt a bit.Agreed they're positive on the medium term though this assumes the O+G end markets recover a bit. It's not clear how much that outlook would be impacted if they don't.Fair value's a tough one. I've bought in recently as I there's a fair chance it's around 230 but i'ts not without risk.

QPP melrosian 11 Nov 2015

Re: Edison Research Mirabile dictu I do not disagree with your last post. However , as you must have noted, my position has been and is that the sale of PSD was unnescessary and it has damaged shareholders wealth. There were alternatives.Mel

MET Gold or Silver 11 Nov 2015

11/ 11/ Update Dear Shareholders,In the past year your Board continued to make considerable progress in recovering shareholdervalue in the company. The board reached settlements with the Company's previous board andauditors that resulted in an aggregate cash payment of €3.5m (£2.925m).In September the board initiated a distribution to shareholders which by year end had resulted in adividend paid of €5.1m and a purchase of the Company’s own equity of €0.7m. Post year end afurther distribution of €0.46m and a purchase of the Company’s own equity of €0.08m.Our focus is now solely on continuing our case against the former advisors to the Companynamely Mr James Kenny, Mr Mart Habakuk, Metro Capital Management AS, Tolmain AdvisoryServices Limited, Mr Paul McGuinness, MG Capital Limited and McGuinness Investments OUand we expect these proceedings to come to trial in early to mid 2016 and the Board remainsconfident in achieving a successful outcome at trial.The Company has currently cash of circa €2m, including restricted cash held with the Isle of ManCourt pursuant to an Order for security for costs or with legal advisors.The Company does not intend to make further property investments and is further seeking tocontain the ongoing costs of operation. The Board will keep shareholders appraised on theoutcome of these proposed resolutions. As the company is no longer a listed entity we will seek inthe near future to make a grey market trading facility available.Ronan ReidChairmanMetro Baltic Horizons Plc26 August 2015