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SAVP Doodlebugger 12 Nov 2015

Re: Margermarket - SAVP -"Cleaner Wanted" Hi FoxRedLooks like Savannah are posting the equivalent of “Cleaner Wanted” in the corner shop. Really! Who is this source – sounds like a desperate bit of PR by the company to hustle along some very reluctant farm in partners. After all they were meant to be farming out around June. At $42 oil and hardly any profit available on Savannah’s figures looks like oil companies are playing “wait and see”. Why farmin to Niger when you can farm in to already discovered oil in Kenya and produce it at half the price of Niger? (admittedly “not sure when”. I think oil will have to hit $50 for some one to farm in. We’ll see. I see they are going ahead with the seismic just yet either, waiting for someone else to fund it I guess.

SOLG Bounce456 12 Nov 2015

With those grades on surface, you could expect the 2 rig could be earmarked for Aguinaga??

SOLG Bounce456 12 Nov 2015

Aguinaga could be a game changer for the project

SOLG Bounce456 12 Nov 2015

Hello RealPiggle, don't be so negative

NXR Hardboy 12 Nov 2015

Value This does not seem to be a particularly seasonal business, so FY EPS may be around double the interim - 23p. Interim dividend has always been half the final dividend. So we can expect a full year dividend of 6.6p.That puts it on a PE of 8.4p & yield of 3.4%.This appears to be a healthy growing business; and I think it's good value at this price.

VAST Bounce456 12 Nov 2015

Hi Vast Investors, can anyone . see this message ? Please say hi back if you can, an testing

NIPT golden ponderer 12 Nov 2015

Plundered! I don't spread money lightly these days due to my ongoing battle with bladder cancer but NIPT has caught my attention these past couple of months. As I am back and forth to hospital regularly I have spoken to various health people about what the NIPT test involves and the prognosis.My view is based on what I have learned and what the future holds for pregnant woman. The normal test which has been around for donkeys years will be dispensed with and this new test will be in action in no less than 2 years, FACT! I have studied ALL the available tests and data relative to Premaitha and concluded that theirs is the most accurate and safest on the market at the moment. The certain health people I have spoken to backed up my conclusions. I have bought reasonably heavily this morning and fully expect to invest more as the sp increases. The writ is definitely what is holding the sp back and the mm's know this and can adjust accordingly. When more contracts come on board, and from what I know there are some in the pipeline, the sp will jump, and when I say jump I mean JUMP! For those of you who are having doubts DYOR, this is a very professional outfit with some of the best minds on board, a very strong buy at these levels and under the radar, but for how much longer?

IOG II Editor 12 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: The Oil Man: Oil Price, Premier, Catch-up "WTI $42.93 -$1.28, Brent $45.81 -$1.63, Diff $2.88 -35c, NG $2.26 -6cAnother weak day for the oil price yesterday as the market digests or waits for the monthly reports from the reporting agencies. The EIA, who were first out of the blocks, ..."[link]

CMS Panofscouse 12 Nov 2015

Re: Excessive reaction to news ? I side with the first bit of your two-part question and have just topped up.

SRES MISOLDB 12 Nov 2015

Re: Bad Luck Your right Sammy......old age certainly has.....going in soon to have some cat's

GBO JakNife 12 Nov 2015

Re: Who owns the subsidiaries? The shares of the subsidiaries are owned either directly or indirectly by Globo plc.

SRES osammyboy 12 Nov 2015

Re: Bad Luck MISOLDB I think old age has claimed your eyesight. There's a wee decimal point in front of the 2

CMS annieoldiron2 12 Nov 2015

Excessive reaction to news ? How would you interpret the news today ? Do you see it as :- " This quarter we will increase profits and next quarter we will increase them even more when contracts in progress deliver"Or do you see it as " Profits are disappointing and in decline" ? Make up your own mind and then decide whether this is a buying opportunity.

CWR Pyatnitsky 12 Nov 2015

Has the oil and gas glut killed fuel cells I've always been an optimist for fuel cells. However if gas pieces follow oil prices and the IEA is right in its forecast, what made sense at $100 a barrel probably doesn't make sense at $50 a barrel. Although the cost of money is low the additional capital cost has to be less than the cost of the fuel saved over the life of the device. So I'm thinking its time to sell. Opinions?

ORE Jitter 12 Nov 2015

Some decent buys over the last week... on the way? J.