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QPP Orchard Gate 12 Nov 2015

Re: Good news on SFO Thanks but I'm sorry to say you're confused. You appear to believe that the SFO decided not to prosecute Olympus because only the company suffered. You're wrong. The SFO wished to prosecute but the Court of Appeal ruled it had failed to establish a crime had been committed under the specific charge it wished to bring, namely a company misleading its auditors.It's a reasonably narrow point of law and to try to extrapolate it to "no company can be prosecuted for fraud" is complete nonsense. You probably need to read the CoA verdict before making statements about the law which you clearly don't properly understand.And when you say "only shareholders in QPP who may have lost out due to fraud" you sort of make my point. When QPP issued shares which had inflated values because of the frauds (alleged) then those who paid for those shares or swapped shares in other companies for those QPP shares did indeed suffer as a result and as you say. But if they lost, who gained? Answer, the company, hence why the SFO will consider whether to recommend charges against the company or not.Simple really.

PSON gamesinvestor 12 Nov 2015

Re: How low will the share price go? Stokeie -- A fiver

QPP pendil 12 Nov 2015

Re: Good news on SFO Orchard GateNo, I think the Olympus case is quite a good parallel with QPP. Your argument that customers or even staff lost money as a result of some dodgy accounting on acquisitions is tenuous and could equally well have been argued in the case of Olympus. The SFO has had the sense not to bother.In reality it is only shareholders in QPP who may have lost out due to fraud - although not all equally, depending on when they purchased. It would be perverse then to fine the company - i.e the shareholders - and it is good to see English law recognises that.Sorry to be the bearer of good news.

PPG HamptonCaught 12 Nov 2015

Planning permission received for a 20MW flexible stand-by power generation site in Crumlin, South Wales.

QPP Orchard Gate 12 Nov 2015

Re: Good news on SFO "I always thought it would be misconceived for the SFO to target the Company, when, if fraud has been committed, the company of shareholders would have been the victim."Wrong, wrong, wrong.First you seem to assume the Olympus case means QPP cannot be prosecuted. Not so. The Olympus case is quite a narrow point of law, namely a Court of Appeal ruling that a company which deceives its auditors has not broken the law (which the individuals involved might).Second the principal for deciding whether a company should be prosecuted is that it should (be considered for prosecution) if the company benefitted from the offence, such as fraud. Others will decide in the case of Quindell but it seems clear that Quindell did benefit for the alleged accounting and other frauds - it reported much higher revenues and profits than should have been the case which allowed it a whole range of benefits, including being able to issue new shares at much higher issue prices, being able to issue shares for corporate acquisitions, paying some staff with share based rewards, arguably being able to attract staff and clients who believed QPP was a company of substance when it was not and so on.The allegation is that the Board knew what was going on and as such QPP was not the victim of fraud it was the perpetrator of fraud.

RTN Nu on the block 12 Nov 2015

Fall in share price Can anyone offer an explanation for the large fall in sp today?

SDY city watcher 12 Nov 2015

No Worries Reckon the two large sells pre noon are delayed posts from 3rd Nov. when Kames Capital reduced their stake to 2.76%.

QPP Orchard Gate 12 Nov 2015

Re: OG eat my shorts "I seem to remember telling OG/Tom that you couldn't take a company to court and was vilified by him. Seems like I was correct and he was wrong"Oh dear, there are some truly ignorant people here. Of course a company can be prosecuted in a criminal case. If you'd care to look up "corporate manslaughter" you'd find a whole branch of English law which applies specifically and ONLY to companies as defendants.Heard of health and safety prosecutions?Do you never read a paper? For example, "The High Court has ordered M.W. Kellogg Ltd (MWKL) to pay more than £7 million, following a Serious Fraud Office (SFO) investigation into bribery by its parent company"Or try the SFO web site whether there is even a handy guide to corporate prosecutions.[link] you really believe that a company cannot be prosecuted then I wonder what other weird beliefs you hold (and whether you're actually too thick for me to waste time educating you).Dear oh dear, try not to make a fool of yourself like this again.

BEZ savenierres 12 Nov 2015

Tax residence One question in my mind is about tax residency and the potential for adverse charges in future.Remember a few years back BEZ transferred its legal base from London to Dublin to benefit from lower corporation tax. It saved an amount equal to 10% of its profits. Its actual operational staff did not relocate it was just a change of brass plate location.I should say that most of BEZ's revenues arise outside the UK so I see no moral/ethical problem with deciding to have these taxed in Ireland rather than in the UK.However the question of corporate tax dodging is a hot topic at the moment and George O is talking about taking measures to tax companies which shift their profits around between tax jurisdictions. I wonder if BEZ might at some point get caught up in that? And if so what impact that might have?Just a thought.....

WIN Tenobas 12 Nov 2015

Re: Half Year Results The detractors have not disappeared.The important developments in the half year were (least important first):1) The haulage business increased its profits by £1m for the half year.2) The actuary agreed to increase the discount rate on the pension liabilities from 3.25% to 3.8% in exchange for the company agreeing to stump up for administration costs in the future.3) The assets of the pension fund fell by £71m.Since the assets are only worth about £900m this was a disastrous result.

GBO Andy Reilly 12 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries Mpg1 - this link offers lots of basic info, which you may find a bit baffling initially, but it is very useful:[link] takes time to get your head around, but it focuses on sentiment rather the notions of the 'funamentals'. If you decide to take it on board, experience will help your understanding, but its important not to be too mechanical about using it - nothing is ever guaranteed unfortunately.I find it always helps to have a basic grasp of the fundamentals, but sentiment drives markets predominantly, so I hope you find the link gets you more intrested.Maybe others have useful alternatives to get you started, if that suits you at the moment. TA has certainly improved my general portfolio performance over the past decade, but its not for some, but ultimatel its a matter of getting it more right than wrong! Best of luck -

XEL riddler24 12 Nov 2015

.APC stock very very tight and undervalued at the Emex in London for the last 2 days.BIG TALK. A look into the future 14th NOV no less [link] To frack or not to frack: investing either way Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead... and if it doesn’t Robin Andrews 14 November 2015 APC Technology Group (7.25p) declare themselves to be a ‘provider of technologies developed to reduce energy consumption’: their time could be now. The group is profitable, although recent acquisitions have not worked well and will impact full-year results. But this seems to be recognised by the market, which only two years ago valued the shares at 65p. Following the appointment of a new managing director this looks like a recovery situation. And in such a confused energy landscape, we all need one of those.....

SXX riddler24 12 Nov 2015

APC stock very very tight and undervalued at the Emex in London for the last 2 days.BIG TALK. A look into the future 14th NOV no less [link] To frack or not to frack: investing either way Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead... and if it doesn’t Robin Andrews 14 November 2015 APC Technology Group (7.25p) declare themselves to be a ‘provider of technologies developed to reduce energy consumption’: their time could be now. The group is profitable, although recent acquisitions have not worked well and will impact full-year results. But this seems to be recognised by the market, which only two years ago valued the shares at 65p. Following the appointment of a new managing director this looks like a recovery situation. And in such a confused energy landscape, we all need one of those.....

FOGL riddler24 12 Nov 2015

APC stock very very tight and undervalued at the Emex in London for the last 2 days.BIG TALK. A look into the future 14th NOV no less [link] To frack or not to frack: investing either way Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead... and if it doesn’t Robin Andrews 14 November 2015 APC Technology Group (7.25p) declare themselves to be a ‘provider of technologies developed to reduce energy consumption’: their time could be now. The group is profitable, although recent acquisitions have not worked well and will impact full-year results. But this seems to be recognised by the market, which only two years ago valued the shares at 65p. Following the appointment of a new managing director this looks like a recovery situation. And in such a confused energy landscape, we all need one of those....

QPP riddler24 12 Nov 2015

APC stock very very tight and undervalued at the Emex in London for the last 2 days.BIG TALK. A look into the future 14th NOV no less [link] To frack or not to frack: investing either way Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead... and if it doesn’t Robin Andrews 14 November 2015 APC Technology Group (7.25p) declare themselves to be a ‘provider of technologies developed to reduce energy consumption’: their time could be now. The group is profitable, although recent acquisitions have not worked well and will impact full-year results. But this seems to be recognised by the market, which only two years ago valued the shares at 65p. Following the appointment of a new managing director this looks like a recovery situation. And in such a confused energy landscape, we all need one of those...