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ALPH limited edition 13 Nov 2015


WIND thirty fifty twenty 13 Nov 2015

at 53p - could bid be > 60p? to me I think there is a great opportunity here.....the renewable on shore wind market is shot to pieces,WIND needs financing to develop its assets and has found it very difficult to get access to finance,so it needs either deep pockets or a deep discounted rights me this means that the alternative non acceptance of the bid offer is not NED will be forced to the negotiating table.the current mgt team will buy some of the assets that are being is that the mgt of wind farm assets that is currently within WIND,or is it the BIO + Solar that new co not interested in.Regardless it seems that NewCo prepared to offer (in effect 60p),and the mgt team get something out of it i.e. subsidiaries.I cant see any reason why NewCo would not go ahead with bid,I think it very likely that mgt team want it to go ahead,the alternative is not very attractive - i.e. a small PLC on AIM trying to raise £30m for no attractive assets. Recent transactions have been with Blackrock so why sell some of the assets to Blackrock and 'struggle' on - means much more sense just to sell the lot.So problem might be that NED think the bid should be at 70p or more...that is fair enough, maybe it is worth more,but the reality is that they don't have an alternative,the business needs HUGE development money which it will very hard or expensive to get,so they just have to negotiate - it is the business option regardless of emotion or the 'cheapness' of the offer.So who is the bidder?Well it would seem Blackrock is the obvious candidate....They know the company well,the relationship is good (NewCo is selling part of what it buys to the mgt team)and they want income producing assets,they have scale.If it is not Blackrock then surely Blackrock will be at the negotiating table by now to try and provide a higher offer. if they are not at the negotiating table then what does that say - jump to take a 60p offer I'd say!!interestingly today's announcement does not re-confirm the 60p offer me that seems cannot be lower I think of it would need to be mentioned,but it may be the scenario to me...Blackrock agree a deal with CEO,CEO needs to sell it to NED'sNED said what - 60p!!! when our NAV is 72p+CEO goes abck to Blackrock and says they will accept 64p.= Blackrock happy= CEO happy (getting some subsidary companies)=NED's look clever as they pushed bid up from 60p to 64pSo why can one buy shares in the market....??Well why can one buy GKO at 93p when they is 98p to come within 3 months,Why can you buy LXB at 92p after a trading update that effectively confirms NAV of 120p+ and CASH distribution of 40p due within 3 months,Why can you buy PSPI at 40p when NAV is 56p and company is successfully winding up?Why can you buy LEAF at 36p when NAV is 60p and CRS state that expect CASH distribution 'signifcantly' in excess of current share price within c.3-6 months?of course they are risks with all of these situations,but to me the reward outweighs the risk and demonstrates the nervousness of the market,a portfolio of these opportunities would seem attractive in today's volatile amrkets.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLGKO, LEAF, LXB, PSPI, WIND are in my portfolio

DX TX2 13 Nov 2015

Re: In at 36p Perhaps but previously DX made most of its profit from its high margin captive market document exchange business(items exchanged between solicitors etc) but this is in fast decline.The parcels business is a bear garden & DX is not a major player,it needs to invest heavily even to stand still.

CHL onlooker 13 Nov 2015

I think ROI pllayed their last card in trying to prolong the case hoping we would run out of money. I believe that at some point both sides will be ale to work out who has won this round and should it be us I would not be surprised it urgent talks were reopened as ROI could want to settle with a save face slogan before result is announced. If reult IS announced in our favour talks will surely resume !

BA II Editor 13 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: BAE Systems chart at crunch point " Given the royal stuffing experienced by LSE:RR.:Rolls-Royce, we're probably not the only folk casting a wary eye against LSE:BA.:BAE SYSTEMS in case they've some explosive action planned. From our perspective, the share is already ..."[link]

NOP MR NIEVE 13 Nov 2015

Raising £1.2 Million, Must be running short of cash for Xmas party and bonuses,for 2015,plus salary increases for 2016.Very forward looking these NOP BODs.

IVE osammyboy 13 Nov 2015

Re: round and round............. I am considering signing up too but I just don't feel so sure about risking another £1000.. I would like to hear from anybody who attended the AGM

DX bartonscooter 13 Nov 2015

In at 36p Bargain. has to be a strong buy with this overreaction.

BIOG Kingel 13 Nov 2015

Politicians wonÂ’t stop biotech boom A wave of blockbuster, life-saving drugs and bids will revive battered biotech stocks, says manager of Worldwide Healthcare trust.A wave of blockbuster, life-saving drugs and takeover bids will revive healthcare and biotech stocks and protect them from attack over high drug prices, says Sven Borho of Orbimed Advisors, a leading investor in the sector.Shares in drugs companies tumbled following a pledge to tackle pharmaceutical ‘price gouging’ made by Hilary Clinton, the former US foreign secretary seeking to lead the Democrat party in next year’s presidential election.US biotech shares plunged 20% and healthcare stocks by 10% in an eight-day period in September when the media furore over drug price hikes was at its height.Although share prices have since recovered some ground, concerns over the commercial practices of Valeant Pharmaceuticals have ensured the debate over healthcare costs has remained high up the US political agenda.Fact and fictionBorho, co-manager of the Worldwide Healthcare (WWH + ) investment trust, questioned if the issue had got too much attention. Speaking to investors in London yesterday Borho pointed to figures from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that showed US spending on most prescription drugs rose by 2.7% a year on average in 2007-13, he asked: ‘Is 2.7% growth a massive problem?’While CMS forecasts showed prescription drug expenditure rising ahead of overall healthcare spending and growth in the US economy by 2023, the difference was small: 5.9% versus 5.7% growth in spending and 4.6% in GDP.‘What’s the reality? Are healthcare costs spiralling out of control?’ Borho asked.No changeHe also questioned whether Clinton – or her left-wing rival Bernie Saunders – could succeed in regulating drug prices. Clinton had tried and failed at reform in 1994 when her husband Bill was president and the Democrats had control over both parts of Congress, he said.In 2010, despite having Democrat majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, president Obama had not pushed through price restrictions as part of his health care reforms.Borho said even if Clinton became president, she would probably face a Republican House and a divided Senate. A split Congress would not enact anything he said.‘The chances that everything will change if Hilary Clinton is elected are extremely remote,’ he said. New drugsNew York-based Orbimed is the world’s biggest specialist investor in healthcare with $15 billion under management. In the UK it is best known for the Worldwide Healthcare fund, which Borho runs with Sam Isaly, the firm’s managing partner, and the Biotechnology Growth (BIOG + ) investment trust, run by Geoff Hsu and Richard Klemm.Central to Orbimed’s confidence in healthcare prospects is what its team sees is the continuing trend for scientific innovation, drug development and corporate activity with companies with valuable assets bought by larger rivals.Although the drugs industry will remain vulnerable to criticism of over charging, ultimately the fund managers believe drugs companies will be able to levy high prices for successful treatments.Life saversOrbimed remains excited by developments in immuno-oncology where a new generation of drugs teaches the body to fight the cells responsible for a wide range of cancers.Borho gave the example of Opdivo, a treatment for advanced melanoma, or skin cancer, developed by Bristol-Myers Squibb of the US and Ono Pharmaceuticals of Japan.Approved for sale in the past year in Japan and the US, Opdivo was fast-tracked in the UK this summer for use against lung cancer. It was evident in Bristol-Myers’ recent third quarter results, helping the world’s 15th biggest drugs company by revenue beat analysts’ earnings forecasts.That’s because Opdivo is expensive. According to the company, the first year of treatment using the drug in combination with others is around $256,0

ODX mnbvvvvvvvvvvvcxz 13 Nov 2015

Research report issued 12th Nov Allersys: Good initial customer evaluationThe Allersys range runs on the Immunodiagnostic Systems (IDS) iSYS systemusing modern chemistry and magnetic particles. The challenge is to adjust theaccurate iSYS chemistry to be comparable with the older ImmunoCap chemistry.An initial customer evaluation in Spain on 10 allergens with 400 samples showed alinear relationship with ImmunoCap. An Italian study is expected to start soon.There are now 36 optimised allergens with 26 fully verified; 40 are being targetedfor launch. IDS’s partners have developed autoimmune tests that run on iSYS andcomplement allergy tests. We assume sales starting in FY17.

SPA ruby t 13 Nov 2015

Holding Anyone else still holding as i am.

DFS kneedthedough 13 Nov 2015

Re: 3.4% UP against the tide And .....down again

PHD Carefully Does It 13 Nov 2015

Re: Acquisition Also likely to find the cheaper acquisitions are hard to find now.Hence there is a chacne they will need to raise more capital somehow.At the same time I expect PHD are attracting some attention & could become a target themselves.

PHD Carefully Does It 13 Nov 2015

Re: Acquisition CEO stated so in last set of results. Bolt-on due to add to the stable.He expected to update the market."M&A will remain a fundamental part of the Group's growth strategy over the coming year and I look forward to further substantial activity in this area."

UBI Carefully Does It 13 Nov 2015

Re: market opinion Ouch - obvious confidence in the management is lacking.Market not happy.What a shame.