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CAZA indolent 13 Nov 2015

Re: Frack me! - don't shot Delboy,I put your tips in to a portfolio page on some tracker software to help test if I was being over cynical about small cap oilies. Notwithstanding no one could have predicted anything like the extent of the move in oil obviously I was not being overly cynical. A blast from the past from you:"I have 25K invested in here and have an average shareprice of 21p. Am I concerned about progress, debts etc? No"and"I will be investing more as the new Tax year arrives come Monday. For reference KEA, CAZA, XEL and HUR will be invested inAverage prices - 11p, 21p, 165p and 0p - Am I concerned? No"The high price of arrogance assuming you're a genuine investor.

PDL Andy Reilly 13 Nov 2015

Re: Disclosures wl - well the best buy quote I just got was 55.65p, so it strikes me an insti is unwinding, and therefore no rush to get in and add bwcause it 'seems' cheap. I will wait for next week to see how markets and PDL go.I seem to remember you were reasonably bullish on a particular goldie (cant recall its name) and sentiment took the SP way below anyones worst fears, so it could well happen to PDL, as though the fall to date isnt horrendous enough!!Have a good weekend -

SAB norham7 13 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done Looking st the charts can't see anywhere it was ever 4077 this week maybe I'm mistaken

PDL weblogic 13 Nov 2015

Re: Disclosures Part of the equation is about diamond prices, and how soft the current market is... and the extent to which it is over supplied just nowGiven that diamonds are a fairly scarce commodity, I`d have thought at some stage the demand/supply factors should even out...If they can boost the output of quality gems, that would help, but currently, I believe they are working some lower grade resources.Maybe someone has a better grasp of the mining and exploration programme going forward.There is also a debt issue to address, but given they are just about to pay out a maiden divi, that should not be too would thinkCertainly Quester always seems to rate Petra in its reports....and broker notes all look fairly positive...

SAB norham7 13 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done So u risked 2mil for 75k wow I'm in awe

CWC EnuffSaid 13 Nov 2015

Re: Expectations No it's not. That was last year's date.

UBI starastar77 13 Nov 2015

MC of £17m at bid price of 47p This now has a market cap of £17m (at a bid price of 47p). That is relatively low for a quality technology despite the obvious recent disappointments.

CRND rRomeo29 13 Nov 2015

Re: Impressing Nice see of blue today.Share price probably adapting to the 3% plus in JoBurg:[link] sure to adjuts your trailing buys waiting at the buy-trigger lines...

HAWK no1scarlet 13 Nov 2015

Re: Is Rick really the right oil man for HAW... CBI aint defending Rick,,,joined at the wrong time possibly!! Poo was falling.He acted immediately by getting rid of Head Geologist, I think Rick could be flapping a bit now.OrWill we possibly have some good news next week re Monarch & C Butte.I also hold my breath with regards N Star, although they suggest that the drill was started on 11/11/15, on Cogcc it was started weeks ago..... was the delay elsewhere, or are we missing something!!!!

MMX buzzard stubble 13 Nov 2015

Re: . London update .. ihe domains Stats Spin? .London Renewal At 75.4% For Sunrise, Landrush & 1st Day DomainsNOVEMBER 13, 2015 BY MICHAEL BERKENS 1 COMMENT7a04f559ff116ef2f9008e6e846706e928a128bcThe .London registry along with Minds + Machines (LSE:MMX)) announced today that the renewal rates for .London domain names “exceeded expectations by reaching 75.4%.”However that “renewal rate is for a total of 38,389 names applied for during the Dot London combined Sunrise and Landrush period as well as the first day of General Availability, registered between August 19th and September 9th 2014.”All domain renewals have passed their grace periods.”Domain names acquired in Sunrise are by trademark holders. In Landrush people paid an extra fee to get early access to domain names prior to them becoming available on a first come, first served basis known as General Availability .Renewal rates for domains registered in Sunrise, in Landrush and on the first day of General Availability tend to have a higher renewal rate than domains registered after as they are of a high quality.In the same press release Dot London says:“There are over 70,000 registered domain names”‘However according to which takes into account all expired domain names, there are just over 60,000 .London domain names, meaning that the real renewal rate for .London is quite lower than the announced 75.4% is also showing almost 9,200 .London domain names in the upcoming delete cycle as well making the announcement of a “renewal rate” premature. Most registries like Verisign for .Com announce their renewal rate for all domain names registered that wind up getting deleted..Com traditional renewal rates are around 73% but that is for a full cycle, looks like .London is about to lose another 9K+ domain names that were registered after Sunrise, Landrush and the 1st day of GA.[link]

PDL taffytiddler 13 Nov 2015

Disclosures With such high volumes of late and a tanking price, I'm puzzled at the lack of disclosures IF it has been the big boys been selling off past days? Perhaps the last flush of beaten up pi's?Mid November, faint sound of jingle jingle, Santa rally rebound soon? Who knows. I've had a nibble too 57.3p.TT

WRN gordonmurr 13 Nov 2015

Why not ask for a 28 YEARS EXTENSION ? I say again! Why not ask for a 28 YEARS EXTENSION ?(The strong sell is me being sarcastic)

CWC EnuffSaid 13 Nov 2015

Re: Expectations Ex div 20th November.

AFRI akaDolly 13 Nov 2015

hope its for PLC[link]

MMX buzzard stubble 13 Nov 2015

Re: . London update .. domainwire Renewal rates for new TLDs so farBY ANDREW ALLEMANN — NOVEMBER 13, 2015Renewal rates seem to be in line with previous TLD launches.Dot London revealed its initial renewal rates today, reporting that 75.4% of the domain names registered during sunrise, landrush and day one of general availability were renewed.That means just shy of 29,000 of the 38,389 registrations were renewed.Renewal rates for domain names registered during sunrise and landrush are generally higher than other registrations. The same can usually be said for domain names registered on the first day of general availability.Last week Rightside revealed overall renewal rates of 67% so far across its portfolio of TLDs. It expects full year renewal rates to be between 50% and 67%.Donuts, which offers more TLDs than any other registry by far, stopped reported renewal rates after initial numbers came in between 55% and 72%. The company had predicted renewal rates of 80%, and it seems that actual results came in well below that.Based on other third party calculations I’ve seen, I believe most TLDs are seeing renewal rates between 50% and 70% over time.New TLD registries will point out that first year renewal rates for .com are about 50%.I suspect renewal rates range dramatically based on TLD affinity, pricing and promotional deals.[link]