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BP mog 13 Nov 2015

RE RAFT, Immigrants wherever they end up, are looking for a better more lucrative life, ie the US and Israel, in fact any state. some , have left a good life behind because of extreme threatening behavior. a good example the Ugandan Asians, all or most have moved on successfully.

SAB 3Dimensional 13 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done i think you'll find we are in the presence of greatness here norham---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---Is vailete your boyfriend norham? Who's the giver and who,s the taker? Ah, I know, vailete is the taker as he aint got ney 8alls 3D (gonna take a mint off the bookies soon)

SAB 3Dimensional 13 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done So u risked 2mil for 75k wow I'm in awe ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- That's why you don't wear shape showing trunks, cos you got no 8alls m8 Do I detect a hint of jealousy, or do you work for the spread bet company I relieved of 75k

EDR forwardloop 13 Nov 2015

info [link]

LEAF tiltonboy 13 Nov 2015

Re: Conference Call e-mail me, and I will give you a summary.

RTN BILLFISH 13 Nov 2015

Re: fall in share price Hi Guys, The SP is down because basically the trading statement is pants.While taking the figures in isolation make them seem OK, when you place them in context with the other two sets of results announced this year the picture looks a bit different. The Full Year to 28th Dec 2014 were announced on 27th Feb and accompanying those results the current trading was described as " Strong start to the new financial year with total sales up 9.5% and like-for-like sales up 2.5% for the 8 weeks to 22 February 2015"When the half year results were announced on 28th Aug the half year figures to end June included the following"- Total revenue increased 8% to £334m (2014: £308m)- Like-for-like sales increased by 2.5%"Current trading was described thus "Year to date like-for-like sales for the 34 weeks to 23 August 2015 up 2%"For the first 26 weeks to show 2.5% LFL growth and for this to turn 8 weeks later into merely 2% growth implies next to no growth at all in those 8 weeks.To then report week 45 figures as"total sales are 8% ahead of the comparable period in 2014 and like-for-like sales are 2% ahead"implies some recovery from the July/Aug position but the year is not going to end as well as the first 8 weeks would have led us to believe we were going to do.The bottom line is going to look better though as the half years figures show that what growth there is in the top line is translating better down the accounts as the operating profits rose by 10bps and PTP is +10% from a top line growth of +8%, probably due to the food price deflation the supermarkets keep banging on about, as that is a big cost input for RTN.This is a one off effect only and will not be repeated next year.As far as Gideon's gamble on raising inflation by artificially stoking wages, we will have to see. There are some pretty horrific examples of that backfiring to date and I would cite the example of Edinburgh Council, where, after they were elected two years ago boldly announced that they were setting an example by paying their staff the living wage rather than the minimum wage. This month however , tails between their legs, they have announced 1,200 of their own staff have to pay for their hubris by losing their jobs.RTN will benefit from those who retain their jobs when the living wage comes in, but will lose out from those that do not. I suspect that it will be the bigger companies who have the pricing power to pass on the increase who benefit while the smaller ones who will have to lay staff off to find the money who will lose out.Still Gideon seems to follow a "suck it and see" approach to economics, in the vain hope he will learn enough about the subject to present himself as a credible successor to Dave when he decides the time is right to go.He was forced to back track by the North Sea oil industry when they sat him down with an economics 101 primer. He is in the process of being re-educated by the House of Lords on the issue of working tax credits and apparently the dichotomy of graduates leaving university with a 30k overdraft with the average house prices at 8 times the average wage which is only sustainable with almost zero interest rates is completely lost on him. It is difficult to see how he will engineer the somersault that will be required to correct this mess if and when the effects manifest themselves with unexpected consequences.Perhaps he will grow the backbone that is required to go after those who artificially deflate their profits to avoid corporation tax rather than include honest businesses in his effort to reclaim that lost resource via PAYE on employees.If the knock on effects of the increase in wage bills is to raise inflation and hence interest rates then the reduction in RTNs top line growth could quite easily accelerate.The question could quite easily become "is it fair for a business like RTN to be disadvantaged to subsidise the tax do

UBI Carefully Does It 13 Nov 2015

0.3% of share total traded, down 16.5% 13/11, 0.3% of equity traded and 16.5% fall.Interesting to see where any botton lies.

ZOX Cadenza 13 Nov 2015

Re: maintenance shut down dates are you on linked in as I would like to send you a private message?

SAB valeite 13 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done i think you'll find we are in the presence of greatness here norham

DX Orchard Gate 13 Nov 2015

Re: In at 36p A ____ and his money soon go separate ways (but not usually as quickly as down nearly 40% in a matter of hours. Sorry but this is a bargepole share.

DX Orchard Gate 13 Nov 2015

Another one bites the dust The curse of OG strikes again. Just 13 months ago I suggested this was one to avoid/sell. Now down 78% from the price then. Ouch!

AFR ldlv 13 Nov 2015

OPL 310 OGO, Afren From Lekoil recently: "Corporate Update Update on OPL 310 discussions Lekoil continues to be in advanced discussions with the administrator of Afren regarding the potential acquisition of its subsidiary which holds a 22.86 per cent. participating interest and 40 per cent. economic interest in OPL 310 (the “Proposed Acquisition”. Should the Proposed Acquisition be successfully concluded, the Company intends to meet the considerations from its existing financial resources and from the proceeds of the Placing"Senator and relationship Lekoil: [link] and Blackstone relationship , read the following link please, from 2014:[link] we having a potential conflict of interest again? Blackstone selling assets to Blackstone potentially?

UBI Carefully Does It 13 Nov 2015

Re: MC of £17m at bid price of 47p Rodney, it has problems, but might you be a contrary indicator?I mean, buying on the back of a Daily Mail tip?It will be at p/s <1 with Geo Spatial being a big future market given the move to autonomus robots in the built industrial environment.At last they are forced to address the cost baee and the big holders haven't dumped it yet. Price fall has not been on high value of sales relatively speaking.The leadership has obviously been lacking commercial quality, and probably more in love with their own technical cleverness than they should be, but reality bites and change for the better happens.It's nearing buy time in my book.Forget the Daily Mail, it's for aged Sun readers.They must tackle debt however.

LEAF thirty fifty twenty 13 Nov 2015

Re: Conference Call hi tbthat's very interesting. can you post a summary please?thanks 205030

CWC hanoiboy 13 Nov 2015

Re: xdivi date There is no indication in any press release what will happen to a CWC divi if there is a takeover. It depends on whether the offer (if it materializes and goes through) is cash or cash + shares. I would prefer a cash offer. If the latter, I don't really want shares listed in the US because of the Witholding Tax on divis and getting involved with W8-BEN.