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QPP SugaToyBoyDaddy 14 Nov 2015

Re: Return of capital Just to add,my first impression I got from here say,was that we were getting a win fall payback for the losses of the last consolidation or shares in the company profits,that was a while ago, but when I finally got round to browsing through the booklet, I saw the bombshell, which completely messes that up, another consolidation.I suspect many people may have been lead to believe they would be quids in.All that glisson's isn't gold!

SAB 3Dimensional 14 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done Struth norham, are yee blind as well as stooopid? The stock reached a high of 4090 numb nutts, so I guess you can say the great one aka 3D sold at the top, for that day at least.Stop turning green and buy at levels and forget them till next year, I pinky promise you will make money 3D

SAB 3Dimensional 14 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done thanks for the bluey valeity, fancy a beer sweety?3D

UBI Carefully Does It 14 Nov 2015

Re: 0.3% of share total traded, down 16.... The world of manufacturing will need this level of Geo Spatial accuracy and the s/w.It is good product with demand but perhaps the constant BS about UBI set to rockest (Sept 2014) and 'the next $Bn Cambrudge company' has mislead a few and is indicative of management meglomania.Good management squashes such talk and just gets on with delivering.These haven't delivered and appear less market segment divers/spread than they should be to offer steady performance. Too much concentration.Cut the BS and aim to clear debt and stabilise the ship.

QPP SugaToyBoyDaddy 14 Nov 2015

Re: Return of capital According to the booklet wording it states (The effect of the proposed reduction of capital and return of capital will be that for every fully paid ordinary share held at the recorded date, a shareholder will receive 90 pence in cash, as written on page 4 paragraph 2.Page 3 states that the recorded date is the 17th of December and that the Consolidation recorded date is the 18th of December.This tells us that we will receive 90p for every shares we have before the shares get consolidated to a smaller amount of holdings.If this is correct you can re-invest in more shares after the consolidation without too much of a lose.If on the other hand our shares get consolidated first, then we get 90p per share paid to us using the new amount of share holdings, then we will be well and truly robbed.For example if you held shares before the last consolidation and where left with say 105 shares you will receive 90p for 105 shares then lose 5 shares in the new consolidation and be left with 10 new shares.but if in they same scenario if they consolidate first you will get 90p for 10 shares only , making a difference of £94.50p compared with £9.00.It also states at the bottom of page 3 that (these dates are estimates only). does this mean they can change the dates orders and consolidate before they work out the capital returns?Because if it works out that way then everyone would be better off selling all their shares before any of this takes place. IMO

QPP KarlMar5 14 Nov 2015

Return of capital The AGM announcement would appear to suggest that whatever we will gain in a return of capital (90p) will be lost in the share consolidation (10:1 ratio). We will also lose out when it is decided to pay the remainder of the return of capital because shareholders will have less shares because of the 10:1 share reduction.Everytime I think i'm going to see a return on my investment something is introduced to water it down!If I ever get straight with my investments in AIM companies I am taking it out and putting it into bricks and mortar.GLARegards KM

UBI starastar77 14 Nov 2015

Re: 0.3% of share total traded, down 16.5% Yeah, I suppose that's what I'm getting at. I'm not fussed about Net Worth - as pointed out, that's intangibles. But the company has recurring revenues (£4m+ at last interims?) and is embedded in a lot of factories around the world. They aren't going to stop using it. And the indirect route to market is the most cost-effective approach, taking advantage of other people's sales teams.But I guess sentiment is clearly at rock bottom as the market has been led a merry dance over the last years. If investors don't understand it or would rather trade social media stocks then I guess that's the world we live in!

SAB norham7 14 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done 3d the only ba lls you showed was to tell a porky of such proportions. Did you miss my question when was this share at 4077. As for being jealous and gay..... your your predictions in these respects are about as good as your predictions on GKP wrong and wronger

GSR Oracle24 14 Nov 2015

I compliment all those liking-suffering shareholders who are still keeping the faith. Yes the proverbial rabbit nah be found and the legendary charm of Hkmsrlf nay just do it (though the indications from TVs cried funding initiative of desperation died nog mean the progressional perveyor of manure HAC run of of pooh just that he's run out of folk prepared to be taken in, again! Don't kid yourselves this is a vehicle for someone else's well being not yours!

MTR scotchoverice 14 Nov 2015

Sadly, it is only a matter of time until this scene is repeated in London and other cities around the world

SPT UAE Sunshine 14 Nov 2015

interesting RNS Private Equity outfit taking 5% interest. After trading update fall last week price seems to have stabilised. I missed the 110p peak early last year and have reinvested dividends since for average 95p. Still feel got to be a good investment in longer term as Ethernet rules the world. Legacy stuff being run down and not many tech stocks pay 3% divi so happy to wait. Silicon valley connection makes takeover more likely.Dyor

TPL 3Dimensional 13 Nov 2015

Lucky escape from Nostrum their share price hit a 52 week low today.....366p, what was our shares converted at 501p!!!That would have been a proper shaft, down before we even started.3D

SAB valeite 13 Nov 2015

Re: Job Done you've got no class 3D .......using homosexuality to insult people tut tut

TPL 3Dimensional 13 Nov 2015

Excellent Q3 Results [link] I was a bit harsh on the management, after all even the best O&G E&Ps are struggling, I blame GS, as they have the biggest oil trading desk in the world, unfortunately GS do actually run the world of equities and commodities.March 2016 19p3D

BP mog 13 Nov 2015

But now I will agree totally different. .