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AML adriano 17 Nov 2015

Re: Advice Please Thank you for such a speedy and helpful response.Adriano

AFRI akaDolly 17 Nov 2015

Bottled Water I see a bit of a chat going over on LSE about bottled waterKenny was speccing that Fastjet might want a couple or so million bottlesBet Emirates might want a few more, see it on the front cover of the Afriag mag as mentioned on Lenigas tweetsAlso I noted Emirates are to be the carrier of choice for Obtala, not that we necessarily have any input in there but it still means a busy time for EmiratesI would have thought if Cuba are going fast forward into the tourist/hotel etc industry, that will mean a gazillion millions of bottles of water. I dont think it matters if the water is good anywhere, does it? People will still want the bottled water when they are on holiday so the hotels and resorts will need plenty of itTrouble is, it just wont be any time this monthSee also, to get it out of the way, that Mr Txm Wxnnxfrxth has a lot to say about DL stocksSuppose it all makes for all round look, but have to say this time it is a bit wishy washy blog on this one. Wonder if he was asked nicely to bring the sp down. Not much of an effort there really TomGive us some real insight on Afriag if you want to write something. Things cant be so bad if thats all TW can give us. Still, once again, its all publicityGot to say it, those tweets of DL., blimey, that chap with his barrow load at the airport, that was so funny. DL was having a larf I suppose. International logistics eat your heart out

AMFW the old trout 17 Nov 2015

On the turn? Looks like the reversal is beginning here, with a yield of over 6% available on the next two divi payments. Just checked out the latest broker targets on Hargreaves Lansdowne and only one of the nine has a target below the current price, so I've just dipped a toe in here. There will be a lot of shorts which will need to close as the reversal gather momentum, so the initial upside could be quite rapid imhoGLA,T

JQW woodee 17 Nov 2015

Re: SCAM SCAM SCAM Hi Sir Singh I think your strap-line is a bit dramatic but it could just push the volume over 500,000!!!! Do you have insider knowledge or are you just trying to scare a few more people into selling?

JQW woodee 17 Nov 2015

Pathetic volume.. less than 400,000 @ 3.5!! would think everyone was dumping all their shares.

JQW Sir Singh 17 Nov 2015

SCAM SCAM SCAM It's abit late for some now. Watch this get delisted.

JQW woodee 17 Nov 2015

Re: Website activity Excellent news Sienna1. It does seem to be fully operational. Before the end of this week, is my guess. I hope all the long term holders get rewarded. Even with turnover halved it is till worth 10p. Lets see.

AML whilstev 17 Nov 2015

Re: Advice Please No there will be no more dividends. The takeover will complete sometime in the first quarter next year.

CWC dokp 17 Nov 2015

Re: Cable & Wireless snapped up by Liber... It's an all paper offer + 3p with a choice of what mix of Liberty shares you want -voting A shares, non voting C shares or LiLAC shares. For some reason, which I don't yet understand, 2 major shareholders want 2 different mixes of shares to the recommended offer so you also have the option of following them. The exact number of shares will depend on an exchange rate calculation which they have not disclosed but will later - can anybody throw light on this? I can't work out whether there is a fixed $/£ price/share or what.

PDL Shotry 17 Nov 2015

Re: Disclosures chart is still not suggesting a rush to enter. Also, there appears to be a little gap at around 44p. Worth being aware of I'd say.

SPL Carefully Does It 17 Nov 2015

Re: Something strange with SP Forget it. It's heading up once these shenanigans are over.

ALY II Editor 17 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Stockwatch: Asian growth and 7% yield " Can home furnishings retailer LSE:ALY:Laura Ashley resume a growth trend, and how reliable is its knockout yield? The five-year chart shows little revenue/profit advance with pre-tax profit at a plateau near £23 million.However, returning 80% ..."[link]

AML adriano 17 Nov 2015

Advice Please Do forgive me, but I cannot immediately find this out for myself and thought someone on this BB would know.Is it likely that there will be a dividend payment in May 2016 for this stock ? I'm holding on to my shares just in case....

SMIN EssentialInvestor 17 Nov 2015

Re: : TJ I was tempted to add yesterday LK, usually happy going against consensus asthat is often where value is to be found, however have to admit that looking atthe recent SP I was just not brave enough to click buy.

SHI oldjoe1 17 Nov 2015

SHI, Director Buys at SIG........ Directors Buying shares in SHI SIG PLC. Helping to move the SP up.