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CAZA DelBoyTrading 17 Nov 2015

Re: Frack me! - don't shot Indolent,Care to enlighten me what I am indenial about exactly? The fact that I am always optimistic about stuff? Perhaps I should stare down a barrel of a gun, like you seem to do on a daily basis even when things are going good....Anyway, you know absolutely nothing about me, but the one thing you do need to know is that I dont lie and i'm sure my mental agility far exceeds yours on a daily basis, however I hope you do finally grow a set and invest some of your money (if you have any) into the stockmarket and quit sounding so miserable

CWC idontwanttolose 17 Nov 2015

Re: complex offer Mine went this morning just after the market opened at 79.5I have BG.and Rex That is enough stocks for me to have under offer and look what happened to RSA which i also hold!!

SMIN gamesinvestor 17 Nov 2015

Questor and Smiths Pension ""Questor got it wrong by recommending buying Smiths in March when the shares were at £12.06, but still believes there is value to be had here. Buy. """Nice of them to admit they got it wrong, not sure Gary White, the guy who's left to mess up Charles Stanley's forecasting, would have been so humble.On the Pension, the scary bit about it is the sheer scale of it. Irrespective of the fact that it has reduced the deficit, the fact it has been pumping multiple 10's of millions into the scheme regularly seems to illustrate what looks like an inescapable problem.If the pension scheme size (and yes it's balanced by assets and liabilities) is in the billions and yet your company generates a few hundred millions in pre-tax profits, you are always exposed to even relatively modest % movements in the value of the scheme to impact your annual profits (very difficult or nigh on impossible to forecast).Perappps I'm missing summat ere, but unless it can get rid of this liability or it can find away of increasing it's business 10 fold by some magic (unlikely), you are always going to be at the mercy of the investment conditions of the pension dwarfing the business.Games

SEC sage in the hills 17 Nov 2015

Issue,+ strong uptake ,+price rise and NAV rise, ...... looks as if this could be a strong value buy turning point,and hence the next upward lift.SAGE

CAZA indolent 17 Nov 2015

Re: Frack me! - don't shot Delboy in Denial,If you had the mental agility to match your arrogance you would recall that it was you who picked at my posts. I've noticed the same tendency with you over on XEL which 3i BB I look at from occasionally out of curiosity. To real investors or traders I hope you get a break with Caza ultimately.

JRIC pearlsasinger 17 Nov 2015

Re: Takeover offer at 72p Several large trades today above 72p. Am I correct in thinking that the Bidder is prohibitedby the Takeover Code from paying more thanits Offer price??

SMIN gamesinvestor 17 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Ess - on IBM, I made some profit some time back and got out at close to $200. What I'm more relieved by is that I did just that and got out and avoided a 33% loss.IBM is currently Buffet's second Tesco.On Smiths, I posted these posers below some time back and to be honest I'm not sure anything has changed apart from having a new broom to sweep up what the last guy didn't do. The announcements today, whilst positive in nature have F all to do with the underlying business and if Medical is the jewel in the crown, why has it's business fallen over the last 5 years? :---------- ---------- ---------- --- posted some time back ------>Of the 5 business units, non have real revenue growth in the last 5 years except Flextek and John Crane.Of the units that have a margin edge, John Crane has been high at almost 25% but this is heavily exposed to the oily and gas industries so you can expect 5 years of pain in this division - quick assumption.Medical is also close to 25% but the revenue has declined over the last 5 years -- is this because they don't know how to sell it or is it a competition problem?Detection - smaller business with tiny margins of 4.8% and the revenue has declined over the last 5 yearsInterconnect looks good, with 16% margins and the business is growing, but it's a smaller element in Smiths.and Flextek is the smallest division but turns in good results.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --Maybe I'm missing something here and this has some unique hidden value, I just wish it would come out from behind the cupboard and show itself.Games

CHOC smilingmickey1 17 Nov 2015

Re: anybody know reason for drop LKH,I'm sure there is some skullduggery going on. But why complain if a small proportion of the Amazon rainforest is converted to Cacao production (which is still a plant and absorbs CO2) and provides much needed employment for poor people? However since there appears to be an ongoing court case, only one for the brave.I've exited but continue to follow.

UBI Carefully Does It 17 Nov 2015

Disgruntled Someone is seriously miffed.Wake up UBI.Quickly.What a mess with management looking very silly indeed. To lose that much support, so quickly, at what must be a loss. The holder has probably been approached about further funding, perhaps, and has run away screaming.Will any head roll, doubt it?

SMIN EssentialInvestor 17 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess ivor, valid point well made.Bought some HEAD today, sold some GSK and RDSB, held off on SMIN.Very tempted to start adding a small amount of, I know you like IBM (NOT!), I made just under 1k profit on IBM,bought on Friday at $131.94, sold today at $134.52 - they s*** you on the FX buying US listed shares, even with no stamp duty it's a killer.So I am someone who has made money on IBM ))

NANO Kuss 17 Nov 2015

Feeks, I didn't realise you were in Nano. How long have you been a holder?

TALK Spain Fund 17 Nov 2015

Re: Societe Generale downgrade sold out so over the £1000 profit to date.I know going ex-div on 19th so share price may rise before tomorrows close but as I said never be greedy and always other opportunities. I want Volkswagen again at €96 - lol. They took £300 in currency charges last time

FRX Newapple 17 Nov 2015

Interview [link]

SRX Donatron 17 Nov 2015

Really odd Hi, apologies to keep posting comments on these analyst price targets. I know they are rarely accurate (particularly on AIM where fundamentals and price are often unrelated), but they are interesting nevertheless. Also there's not an awful lot else to discuss at the moment.Investec today cut it's price target to 25p from 28p. There's a summary here showing how this has changed over time:[link] just find it incredibly weird that these analysts, having been out to visit the site, keep lowering their target prices in quick succession. Normally I would expect an updated note to be the result of an RNS or some information becoming public, but these are all off the back of no news. it's unusual for them to update their targets more than once every few months, so it is incredibly odd that Investec have now cut the target 3 times and by 29% in the past 5 weeks alone.Couple that with Macquarie's target price of 15p and it does make me wonder whether something is going on that we aren't privvy to. If it's not the price of rutile that is dragging these predictions down, the only other thing I can think is that they are worried about the ownership structure and the risk that the company could be taken private.Would love to read some of these notes.

SMIN Ivorjay 17 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess I think you'll find all their holdings are far to small to be real 'Activists'I imagine they are more strategic investments which incidentally were purchased far in excess of current share price, so they won't be happy, but like the rest of us have no influence whatsoever in the way the business is being poorly run ever since KBW's departure.