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AEG BuyBAO 18 Nov 2015

Reversal, and not before time, on the cards here

BREE valeite 18 Nov 2015

Re: Bought in another Jim Slater rec coming good .i think i shall let this one run a bit

SMIN EssentialInvestor 18 Nov 2015

Re: Questor and Smiths Pension Well games you have made me think twice.I had this down for 1-1.5% of my funds only.Nearly 7 years in to a powerful bull market I am finding it difficult to seereasonable risk/reward possibilities, hey ho.

PXOG riddler24 18 Nov 2015

#PXOG oil production acquisition on the cards watch the fun and games [link]

JPR fast sailor 18 Nov 2015

Disgraceful BOD Share Price down 70%Directors remuneration up from £1.4m to £2.6mDirector shareholding - patheticAnother ex BBC pr*t who cannot deliver When are you ineffective bunch going to improve this company for the benefit of the owners and not yourselvesI will be writing to the remuneration committee to justify such a high rate of remuneration for such poor performance and lack of commitment to the share Just milking this for all they can

QPP melrosian 18 Nov 2015

Re: I have Woops wrong bd sorrym

QPP melrosian 18 Nov 2015

I have got the plan to get GdeC to contrubute to the C govt pot. However have no detail. If thar info is out there can someone point me to it please.Mel

UBI starastar77 18 Nov 2015

Re: Disgruntled Not denying the gravity of the situation but it would seem that actual traded volumes are very thin? Most seem to be sitting tight.

PDL Shotry 18 Nov 2015

Added real shares at 54 nm

BREE ookyfly 18 Nov 2015

Re: Bought in Very happy with this investment: bought mainly to avoid IHT but up more than 30% in two months.

RRR scotchoverice 18 Nov 2015

Only bell could time a new strategy into oil with the biggest glut and worst price in 30 years

RRR scotchoverice 18 Nov 2015

RRR consolidation....they're relaunching the titantic with captain birdseye at the helm

GBG oldjoe1 18 Nov 2015

Re: GBG, A Play On Terrorism........... GBG GBG Group PLCResults due 1st December......Embargoed until 7.00 a.m. 20 October 2015 GB GROUP PLC("GBG" or the "Group" Pre-close Trading Update GBG, the identity intelligence specialist, provides the following trading update for the six months to 30 September 2015 in advance of the release of its half year results. Group Trading PerformanceRevenue is expected to be approximately £32.3 million (2014:£23.2 million) representing a year-on-year growth of approximately 39% (2014: 28%) and includes strong organic growth of 18%. The Group expects to show adjusted† operating profit of £4.5 million (2014: £3.7 million), an increase of over 21% on last year after investing an additional £1.3m during the period in product and business development to drive future growth. Richard Law, CEO of GBG, commented: "The team at GBG has achieved another excellent performance in the period, both in terms of our high growth and continuing to lay the strategic groundwork to support our expansion in the UK and globally." <b><u>The Group's detailed half year results will be announced on 1 December 2015.</b></u> Note:† Adjusted operating profit means profits before amortisation of acquired intangibles, share based payment charges, exceptional items, share of results from associates, net finance costs and tax. For further information, please contact: GBGRichard Law, Chief ExecutiveDave Wilson, Group Finance Director & Operations Director

SWP II Editor 18 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: SWP: Pipes, not dreams "Assets and potential earnings make pipe specialist SWP a candidate for investment, despite disappointing results.In full-year results to 30 June, SWP reported revenue down 15% from continuing operations. Adjusted profit fell 2%. Including ..."[link]

LMI BigBlackBen 18 Nov 2015

Lonmin employs 30000 stinkers for a 70 million market capitalisation---in Zimbabwe we call it a govt dole office