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WLFE Iclaude 18 Nov 2015

Re: someones having a laugh To clarify, it would be hedge funds, etc.. involved in shorting the stock and not the MMs themselves.

WLFE Iclaude 18 Nov 2015

Re: someones having a laugh The world still needs tungsten. It may be that MMs are having a good old tree shaking in order to fulfil a large buy request OR shorting the stock in order to buy at a lower price. I see and hear nothing to alarm investors as the mine continues to produce concentrate and have ramped up the levels. The company has not told us the amount of tin it is recovering as a secondary product of the mine or indeed any other precious metals? The weather has been overly mild so far this winter and other than mechanical breakdowns the mine should be chuntering along quite nicely. HOLD

TRIG FRTEB 18 Nov 2015

Re: Thoughts? Reductions in the domestic FiT apply from January 2016 to new small-scale installations. TRIG buys mainly existing operational large-scale wind and solar farms - already installed, connected to the grid and producing power (income) and currently has these assets in the UK, Ireland and France with the possibility of others being purchased in Germany and Scandinavia. I like that TRIG has both Solar and Wind in several countries.I also looked at BSIF, FSFL and NESF (all solar only) and UKW (wind only). As above, TRIG is the most diversified of the bunch. [link]

AMED Thediceman 18 Nov 2015

LPG/LNG is bread and butter for Qatar so might be alright if the offshore yard is going to build these. If it's the shipyard (I got no idea how big these things are) the its game over I would suspect!

SILF the old trout 18 Nov 2015

Media coverage Nice to see those holdings RNS's and also some attention in the media:[link]

AMED Thediceman 18 Nov 2015

If the LPG/LNG carriers that are referredare going to be built by Offshore then we might be alright given that's Qatars bread and butter. If

KMR ALAN22211 18 Nov 2015

well for all our sakes i hope it isnt a Iluka walking away as I think that the share price might dramatically drop tomorrow if that is the case! I am hoping for a revised offer from Iluka but im sure we shall see. Not the greatest of situations to be in for any shareholder.

ZOX Cadenza 18 Nov 2015

Re: Placing The zinc price is below the 2009 low along with copper, the whole sector continues to get really beaten up and there is no bid on a stock like ZOX. The free fall will continue until ZOX issues a positive RNS stating that they have restarted the plant, assuming that they have, and that they see no further need for any unplanned stoppages giving cause for buyers looking for value to return. Right now it is hard to see the value, for many like me it is probably too late to sell, so we hold on and hope. The zinc price should turn before copper, is the worst over, no one knows.

SMIN LK Hyman 18 Nov 2015

Re: GI Ivorjay,"Float the Medical Group as a separate unit"That's only possible if the pension deficit problems really have been sorted, otherwise any benefits from floating medz would merely be offset by the disadvantage of having the pension albatross dangling off of the neck of a smaller group.And don't get me started about the effect of the JC asbestos cloisterfrack on a smaller group!I do hope the GKN feller is gonnae prove to be better than Bowman was. Mind you, that shouldn't be hard.LKH on the flybridge

JQW Ripley94 18 Nov 2015

Re: fall 15% equals spread. Same but in other direction today shows up 14%.Aim bad place if you were forced seller.

KMR ALAN22211 18 Nov 2015

the announcement is not going to happen!! absolute selfish BOD that dont care about their shareholders

ZOX Ripley94 18 Nov 2015

Re: Placing 50% down from July placing.

UBI starastar77 18 Nov 2015

Re: Disgruntled I totally agree with your diagnosis of what went wrong, what I was questioning is whether any of the big guys exited yesterday or this week? The volumes would indicate not. I was wondering where the bigger trades might have gone through that indicated institutions selling (I may have missed it). I think it was more likely to be small holders cutting losses.I picked up some of the stock being made available (just small nibbles). Agree they may well have to raise equity, should support the longer term story.

BPTY bankmuppet 18 Nov 2015

Just posted this on GVC BB As a BWIN holder it just feels that the length of time this has taken (1 year since Board announced in talks) has negatively impacted on the price. This along with lack of confidence in deal has seen GVC go from 440p to 380p and an offer price for BWIN from 130p to 107p and falling. Happy days again for long suffering holders and the future for GVC holders I am sorry to say. If GVC board can deliver it will be the first time since Party floated at £12 a share.

IXI Meanbugger 18 Nov 2015

Re: And yet more good news.... Coldascheese have you noticed that with this acquisition Ixico are moving away from imaging into web-based monitoring and reporting software? It seems more like a change in emphasis than a good fit as such. Ixico have been remarkably successful with their grant applications so long may that continue! Personally I think the shares will be stuck around the 30p level for the foreseeable future.