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AFRI akaDolly 19 Nov 2015

a daft thought Could it be possible that ALL things Lonrho are going to be transferred/repackaged/rebranded from the Lonrho brand into AfriAG brand?Lonrho perhaps no longer the acceptable face of a new era post apartheid, A reminder of old loyalties and colonialismWith this in mind, Afriag SA, pan African, could not be more than 49% owned by any other entity that is not pan AfricanDid wonder about that water advert, its very 70s style. Also, dont see how that image is going to be used to advertise in the Middle EastNot understanding all that, its all disjointed

IGR time 2 retire 19 Nov 2015

Momentum is gathering pace We get a write up in today's Share Magazine...[link]

SIA aspace 19 Nov 2015

Re: We always knew we awaited oil uplift ...... "Therefore, the board will decide on the level of future cash returns in light of the oil price, cash flow generation from Vietnam and expected capital expenditure at the time."That final sentence hints at an impending dividend cut. Ughhh, the last thing I need on top of negative capital return. Dividends were what made SOCO a nice one to hold in spite of the declining price.

MONI dotlink 19 Nov 2015

IBM’s Watson Forecasts Products for Holiday Season

CRAW Ace08 19 Nov 2015

Re: new high Merry Christmas CRAWSHAW

CRAW Ace08 19 Nov 2015

Re: new high Turkey meat should take care on that £

CRAW Ace08 19 Nov 2015

Re: new high Not £1 yet

PRG HPC Follower 19 Nov 2015

Re: Not good news.....PRG delisted on 16 Nov... This is not looking good...The directors of Paragon have a lot to lose here after being very bullish about the prospects for their Lesotho assets and proposed assets.The state of the commodity markets is not good right now and even Lucara's share price dropped today despite unearthing a 1,111 carat Type II diamond. Is this because PRG can't proceed with their planned purchase or because this is in doubt?My personal exposure here is relatively low, but I really did have high hopes for PRG and Lemphane in particular. Perhaps the planned purchase of the other kimberlite resources from Lucara was a step too far and PRG can just put this on hold until Lemphane is producing and the diamond market recovers a bit. Such commodity prices cannot drop indefinitely or there will be no businesses with assets to replace mines which are closing down or becoming too expensive to keep running for the revenue receipts.We must surely here more soon and have no choice but to hold, wait and hope for enough success for at least PRG to progress in some capacity with production to follow in 2016.Seems to me that there are now more companies seeking investment money/cash than there are banks and investors willing to take the risks after so many company failures and losses in market value even, when operationally successful, due to matters outside their control in recent years.

SMIN nk1999 19 Nov 2015

Re: Questor and Smiths Pension "The Questor Column:Buy engineer Smiths as pension headache clears: Shares in Smiths Group soared more than 10% after the company’s pension deficit was halved at a regular revaluation. Questor believes the shares are now attractive as dividends are more secure and the way is clear for a disposals – or even a takeover. The company said the triennial valuation of the Smiths Industrial Pension Scheme (SIPS) resulted in the deficit halving at the end of March this year. Smiths has also kicked in a one-off contribution which, when added to market movements, has resulted in a theoretical surplus at the end of July. The trustees have also agreed that less money needs to be pumped into the SIPS scheme, meaning that the £60 million annual payment that Smiths has been making will fall to £24 million from the end of next year. That frees up an extra £36 million a year in cash. As a rough guide, if you apply the current valuation of the company at about 10 times earnings, that gives a £360 million benefit, which explains the 10% jump in Smiths’ market value from £3.6 billion to £4 billion. In a trading statement, Smiths said group revenue was down 4%, with the medical and detection units offsetting some of the slowdown in orders from oil and gas customers at John Crane in the three months to November 1. Questor got it wrong by recommending buying Smiths in March when the shares were at £12.06, but still believes there is value to be had here. Smiths Group at £10.20 +94.5p. Questor says “Buy”."

CLDN II Editor 18 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 19/11/2015 "CALEDONIA INVESTMENTS  (LSE:CLDN) is next on our "News Due" list. Currently it's trading around 2400p and need only better 2449p to signal coming growth to an initial 2538p. Visually this looks quite a sensible movement and we'd tend suspect it ..."[link]

GLIF badnews 18 Nov 2015

Re: GLIF and GLAF Courtier1,Wow, you sound like you've read a GLIF report and actually believed it. Allow me to wake you up from your daydream.Indeed GLIF have made an attempt to diversify their revenues and spread the risk of the company, but it hasn't worked. Hardly anybody wanted to invest in the GLAF fund, so GLIF owns 76 per cent of the fund. Let me explain it to you in simple terms - if I pay myself 1 million pounds to clean my own car, would I be making a 1 million profit?Shifting capital around won't conjure up a profit, I'm afraid, but what will happen is that time will run out. Scrip Dividends, Raising capital for it to only be one's own capital, exercising arbitrary will to value companies how you see fit, are all great magic tricks, but eventually the magician will become unstuck.1.5 mil in volume today, mostly from people who don't believe in magic.BN

NWF Meanbugger 18 Nov 2015

Re: Increase It's puzzling as the other two animal feed companies, Carr's Group and Wynnstay have also been strong this week. I'm not aware of anything positive happening with the milk price or extra support for farmers etc which could justify such a rise. It could be that some investor is buying relatively defensive shares as tobacco stocks have also been good performers this week. Possibly Forfarmers who bought the BOCM Pauls business have been talking about expanding further in the UK. In other words I haven't really got a scooby but the wife of the Carr's chairman has just sold some shares so she thinks it's a selling opportunity.

AO Ripley94 18 Nov 2015

Re: Topped I do not think the last top up / average down was a mistake..... do you ?

NANO Kuss 18 Nov 2015

Dow said they would be generating earnings Q4 from Quantum Dots. Nothing's changed from a few weeks ago.

TALK onedb1 18 Nov 2015

Spain whenever you go short just post please < I will look at the chart and if I agree I will join you .