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SMIN Ivorjay 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Proceeds from GKN share sale no doubt, may explain huge one off purchase.

FSTA LK Hyman 20 Nov 2015

Re: Excellent results CashQuack,"the shares are very illiquid with huge movements on very small daily turnover"That never troubles me, m8. I'm a long term holder, so, if there are any sickening downwards lurches, they merely provide an opportunity to top up, though the spread tends to be greater than I usually like.Enjoy your London Pride .... then have a Frontier on me and tell me what it's like. The sales of this new craft lager (whatever "craft" means) are going like gangbusters.LKH on the flybridge tracking steadily south east

SMIN EssentialInvestor 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess My own guess and it is just a guess is that around Q2 2016 may present attractive longer term entry prices to the sector.Some very nice opportunities next year is what I am hoping for.Off topic - nice day for TET.

FSTA CashQuack 20 Nov 2015

Re: Excellent results Hi LKHyman,We are of one mind with FST: It is one of the surest things on the stock market. That said, the shares are very illiquid with huge movements on very small daily turnover. Perhaps more widespread recognition would do more for the share price. In the mean time I am sitting in a Fuller's pub enjoying London Pride...

SMIN gamesinvestor 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess "But £1 million is close to real money."And those were the days when a million pounds was a lorra lorra money!!Games -- hides spare million under carpet to avoid embarrassment of looking too poor!!

SULA dicko80 20 Nov 2015

Re: Target VSA capital state 4p as a targetSRK state $56m which is 7.5pBut the gold could change all that First samples shipped today

CWC the last night trader 20 Nov 2015

Poor Offer Long term holder, average price 39p, and just sold... Liberty's paper, well if I wanted that I would buy it anyway!!Ok in theory I could be a few hundred pounds better off in Liberty paper but who knows what that will be worth in a few weeks time and the 3p div isn't worth the wait.The board let private investors down by not insisting on a cash option..... very sad end...!!

LVD claude reins 20 Nov 2015

Re: Paul Scott's view - He really likes... PS I think they have tried before if I remember correctly - initially individually and then later rebid with a Belgian ally to split the LVD group.

LVD claude reins 20 Nov 2015

Re: Paul Scott's view - He really likes... Thanks for that. Deep in thought. Would be a very useful add on to Ashcroft which is doing well at the mo.

CWC idontwanttolose 20 Nov 2015

My previous postTue 10:33 Re: T/oidontwanttolose I completed this morning at 79.5!!Time to move onand it may be time to buy some back!!!From the London South East site (which you may find useful but as always dyor)I have no idea where people are getting the idea that this is an all cash offer or that it represents a price of 86.82p PLUS a cash divi of 3p per share. The RNS clearly states:The CWC Directors intend unanimously to recommend that CWC Shareholders elect to receive the Recommended Offer. The CWC Directors do not intend to recommend either the First Dual Share Alternative or the Second Dual Share Alternative.Under the Recommended Offer, CWC Shareholders shall be entitled to receive, for each CWC Share:a number of New Liberty Global Class A Ordinary Shares as determined by the Exchange Ratio, such number not to be lower than 0.007921 and not to exceed 0.008301; anda number of New Liberty Global Class C Ordinary Shares as determined by the Exchange Ratio, such number not to be lower than 0.019391 and not to exceed 0.020321.CWC Shareholders who validly elect to receive the Recommended Offer and who are on the register of members of CWC at 6 p.m. (London time) on the Business Day immediately prior to the Effective Date will also be entitled to receive the Special Dividend.On the basis described above, the consideration under the Recommended Offer represents:an indicative value of 86.82 pence per CWC Share, INCLUDING the Special Dividend.So it is paper plus cash in the form of the dividend. The "C" shares may also be convertible to cash (a la Rolls Royce) but it is clearly NOT an all cash offer nor is it worth more than 86.82p per share.

KMR ALAN22211 20 Nov 2015

Hopefully Iluka will confirm the purchase of Kenmare resources on Monday

SULA Wonky_aim 20 Nov 2015

Target Anyone got any idea of a target SP for this?Been bumping around the 0.4 mark a while.........

FSTA LK Hyman 20 Nov 2015

Excellent results The half year results were extremely encouraging. Two comments:Net debt is up £30 million odd, but the balance sheet remains strong.Interesting that FSTA thought it worthwhile to lash out £29.9 million to buy the freeholds of three pubs where they already hold a lease. One of these was the Barrowboy and Banker on London Bridge, which is clearly a nice slice of real estate, but £10 million average per pub .... wow!I've previously banged on about the tremendous asset backing which underlies FSTA, but these three freehold purchases really underline that point. Obviously I don't know how these three pubs compare, value-wise, with their average estate - I suspect that one or all three of them is much higher value than the average, so it may not be possible to infer much about the whole from this small part. However this reinforces my opinion about the extremely high quality and value of the Fuller's estate.Since it is a family-controlled company we are never going to see the value of the estate crystallised into cold hard wonga, but if one likes, as I do, to have strong asset backing for an investment then, boy, Fuller's provides that asset backing in spades.LKH on the flybridge 2.5% of wad in FSTA

VLK rRomeo29 20 Nov 2015

Re: Naked Trader buys in. Callun,I think he just needed another ticker for his seminar and remembered his nice profit during 2014 (like all of us). So Robbie thought why not give it another try.The Sp is now headed down to thirtytwo Pence.(32.40p to be exact)[link]

VOG Duffer 20 Nov 2015

Another one runs for the hills, like me, he has seen through Foo's bluster and lies. We need rid of Foo.