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FCSS Eadwig 21 Nov 2015

Re: Eadwig - Junior ISA holland44, "as with pensions to age 55"Hah! Look again, matey. Already pushed out to 57, 58 if you are under 40. Then it is going to be linked to just 10 years below the national retirement age, which is expected to rise again from 68 to 70 sooner rather than later.I *signed* my private pension contract so that I could take it at 50 (I wanted 40, but 50 was the earliest) and that was what was agreed between myself and my private pension company. The government pushed out the age at which I can collect to 55 - after I had retired at 40. No one asked me if it was ok, no one needed an amended contract, but I certainly needed to adjust my financial planning.Oh, and now they are discussing taking back any tax allowance previously given, the argument being that they are going to take it when you cash your pension anyway. If they do that, by what moral authority do HMG continue to name the age at which I can take my private pension money?Just one more reason why I tend towards steering my daughter's money clear of any government schemes - especially longer-term ones.

BVS Hydrogen Economy 21 Nov 2015

Re: Strong Update - Price crash Eadwig Sorry for belated response, was travelling when update issued and certainly cannot live up to your kind description but my thoughts here areI agree with what posters have flagged as the reason for the drop-Rising costs squeezing margin- especially contractor/build costs-The planning delays on higher margin sites- sector concerns about interest rates etc.It is not so clear from that why such a drop, so I checked a simple model of BVS numbers using the 8% volume growth and marginal increase on operating margin flagged in the update (I assumed 17.5%). Assuming no changes in finance and other contributors, that suggests 2015 numbers:-Revenue 910m + 12.5%Profit BT 151.6 + 13.6%EPS 87p +10.5%That looks OK, albeit behind other builders. The kicker is that analyst forecasts for 2015 in Digital Look were Rev - 947.7 - 17%PBT - 168.8 - 26.5%EPS - 100.3p - 21%My numbers are very rough, but I suspect that the analysts have woken up to the fact they had overestimated the growth and have offloaded accordingly. Valuation attempts to reflect the expected earnings trajectory over future 5-10 years, if the growth this year is downgraded, the total cash-flow estimate is likely to be seriously downgraded. Funnily enough I see that I had run a forecast after H1 update and got lower EPS than 87p so I guess i should have seen this one coming.Presumably the planning/sales mix will unwind in 2016, the cost pressures thay suggest are easing, although I think that may be a bit optimistic. I feel BVS represents pretty good value at this price so will hang on to my moderate holding. I remain positive about the sector and hold TW, GFRD, RDW, PSN and BKG, starting to add several of these in weakness. GFRD is also well down, I am waiting to add. It has over half it's revenue in construction/PPI projects which historically have had negligable margins- but these are staring to recover and could start to really contribute to earnings, also the space 4 modular housing construction system (acquired with Westbury if I remember correctly) position them well to control costs. TW are performing well and priced accordingly but I have added below 180p and would again.BKG is a class act, hurt by London and SE focus but they have shown they can adapt well to changing situations and I think they are starting to look like decent value, despite (or maybe because of) the strange capital return scheme.H2

QPP eagle51 21 Nov 2015

Re: Better than nowt but "Approx current share price = £1.00 minus 90p r.o.c.= £0.10 x 10 for consolidation = £1.00"................... and how much to be repaid if/when the escrow balance is released next year? 10p in old money................but £1.00 in new.Semantics. [link]

AFRI akaDolly 20 Nov 2015

Thats was I was thinking Kenny100 That is exactly the era I was thinking, flowered VWs but I was thinking hippy movement rather than beach boys and surfers. Late 60s early 70s. Still dont see how it fits with modern advertising in the Middle East. The bottle looks like a photo set up and the slogan "youve tried the rest now try the best" bit unimaginative for a marketing campaign in Dubai. All sounds a bit iffy. Not convinced yet, we will have to wait and

QPP shovelier 20 Nov 2015

Re: Better than nowt but A crafty move designed to make it look as if these shares are still worth about the same after the return of capital.Approx current share price = £1.00 minus 90p r.o.c.= £0.10 x 10 for consolidation = £1.00. Hey presto!Presumably the idea is that they don't want them to look like penny shares.

SPH ukm 20 Nov 2015

Re: $500 USD Bid Does anybody have current views on this one. Thx.

ALM Ripley94 20 Nov 2015

Re: Fund Managers dealings N/c

DLAR Ripley94 20 Nov 2015

Re: what on earth back in.

JQW Ripley94 20 Nov 2015

Re: Website Activity Cairn are brokers.Analyst Argento ( there site )

VGM ExpatBill 20 Nov 2015

Just received from WH Ireland re VGM share sale From: Vatukoula Gold Mines <[email protected]>Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:44:15 +0000Subject: VGMTo: Dear VGM shareholder,Following your enquiry regarding Vatukoula Gold Mines, we can confirm that we do now expect the offer to come in shortly at the previously advertised rate of 3.72p per VGM share.Once an exact timetable for the offer is confirmed, you will be emailed again with instructions for participating. If your shares are held in CREST (electronic form) by a stockbroker or share dealing service they will need to get in touch with WHI at the appropriate time (the correct contact details at WHI for to be contacted will be circulated at that time). You should ensure that your broker is aware of the proposed transaction and that they are in a position to trade with WHI when the offer is confirmed. No further action is required at this stage if your shares are held in CREST.If your shares are held in certificated form by your stockbroker or share dealing service you should advise them to begin the dematerialisation process as all trading will be carried out via CREST. If you have VGM certificates and do not have access to a stockbroker or share dealing service, please reply to this email asking for client take on forms for WHI and we will make you a client in order to facilitate your trade. To reiterate, please only do this if you do not have an existing account with a stockbroker or share dealing service. If you have previously requested these forms by email or post these should be with you early next week. If you have already returned forms to WHI these are now being processed.Shares will be bought at 3.72 pence, if you wish to trade your VGM shares please see below a breakdown of deal costs for the service:1.95% on the first £10,000 consideration0.50% on the next £15,0000.30% on the excessMinimum commission £50Plus:Fixed Bargain charge of £42.50Please be aware that the total minimum fee to be charged by WH Ireland in relation to any sale of VGM shares is £92.50. If the value of your shares is less than the total minimum dealing costs you may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser, but please be aware that WHI cannot advise shareholders as to the best course of action in this eventuality. If you are a broker / nominee representing a number of clients, you may wish to collate the orders of your clients, to minimise dealing costs, as the above fees are charged on a per trade basis.Please send all further correspondence / queries to this email address rather than phoning the offices of WH Ireland.Kind regards,WH IrelandVatukoula Gold Mines<mailto:>|

CRU numberbiter 20 Nov 2015

Re: Chart Breakout With debtor days at 80 days, very little profit and huge debt, this is hardly a buy. Only the brave would hold.

FCPT grapheve 20 Nov 2015

Re: Why the recent decline ? Interesting comments. IMHO I concur with the view that an interest rate rise (in the UK) is still 12 months away.I am thinking of topping up in FCPT and others SLI or SREI

FCSS Eadwig 20 Nov 2015

Re: Alibaba vic1981, :"1. The trust offers exposure to China equities that are not available to western investors. Not so for Alibaba since the US listing. "FCSS reserves the right to invest in any company that is heavily involved in China, no matter where it is listed, from memory, up to a possible 20% of fund value I think it was. An option I think it has used very poorly over its lifetime, by the way. Bolton wouldn't have been caught out so badly by Hong Kong accounting standards at the start if he had taken on a few US companies selling heavily to the Chinese market.Hong Kong listed equities, by far the biggest component of FCSS, are available to western investors.The 200 or so companies that make up the Alibaba group had 367 million active customers within China alone in the 12 months to Sept 30th 2015. That is far more than the whole population of the USA, by the way. Delivering mobile phone services, internet infrastructure and platforms for online retailers isn't 'traditional consumer services', I suppose, but why would you limit yourself to that?

SIA numberbiter 20 Nov 2015

Don't panic! There is no justification for thrashing this share as badly as it has been. We need to hold our nerve.

OXS Stonefold 20 Nov 2015

Re: The long delay. If RAB continue selling at their recent rate it will take them seven and a half months to offload their holding, or following a favourable RNS seven and a half minutes.