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HLMA Hardboy 21 Nov 2015

Re: Uncharted heights Apologies to other posters as LKH & I seem to have drifted off topic somewhat.Like you I've not visited the Tesco BB for a while - like you I lost interest a sector with such very low margins & high competition. In some ways it is a shame as the Tesco BB became more than just a BB about Tescos and its sector but about the wider economy, investment options, government policy etc. All good stuff, and there's no where else on iii that we have that.Congratulations on making the top 20. I don't keep an eye on that really, just found it of interest when I first discovered it. Onwards & upwards. Top 10 next week.Keep up the good posts.

PXOG TheGreatGame 21 Nov 2015

Re: Not sure.. Bit premature with my purchase but I can always average down andI think it'll be over 2p soon enough.

REX idontwanttolose 21 Nov 2015

The reason for last nights rise in the REX sp Listed at 5.43pm on 20th Nov20 November 2015RECOMMENDED CASH AND SHARE OFFER FOR REXAM PLC BY BALL UK ACQUISITION LIMITED a wholly-owned subsidiary of BALL CORPORATION Update on European Commission Proceedings On 19 February 2015, the boards of Ball Corporation ("Ball" and Rexam PLC ("Rexam" announced the terms of a recommended cash and share offer by Ball UK Acquisition Limited ("Bidco", a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ball, for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Rexam (the "Offer Announcement". Today, Ball confirms that the European Commission has entered into a period of market testing based upon commitments proposed by Rexam and Ball. These commitments have been proposed with a view to obtaining EU Commission clearance of the previously announced offer by Ball for Rexam (the "Offer". As a result of this development, the European Commission's review timetable is automatically extended to 22 January, 2016. Ball expects that all necessary regulatory clearances will be obtained to enable the proposed acquisition to close during the first half of 2016. Following closing of the transaction, Ball will remain a New York Stock Exchange listed company domiciled in the U.S.

QPP shovelier 21 Nov 2015

Re: Better than nowt but There would still only be the same amount in the pot ( less whatever they burn in the meantime) so it's not going to be more than 10p old money or £1 new money.

FCPT WarrenGemini 21 Nov 2015

Re: Why the recent decline ? Surely the dividend is current ~4.4% (rather than 5%) or has the monthly 0.5p amount changed ?

QPP melrosian 21 Nov 2015

Re: FT turning into Motley Fool? WIP A$815 half finished legal cases transferred to SGH according to FT. Bought for pennies according to me. That is £388M . OMG , FT tells us they are burning cash from a start point which had MATERIALLY higher borrowings than QPP had. Panic. Notice the tone of the FT article. Let's tweak that in a two bit village called Melrose, where all residents have leather hats and a bit of straw hanging from their probably frost bitten lips.Take £388 M WIP, shove a bit more cost right up that WIP, and then it blasts out really beautiful lovely net dosh. ( Sorry - little education in that remote village - Charlotte square speak might have used "Invest"rather than shove) . When Greech says "wait till the second half" he has something because it is obvious. If he bought the WIP for sweeties ...when it gets to fee income ....the FT might have noticed the cost relative to the fee will have gone down to abnormal levels and the % Gross profit will rise. Scrummy. 9 fig £'s profits and borrowings payback soon wouldn't you think Mr. Darcy? QPP would have had to borrow a lot less than SGH Mr, Darcy. Yes Mrs Bennet. QPP would be heading to £ 9 m fig profits. in 2016.Is all that gearing in SGH a bad thing Mr Darcy?I happen to think not Mrs Bennet.How odd to pass up on £9m fig ongoing profits Mr Darcy.I could not possibly comment Mrs Bennet.Would Mr Terry marry one of my daughters Mr Darcy?That, Mrs Bennet, is outwith my field of vision and I could not possibly pass comment.But why is the FT article tone such as it is Mr Darcy.?I know not but my friend in the Borders believes an antipodean investment may be propitious, Mrs Bennet. Mel

MML Peter the Red 21 Nov 2015

Re: Medusa Share Price Latest price:- Aus$0.40 (= 19p)

MTR scotchoverice 21 Nov 2015

Something isn't quite right....for sure...something or someone is holding the price down...

DQE dicko80 21 Nov 2015

Re: TAKEOVER It's all so quiet CCS are being difficult and not playing ball IMO

MNC dicko80 21 Nov 2015

Re: Los Calatos summary Any projects with large capex requirements just won't happenThey need to look at bringing some smaller projects online to generate positive cash flow

GED dicko80 21 Nov 2015

Re: in the crazy world of GED The problem is the market doesn't believe they will spend their cash pile wisely They need to update the market with a clear precise plan showing substantial upside Until then the market will discount the cash like heavily

ULT wulwirth 21 Nov 2015

Florida Currier...for John....[link]

BVS Hardcore Uproar 21 Nov 2015

The hurricane is coming Interesting if you go back to 2007 & watch some TV debates versus bears/bulls, the bulls could never see the end.1) There is absolutely no need to raise % rates per se. The government spending deficit still looks to come in around 75bn GBP. At some point a sterling crisis is coming without serve austerity in the public sector & tax hikes. The total government debt is getting on for 1.6 trillion GBP, absolutely colossal.2) The NHS is too effects bust, it looks on its last legs. The public sector employs 1/4. So how house price is inflation is what it is god only knows. This cannot be sustainable for very long.3) looking at the figures yesterday, the economy is subtracting, tax receipts are falling. Give it another 6 months

VOG Duffer 21 Nov 2015

When will VOG long term holders unite to oust greedy idiot Foo?

QPP moonowl 21 Nov 2015

FT [link]