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BVS Hydrogen Economy 22 Nov 2015

Re: Strong Update - Price crash Hi EadwigThanks, the fy results will be the final judge! Appreciate your ideas in the sector, will certainly be looking into them.regardsH2

KMR ALAN22211 22 Nov 2015

I agree delano47 I think I will be adding tomorrow hopefully a lot of people agree with us also thinks that at its current price that it is worth the risk on investment as previously stated by yourself funders have agreed to support them

ATST Charityman 22 Nov 2015

Re: Alliance Trust signals change afoot Although the sp movements have mirrored the FTSE 100, since the beginning of 2013 it has drawn ahead if I am reading the chart correctly.Now, if it could just avoid following the downturns we would be streets ahead!

MML goldminer70 22 Nov 2015

Proposal to relist Medusa Mining on the LSE I have returned from holiday to Australia which included a trip to Medusa’s office in Perth. I have given much thought to a London listing for Medusa and my conclusions are.1) Between now and the end of the year to prepare a presentation on the benefits of such a listing.2) In the New Year to send the presentation to the Directors and known shareholders, telling them that it will form the basis proposition at the AGM next November.3) My interpretation of Google is that we need 5% of the shareholders to make such a proposition.4) I hope that it will not be necessary to go this far, and the board will take the hint and make their own proposal beforehand5) I will need help in preparing the presentation from posters on this board and other boards, who know more about Medusa than I do. So I have set up an Email address [email protected], anybody can send comments to this Email address and I will send the password to people who have sent me their contact details. They will then be able to read and comment the various editions of propositions until it is finished. I will send by post the penultimate version prior to completion.Below is the start of this presentationPresentation of a Proposal to relist Medusa Mining on the London Stock ExchangeTo Directors of Medusa Mining.Cc Major ShareholdersIntroductionWe are a group of shareholders who believe that it will be beneficial for Medusa Mining to relist on the London Stock Exchange.History of Medusa ............... Costing of a London Listing ............... Benefits of a London Listing ...............If you are interested in helping to prepare this presentation or have any comments please send me these and your contact details to the Email address “[email protected]

OXS indaknow 22 Nov 2015

Re: Volume and price up BbWould losing a grand, and your previous stake, ruin Christmas? No guarantees here as you know. Do think we'll get a result before Christmas though...

HSTN theprior 22 Nov 2015

Divi time I see we've had a slight rise now it's DRIP time !Still, better to get the DRIP at 116 than at 125.Nice to have a few more in the portfolio.Regards, TP

QPP shovelier 22 Nov 2015

Re: Better than nowt but No I didn't.I never say anything quite quickly.

PZC soi 22 Nov 2015

Re: Dead board, or dead bored? Hi gamesI have no holding or position in PZC ( never have ).Took a curious look as it is one of Galvan`s Top 5 picks for 2016, surprised me.I`m not overly keen but have added it to a watchlist, might attempt a long trade with it at some point.ATBsoi

PRG Guitarsolo 22 Nov 2015

Re: Not good news.....PRG delisted on 16... "The Directors of Paragon Diamonds Limited, the AIM quoted diamond development company, are pleased to announce that following discussions with the provider of the £500,000 loan facility (the "Lender" that matured on 18 November 2015, the outstanding loan has been reclassified as a convertible loan note of £638,750 (the "Note" with effect from 19 November 2015 and the maturity date of the Note has been extended to 30 May 2016. During this period, the Lender is entitled to convert some or all of the outstanding balance of the Note into the Company's ordinary shares at the lower of 5.22p, being the average share price on 17 June 2015 when the loan was first issued, or 90% of the arithmetic average of 3 daily VWAP calculations, of the Lender's choosing, from the preceding 20 trading days in advance of a conversion notice. Notwithstanding the extension to the maturity date of the Note, the Company still has limited working capital and there remains a material uncertainty regarding the Company's financial position. The Company's shares will therefore remain suspended pending clarification of financial position. Shareholders should note that should the Company's shares remain suspended for 10 consecutive trading days from 16 November 2015, or for more than 30 days in a calendar year, an event of default can be called by the Lender."Well, that is slightly better, perhaps? The loan, which is relatively small in the grand scheme of things, has been deferred for 6 months. But at quite a cost. And the lender remains able to convert to shares are a potentially preferential rate. I can't help but wonder whether PM tried to be a bit clever with a relatively minor bit of financing. He spent the first 6 months of his tenure trying to "clean up the shareholder list" by getting rid of large shareholders who could have stood in his way etc. But then he brings on board a lender for £500k who holds the company to ransom for a minor sum etc. Oh well, perhaps no biggie in the end. But why not tap shareholders for the funds - mostly holders because they believe in the assets and management we have in place? Dilution would therefore be voluntary and not imposed......Anyway, the good news. PM clearly expects the de-listing to be over by 30 Nov or so otherwise he wouldn't/ shouldn't have agreed to the term. But the bad news is the reiteration that there is still material uncertainty etc. I'm sure if there is they have to say there is.....But it doesn't help much when part of the Mothae agreement was proof that the project was funded. Oh well, again, we are in PM's hands. I'm quite heavy into this so it's a bit concerning but I still believe. I can't do much about it in the short term. But medium and long term the last week has probably lowered my ambitions with PRG and AIM in general....GLAGuitarsolo

FOGL harpmandoodle 22 Nov 2015

ER stationary, we could have a spud by Monday am.

QPP eagle51 22 Nov 2015

Re: Better than nowt but you most certainly didn't. You said Watchstone will go to £17.30 - quite quickly

QPP melrosian 22 Nov 2015


QPP shovelier 22 Nov 2015

Re: Better than nowt but That's what I just said.....

QPP eagle51 21 Nov 2015

Re: Better than nowt but yes it is

VOG Duffer 21 Nov 2015

Where has all the money gone? There should be an independent investigation, something stinks.