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RPT Stonefold 23 Nov 2015

Possible concern On the page[link] are Hyperlinks to download documents in Word format.The second paragraph dated 18.11.2015 ........ no: 374 ............ [331.5 Kb] : 349) .....The link to the second and larger file 331.5kb gives 374d.docWhich lists the decisions of order no. 374In Annex 2the order Derzhheonadr Ukraine on November 18, 2015 ¹ 374LIST of special permits for subsoil use, which are stopped(And have 30 calendar days to correct violations)Examples that have been commented onAnnex 2 List numbers:12) = Velta[link] and 18) = Ukrgazvydobuvannya[link] comment6) = RPT7), 8), 9), and 10) = JKXIt would be nice to know what the alleged violations are.

JKX Stonefold 23 Nov 2015

Possible hurdle On the page[link] are Hyperlinks to download documents in Word format.Íàêàç Äåðæãåîíàäð Óêðà¿íè â³ä 18.11.2015 ¹ 374 "Ùîäî àíóëþâàííÿ, çóïèíåííÿ òà ïîíîâëåííÿ 䳿 ñïåö³àëüíèõ äîçâîë³â íà êîðèñòóâàííÿ íàäðàìè òà âñòàíîâëåííÿ òåðì³í³â äëÿ óñóíåííÿ ïîðóøåíü" [55 Kb] (cêà÷óâàíü: 371)Äîäàòêè [331.5 Kb] (cêà÷óâàíü: 349)The second and larger one 331.5kb is 374d.docWhich lists the decisions of order no. 374In Annex 2the order Derzhheonadr Ukraine on November 18, 2015 ¹ 374LIST of special permits for subsoil use, which are stopped(And have 30 calendar days to correct violations)Examples that have been commented onAnnex 2 List numbers:12) = Velta[link] and 18) = Ukrgazvydobuvannya[link] comment6) = RPT7), 8), 9), and 10) = JKXIt would be nice to know what the alleged violations are.

KMR ALAN22211 23 Nov 2015

Maybe people are driving it down to get maximum profit from the sale

KMR ALAN22211 23 Nov 2015

I personally think that Kenmare has been massively undervalued as it has a market cap at £20m but looking at its financials has a worth of about £600m. Personally I think that this has been manipulated to be were it is now it has been decreasing week on week dramatically with no reason surely after 6 weeks of constant decline if something was going on we would of found out by now. Does any one agree?

TUNG Ripley94 23 Nov 2015

Re: Odey tops up Tungsten stake A stopped clock is right twice each day.I told crazy to look at one of my average downs , that was right but i do not slag or gloat about it.

OXS ultrapunch 23 Nov 2015

OXS vs Uzbek claim OXS have a very good chance of winning their claim against the Uzbeks (Calunius obviously thought so and funded OXS's claim to the tune of US$6.15m) and should be awarded substantial damages by the arbitrators since the Uzbeks didn't play ball with OXS as the following RNS shows.Commencement of Arbitration ProceedingsWed, 31st Aug 2011 11:31RNS Number : 3270NOxus Gold PLC31 August 2011Oxus Gold plcCommencement of Arbitration ProceedingsOxus Gold plc (Company) refers to its announced intent to commence international arbitration proceedings if settlement cannot be reached with the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbek Government) over the shareholder interest of the Company's subsidiary, Oxus Resources Corporation (ORC), in Amantaytau Goldfields A.O. (AGF), the joint-venture vehicle for the Company's mining investment in Uzbekistan. The Company further refers to its recent declaration of force majeure in respect of its management and services agreement for AGF and under the charter of AGF. International ArbitrationThe Company hereby announces that negotiations with the Uzbek Government have failed, and that the Company has commenced international arbitration proceedings against the Uzbek Government under the Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments dated 24 November 1993 between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Uzbekistan (Agreement). Under the Agreement, the Company and the Uzbek Government are required to pursue good faith negotiations, for a period of three months, to attempt to resolve the Company's dispute amicably. While the Company has actively sought to engage in discussions and has requested meetings with the Uzbek Government on various occasions - including a formal invitation to the President of Uzbekistan - the Uzbek Government has not made itself available to discuss the issues with the Company to date. Regrettably, therefore, the Company is compelled to resort to arbitration for a resolution. Among other things, the arbitration asserts that the Uzbek Government treated the Company and its subsidiaries, Oxus Resources Corporation Limited and Marakand Minerals Limited (collectively the Group), unfairly and inequitably, discriminated against the Group, and failed to provide the Group with full protection and security, all in violation of the Uzbek Government's obligations toward foreign investors under the Agreement. The arbitration requests that damages be awarded in favour of the Company in an amount to be proven and quantified in the proceedings and currently estimated as no less than US$400 million. The Company further informs that on 21 July 2011 it was served with a claim commenced by the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan in the English High Courts to enforce an Uzbek judgment the Ministry of Finance obtained against the Company for the payment of a US$10 million special dividend by the Company. The Company had specifically identified the payment of such special dividend by the Company as one of the several basis upon which it would challenge the Uzbek Government in the arbitration under the Agreement. The Company considers the decision by the Ministry of Finance to commence these legal proceedings in the United Kingdom as an abuse of process which is motivated by a desire to derail the imminent arbitration under the Agreement. The Company is working together with its legal counsel to contest this claim.Force Majeure UpdateThe Company recently advised its shareholders that ORC was no longer able to comply with its management obligations towards AGF as a consequence of an onerous and arbitrary audit instituted against AGF by the Uzbek Government.Since the declaration of force majeure on 18 March 2011, ORC has continuously updated AGF's Uzbek shareholders regarding the force majeure circumstances by delivering notices that: (i) reiterate ORC's desire to negotiate regarding the future of AGF; and (ii) advise them of th

OXS ultrapunch 23 Nov 2015

Re: Indaknow cult Audit Commission / Declaration of Force MajeureMon, 21st Mar 2011 12:38RNS Number : 3180DOxus Gold PLC21 March 2011Oxus Gold plcAudit Commission/Declaration of Force MajeureOxus Gold plc (the "Company" refers to its announcement of 3 March 2011 in which it confirmed that its joint venture Amantaytau Goldfields ("AGF" was the subject of an extensive audit of its financial and economic activities by an audit commission appointed by the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan (the "Commission". The Commission began its review following discussions between the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Oxus Resources Corporation ("ORC" and the Uzbek shareholders of AGF as regards the disposal of ORC's 50% stake in AGF.As announced, the Directors of the Company have concluded that the Commission was not evaluating the assets of AGF in good faith and appeared to be using the process to find reasons to justify putting AGF into liquidation. In addition, certain licences and permits essential for AGF's ongoing operations have not been renewed.As a result, ORC has been forced to declare force majeure under (i) the management and services agreement relating to AGF and (ii) the charter of AGF. ORC is no longer able to comply with its obligations under either of these agreements, specifically as regards its obligations to manage AGF. Accordingly ORC's contractual obligations under these agreements have currently been suspended.The Company has to date not had a response to its proposal to the Uzbek shareholders of AGF to reach an amicable agreement to dispose of ORC's shareholding in AGF for fair value. The Company continues to work with its international legal counsel with a view to protecting the interests of the shareholders of the Company. The Company intends to move directly to international arbitration if the Uzbek shareholders do not reciprocate the Company's offer to negotiate in good faith or if there is an attempt to force AGF into liquidation. Shareholders will continue to be advised of any further material developments in respect of AGF as and when they occur.

OXS ultrapunch 23 Nov 2015

Re: Indaknow cult But the Uzbeks were involved in discussions to acquire OXS's 50% share after the Chinese financing deal fell through.International Arbitration / Directorate ChangeThu, 3rd Mar 2011 14:48RNS Number : 2992COxus Gold PLC03 March 2011Oxus Gold plcInternational Arbitration / Directorate ChangeOxus Gold ("Oxus" or the "Company" refers to the recent announcement of discussions between its wholly owned subsidiary, Oxus Resources Corporation ("ORC" and the Uzbek shareholders of Amantaytau Goldfields ("AGF" to acquire ORC's 50% owned stake in the AGF joint venture. As previously announced, the Uzbek shareholders, being Uzbek State owned entities, had agreed, in principle, to acquire ORC's 50% shareholding in AGF for cash, at a price to be agreed. Since the above announcement, AGF has been subjected to an extensive audit of the financial and economic activities of AGF by an audit commission appointed by the Ministry of Finance in Uzbekistan. The practices employed by the audit commission have led the Directors to conclude that there is no evaluation of the assets taking place in good faith and there is a risk of the audit committee using the process to find reasons to justify putting AGF into liquidation. Accordingly, Oxus has now appointed Amsterdam & Peroff LLP ("A&P", as legal counsel who specialise in dealing with disputes involving Sovereign States, to act on its behalf and A&P today advised the Government of Uzbekistan that Oxus intends to move directly to international arbitration to protect the interests of shareholders of Oxus, in the event that an agreement cannot be reached to dispose of ORC's shareholding in AGF for fair value or where there is any attempt to force AGF into liquidation.Shareholders will continue to be advised of any further material developments in respect of AGF as and when they occur.Oxus further announces that Richard Wilkins, the Finance Director, has for personal reasons resigned as a Director of Oxus with immediate effect. Richard Shead, Chairman of Oxus, said:"We still hope that an agreement can be reached with the Uzbek State in respect of the disposal of ORC's shareholding in AGF for fair value and, failing that, the Company will be left with no choice but to proceed to international arbitration.Further, the Board would like to thank Richard for his commitment to Oxus over the years and it is with regret that the Board accepted his resignation."

TEF casabanker 23 Nov 2015

Re: Jim Slater I took Jim's advice and bought ITV and have never regretted the purchase. I saw his tip of TEF but by the time I looked to buy, the sp had risen to well over 400. It's looking interesting again now that the sp has fallen to the placing price. Jim....God bless.Casa.

SIA sage in the hills 23 Nov 2015

Re: Don't panic! Then buy tonnes more on your convictionSAGE

HOME nk1999 23 Nov 2015

Re: Rumours From ADVFN:"RBC Capital Markets and Investec said fresh rumours of a £1bn takeover bid for Home Retail Group were credible but also highlighted that the shares are undervalued and could recover under current management.Home Retail, the owner of the Argos and Homebase retail chains, is "being circled by potential buyers" after its recent profit warning, according to reports on Sunday.The investment banks said such reports were not surprising given the recent weakness in the shares and valuation support that lies within the group, notably its net cash position of close to £200m and fully-funded net loan book that will top £600m by year end."Bid discussions tend to come and go, however we think the company's depressed valuation and potential for an alternative strategy means that the press reports cannot be dismissed out of hand," RBC said, which has a 150p price target and 'outperform' rating.Investec said it continued to see Home Retail as a value play in its own right and has a 155p target and 'buy' rating on the shares."nk

BVC high blood pressure1 23 Nov 2015

Re: 20p!!! I'm outThis just seems so small fry for now...Keeping on the watch list and may buy if any decent jam now new

CWD high blood pressure1 23 Nov 2015

Re: Very quiet here.....? Record lending November. Certain financial institutions reporting 25% increases in lending value vs last yea

CWD high blood pressure1 23 Nov 2015

Re: Very quiet here.....? I'm always in at the top lol. Should short not buy my decisions !

CHG lambrini girl 23 Nov 2015

Re: Bizarre SP movement IF u didnt get in @ my 150..perhaps consider now 180..bang on support..