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PUR noidea1960 24 Nov 2015

Re: Improved return coming They are looking to liquidate the company - read the RNS - subject to shareholder vote. I guess impatient investors see a delay in getting their 140/145p as a consequence but so what!

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 24 Nov 2015

Re: Scrapping the Blue Dollar Macri has promised to scrap the Blue Dollar,the blue dollar being the main reason why costs have exceeded $1200 poz...................................................................................Scrapping the Blue Dollar will give PGD so much more spending power and take us back to production costs $700poz---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------Good afternoon JohnA different 'take' if I may.If I am reading your post correctly it appears as if you are suggesting that Argentina's new President Mauricio Macri who has just been elected has stated that he will scrap the Blue Dollar (Informal market exchange rate) which in turn means that once implemented that PGD will return to profitability. I believe that there is about a 60% difference in exchange rates between the official and informal rate quoted but this is subject to usual fluctuations.Although no doubt a much required 'glimmer of hope' for all us shareholders - I really think that it is an extraordinary state of affairs for our management to have steered the company into a position whereby our future profitability was entirely dependent on the election being won by Mauricio Macri and then him being able to implement his desire to scrap the Blue Dollar that he indicated would occur should he be elected.Personally I feel that he has a 'big hill' to climb with foreign investors waiting for details on how and when Macri will tackle debt default negotiations with U.S. creditors - remove capital controls - devalue the peso currency and replenish hard currency reserves. Also he lacks a majority in Congress and currency reserves are running perilously low. Internationally - the slowdown in China - coupled with weak commodity prices and a deepening recession in Argentina's main trade partner Brazil all pose high risks.Mauricio Macri takes power on December 10th and it will take time for him to name his Cabinet. Argentina's big problem is that for 4 years there has been no growth or new jobs and a way has to be found to get Argentina moving again which will not be a 'quick fix' - not least because as things stand Argentina has defaulted on payments to bondholders who are mostly American hedge funds - who want satisfaction having won the legal battle and obtained various Court rulings to that effect. Just three months ago on August 12th - District Judge Thomas Griesa in Manhattan ruled that any of Argentina's property in the United States - unless for diplomatic or military use - would be deemed to be commercial - making it easier for the creditors to go after it.A political nightmare and a situation that will at the very least take time to 'unwind' with conclusions being drawn before the way forward is agreed with regard to future direction which includes being able to even consider scrapping the informal exchange rate. That's not taking into consideration how one physically prevents an informal exchange rate from operating as those with money in Argentina drive this market looking to hold hard currency. As to our operating costs - it appears as if it will be some time before we return to profitability which begs the question - Why increase production if we will be making a loss per ounce? More ounces produced the greater the accumulated loss - plus the depletion of our gold resource - bleeding what is left of our company dry via non profitable production. As to the logic behind Uruguay - the mind boggles.Good luck...

STI The Preston Plumber 24 Nov 2015

Re: why are shares tanking? I can not understand why this continues to fall either.All the news seems to be good news.Something must be happening behind the sc

TPL 3Dimensional 24 Nov 2015

Re: Marketwire Announce.... I like para 5---------- ---------- ---------- ---Yes Gunners, it is very comforting to know that we now have a major shareholder with a vested 20% interest on the board, an acquaintance of mine knows William quite well and make no bones about the fact this ship will be kept straight as long as he has anything to do with it. I guess my wish of Bell and Hammond getting the boot has kind of surfaced, as there will be no more people falling asleep at the wheel allowed.Great news.3D

PUR jayrocks 24 Nov 2015

Re: Improved return coming I am missing something here, if the proceeds are going to be 200p per share in the next few months then why has the share price fallen? or will we just get the proceeds of the insuarance, around 140p per share has been mentioned, but receive nothing from the sale of the remaining factory in Prescot? then it would make sesne for the share price to fall down to 140p region

MIRL The Preston Plumber 24 Nov 2015

Proxies for EGM Well I used my proxy to vote against all the resolutions at the EGM. This was for the good of the company and fellow shareholders..I hope that you all voted because now the deadline has passed.

BVS Hydrogen Economy 24 Nov 2015

Re: Strong Update - Price crash EadwigThe EPS growth history since 2010 on was 141%,65%, 73%, 49%, 70%.2015/2016 was expected to be 26%, 20% but now looks to be say 11% 2015. 2016 EPS growth depends on following but I would guess less than 20% - Whether the planning hold-ups are resolved (eg. there could be a risk that BVS has been overoptimistic about converting the strategic land bank and may not get PP for all they expected). My guess is that they will be able to get most of sites approved- there is a lot of pressure on planners to approve, albeit with a proportion of affordable housing which can squeeze margins. - cost increases. (I would think labour cost increases will outweigh any cost reductions of copper or other materials) - Sales volume and pricing - either prices tail off or volumes suffer due to affordability2017 on - who knows- but probably not as strong as was previously assumed I estimate avge costs grew at 4.5-5% in 2015 whilst avge sales prices rose 7%- but margins were nearly flat, clearly further rise in cost or reduction in price rise will squeeze margins. Price rises seem likely to slow, especially as interest rates rise - so to maintain or grow margins, BVS needs the new sites and to hold costs. Overall picture is one where BVS can continue to grow earnings- but probably at lower rates than previously expected- so on a DCF basis (or any other method come to that) the valuation inevitably takes quite a big hit- you could make a case for a fall of as much as 25% depending on assumptions, and the short term SP is exactly that - the aggregate of assumptions blowing in the winds of news and data, longer term the weighing machine of div payments will prevail. What we have seen does not surprise me- the question is can BVS get the planning fixed and hold costs. On balance at this price - I continue hold my moderate BVS stake. H2

ELCO jezza51 24 Nov 2015

awards awards are fine - but really needs some sales. business is ticking along and additional sales should drop down into the bottom line - they have resourced a team to do this and now need to see their results....

SCPA jezza51 24 Nov 2015

Interims not much wrong with the results - business continues with self help in industrial and building on the higher margin medical. think an interim dividend would have helped to reinforce a positive message - but the company can use the cash more effectively than paying dividends. The rating is demanding and doesn't give any room for mistakes; they will be making more acquisitions and they have shown they can manage these well. Target price 230 next year and 270 in 2017. If the market can't see the positives - look to buy on weakness down to 170

PDL Shotry 24 Nov 2015

Long Back in around 57. I think 61 likely next decision point. If it exceeds that, we could see a change in direction at least in the short term. Looks like the price will finish high, which is positive. currently. Closing price 57.65.

INTQ alan G4 24 Nov 2015

Re: figures The share graph here is a HORROR SHOW but I would be surprised if it went lower than15p during the next few months.Might be tempted around the 10p level if if gets beateninto submission though !

AFRI akaDolly 24 Nov 2015

not too bad I suppose [link] need to see whats in it for PLC

GEM George Zibbos 24 Nov 2015

Good sales result Somebody must have been mugged on the way back from India of the 19 million raised in the sale because although his news is good the share price has fallen again.

MAB dandigirl 24 Nov 2015

Re: WILL NEW CEO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE? Today's figures have the look of a corner being turned, at long last. Let us hope it is the beginning of a trend - and that the sp improves too.Dividend very welcome.

SAGA highsnlows 24 Nov 2015

Dividend payment .... ...not yet received.The payment date was 19th Nov. As of today 24th still not received it. Anyone else in the same situation? HnL