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UKOG riddler24 25 Nov 2015

Apc Technology Group PLC Increases Again: Strong Momentum for Buyers [link]

APC riddler24 25 Nov 2015

Apc Technology Group PLC Increases Again: Strong Momentum for Buyers [link]

CIU Ripley94 25 Nov 2015

Today pump this site ... motley fool.

TCG Sober666 25 Nov 2015

Re: Quiet there's only one chump on this BB my friend and that is you... I think we are all trying to ignore you in the vain hope you're going to do one.... you're a trowl.. an unpleasant individual. My theory on you is that you're either so gutted that you sold and made a loss or you're gutted you didn't get in early enough... if you don't hold any shares or don't rate this share then why are you hanging around like a weirdo?

TMZ Aaxb83 25 Nov 2015

Article on Health News [link] is a revolutionary new wireless early warning system utilizing radio waves and designed to improve patient outcomes and shorten hospital stays. The system, developed in the UK and introduced to the US market, enables early intervention by continuously and accurately monitoring vital signs of heart rate, respiration rate and axillary temperature every two minutes and alerting the nursing staff when pre-set thresholds are exceeded.According to a recent November 2015 ECRI report entitled: Top Ten Health Hazards for 2016, "Failure to effectively monitor postoperative patients for opioid-induced respiratory depression can lead to brain injury or death and was listed as number three on the list of hazards. Intermittent spot checks of oxygenation and ventilation every few hours are inadequate for reliably detecting opioid-induced respiratory depression."The system is based on a disposable, single-use, wearable patch that monitors patients outside of high acuity areas. notifying clinicians of changes in patients' vital signs, SensiumVitals brings the nurse to the deteriorating patient, allowing intervention before the condition worsens, potentially resulting in improved patient outcomes, shorter hospital stays, and lower treatment costs. It is currently in trials in two leading National Health Service (NHS) hospitals in the UK at St. James's University Hospital in Leeds and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

VOG Duffer 25 Nov 2015

Foo is the albatross around our neck, and should be discarded ASAP.

OXS limescale 25 Nov 2015

Re: Indaknow cult daviduzbek - have you actually seen the "concession contract"? You state "this (the financing) is certainly addresed in the fine print of the concession contract", which implies that you have actually seen it.Is this "concession contract" in the public domain? If yes, perhaps you would like to share it with us.Also, have you actually seen the Uzbek defence to the arbitration claims? You seem to be stating that their defence is based on Oxus's inability to raise the necessary financing for Amantaytau. If the Uzbeks' defence is in the public domain perhaps you could share it with us also. If it's not publicly available perhaps you could let us know how you came to be aware of it's contents.Finally, if you have access to the Uzbek's defence, can you share with us the reason for the Uzbek's withdrawing Oxus's rights to Khandiza.To sum up, please share:1. The concession contract between Oxus and the Uzbeks2. Details of the Uzbek's defence to Oxus's arbitration claims3. The reason for Khandiza being withdrawn from Oxus

PAG pearlsasinger 25 Nov 2015

Re: Great results I agree.However the market does not concur,The SP had started to move back -even before the results were announced.The only real threat here is a property price reversal-which is not too remote.I am and have been a holder of these shares since company was called National Home Loans-bumpy ride sometimes but the companyhas survived two crashes.

DLAR geldman 25 Nov 2015

Re: Results A very wise saying;the first cut is the best cut.DLR apparently have not won a contract to make and print paper for a new country for some time. It is becoming increasingly obvious that many countries will begin manufacturing their own banknote paper rather than buying it from DLR, adding to the global surplus of capacity. The long term prospects are really not good. Paying a dividend from the proceeds of selling off surplus land smacks of desperation.

CWC schwee 25 Nov 2015

Re: Poor Offer What are the Board thinking of by not insisting on a cash alternative. As far as I can tell, Liberty is a debt infested loss making company running to stand still.

KMR ALAN22211 25 Nov 2015

Alan The last release, as you indicate, was in late April. That is the most recent update I can provide and as this release makes clear, a number of pre-conditions were being addressed before this matter can move forward. Under Australian listing rules and the Irish Takeover Code, I am afraid I cannot expand upon the most recent market disclosure. What does anyone make of that? I thought i would email a few key contacts in Iluka and Kenmare to see if they could shed some light on the current decrease in share price.

JRIC pearlsasinger 25 Nov 2015

new possible offer at 73.5p The new 'approach' announced this morningwill almost certainly materialise into an offer:It was followed by some large purchases at 73.5and it is unlikely that a new third party wouldenter the fray at this late stage -without serious intent.

ATC cur de bull 25 Nov 2015

on the ball stopping unnecessary expenditure . good management . a bargain at these prices . imo

DLAR LK Hyman 25 Nov 2015

Re: Results Games,These were truly terrible results, and the balance sheet looks awful. It would have been even worse without the gain from the surplus land in Overton.Mrs LKH has a small stake in DLAR (currently down 14% in no time at all) and I shall urge her to sell it if there is a single new piece of bad news in future.On the positive side the announcement of a 'root and branch' review of the Cash Processing Systems division suggests strongly that they will get rid of the part of the business which performed most poorly in the half year. It can't happen too soon in my opinion and should be easy enough to cut loose from the rest of the business, though I have no idea whether anyone can be found to take it off DLAR's hands.Operating cash flow was remarkably strong compared to the previous comparable half, even after allowing for the gain on the land. It looks as if the main reason was the change in working capital. I don't know enough about the company to be able to have a view on how that might change in the next half year."Security" in the widest sense ought to mean that this is a good safe company to invest in, but they seem to be worryingly accident-prone.Holding by fingertips.LKH on the flybridge

CIR gamesinvestor 25 Nov 2015

Re: Bought "Woody is a CIR fan"LK --- Agggh no he's not is he?Ruined my coffee morning now -- I might have to consider offloading it then.Games -- poor old Woody, although he got a bit of a lift with Babcock yesterday -- I didn't though because I don't own it -- and probably won't!!