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AYM brit in michigan 25 Nov 2015

NEW Broker At last, a New Broker. They cannot be any worse than that Amber lot we had.Onwards and upwards mes amis.Have a great Thanksgiving if there are any other USA resident readers of this.Otherwise I will check back in December to send greetings to all, and see that the Company has suddenly prospered. I can dream can't I?

BOX gary25 25 Nov 2015

Tree shake now or large sell in the offing

MER Uncle Doug 25 Nov 2015

Osborne's Spending Review Osborne's Spending Review today - councils allowed to raise council tax by 2% if it's spent on social care. It's pretty certain most councils will do this ... good news for Mears. TP 500 by end of year.

HFEL devonplay 25 Nov 2015

Re: Rubbish charts on iii HFEL v SS... You should also JEMI.LGood luck with your research.Devon.

EMR charlie51 25 Nov 2015

Hardman So much for the value of paid for research - 6% down after the Hardman report. Waste of money on the company's part and damaging to shareholders. I hope the board at EMR have learned a lesson.

AMFW Alan Tittymarsh 25 Nov 2015

Re: Where's Lambrini gone? Kenj2When I consider divs, it's the prospective div that matters, not one I already know that is going to be reduced. They've left the interim alone for this year but have declared that it will be cut next year along with the final. The realistic view is what what happens next year and beyond. That's what the sp does. And we're almost into next year. So expecting this share to yield 6% + in the next few years is unrealistic IMV.

QPP Gailes5 25 Nov 2015

Mel Have you changed your medication recently?

APC walrusty 25 Nov 2015

28.57% So patience has paid off it seems with this jump today,but why is this happening now?

TRY holland44 25 Nov 2015

Re: Time to buy? What prompts you to think it might be a good time?From a chart perspective, it might be a good time: the SP has recently dropped heavily several times through the 50 week moving average, and this has generally provided a support, at least in the period since July 2012. The Intermediate KST appears to have bottomed out after a long period through 2015 of underperformance and has just crossed its signal like, and the MACD is bobbling along around zero after a long decline.The trust has a good reputation, but I don't get the impression we 're on the brink of a boom in European property and the wider economy. If I were a new medium-term investor in TR Property, I'd drip-feed over, say, six months just to be on the safe side.

BVC car1petbagger 25 Nov 2015

Since it reached 20p[ Volumes have been low no positive news flow seems to be back to the old BATM. P{rice drifting down. It looked like it was heading for a break out but back to same old, same old....

MARL goldie5 25 Nov 2015

I think the Christmas sales are coming to an end.

KIBO goldie5 25 Nov 2015

I must be the only one totally unfussed by the drop over last couple of weeks. It happened at exactly the same time as virtually all aim commodity stocks fell. Virtually everything has been hammered on v low volume. MMs seem to be trying to create liquidity by continually dropping prices which is simply having the effect of stalling buying in the hope of getting in even cheaper. We know roughly when significant news is due and no doubt interest will massively increase. It would help if market sentiment improved though. In my years of investing I have never experienced such an awful time for commodity shares.

TCG II Editor 25 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Thomas Cook in profit, but terror risk remains "For the first time in five years, LSE:TCG:Thomas Cook is profitable after paying its tax bill. Strength in its UK and Northern European operations drove performance in the 12 months to September, and winter bookings are being snapped up faster ..."[link]

CNEL Bazil_Brush 25 Nov 2015

CNEL Is very much a trader's share. Great to see a 62% rise yesterday but as inevitably private investors who have been locked in due to drop of space over last 18 months rush to release profits. Traders fuel the rapid rise then dump shares when the news hype fades.My small stake in here is once more back in profit. CNEL I think will remain a solid company within an up and coming industry sector. A keeper for me for now.B_B

QPP melrosian 25 Nov 2015

Would I like UK spooks to nail the those behind the attack. Yes. Absolutely. New Board and bridging gearing and in 18 months ......hunky dory. Time will tell.Mel