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EMR charlie51 26 Nov 2015

Re: Hardman Because that si what Hardman do - paid for research. It's their business.


Any views anyone Hi All,Steady eddie here on the share price with these broker forecasts:-8 Nov 15 Numis Buy 349.40 - 396.00 Retains12 Nov 15 Peel Hunt Buy 349.40 330.00 330.00 Reiterates12 Nov 15 Investec Buy 349.40 343.00 360.00 Reiterates[link] am currently up 73% on these does anyone have a view on them and after there latest ahead of expectation updates.GLTA

PDL Andy Reilly 26 Nov 2015

Re: Long S - hope you continue your success with PDL and it continues to make money for you. I fumbled it too much for my liking, (although only took a tiny loss) and so I prefer to sit on the sidelines. I might come back for another stab at it, but at the moment it just seems too slippery - best of luck.


Reduced weighting Took some profit on these from Jun13 at 2.32 so banked 77% profit to reduce weighting.Core holding on the rest.GLTA

MARL goldie5 26 Nov 2015

bounces tend to coincide with aim doing better - I am extremely hopeful of a decent first quarter - frankly can't get much worse for commodity markets at the moment,

MONI Orchard Gate 26 Nov 2015

Re: Why the rise? "I feel great thanks...............out and with a profit"Yeah, right. Having gone long at 71p you managed to sell at a profit despite the shares falling like a stone. Alchemy.You wouldn't like to back that up with your contract notes, would you? No, thought not. What a berk.

MONI Orchard Gate 26 Nov 2015

Re: Why the rise? "No better way of proving to the world you're humiliated than by chasing people across boards"You appear to have missed the point, once more. You claimed here it required no skill to have posted bearish views about seven "small companies" and for all seven to have gone down, substantially on average. Leaving aside the fact that RBS and AO World and Serco are hardly small companies I took a look at your own record and saw you're bullish about and long some small dog stock called AAZ. Now if it's so easy to be bearish about small caps because they're inevitably going to go down, how come you're under water on that one? You suggest that even a monkey could make a correct call like that: so what species of animal does this make you?Thanks for providing yet another opportunity to kick the ball between your legs and into the net.And what about Monitise? Any views? I notice that Sir Singed has gone rather quiet.

WRES supeman1 26 Nov 2015

soon to break into the 80's again... charts look very impressive....

AYM Salop Tom 26 Nov 2015

Re: NEW Broker Any news is probably good news. I am holding till either death (AYM or me) or till mining comes back with demand ahead of supply. This is my one disaster in my portfolio, and I bought more on behalf of the grandchildren!Not worth selling at this price.

TUNG Orchard Gate 26 Nov 2015

Re: Odey tops up Tungsten stake "A stopped clock is right twice each day."That only makes sense if you think share prices go round in a circle. They don't. I could very easily have been wrong in saying Tungsten was a busted flush and the shares would crash when I did - pretending the outcome was pre-ordained is pretty pathetic. Face facts - I was right, you were wrong. Simple. Maybe next time it will be the other way around but given yet another average down by you on AO World, maybe not.

WRES supeman1 26 Nov 2015

funding will be a piece of cake and at low low rates too.....

SGI Ripley94 26 Nov 2015

Re: TOM WINNIFRITH Not so sure he seems to have the right logic on AIM in general.He seems to only favor a few.

MONI Steve Gurr 26 Nov 2015

Re: Why the rise? "Anyway, Steve, what do you think of Monitise now and your previous "strong buy" recommendations. Feeling foolish? Cos ya outta ..... "I feel great thanks...............out and with a profi

QPP jaja 26 Nov 2015


QPP TX2 26 Nov 2015

Slater & Gordon Car Crash! George Osborne's transfer of compensation claims under £5k to Small Claims Court and other matters re "whiplash" claims has wiped out most of the work of compensation lawyers.S&G shares below $1........