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QPP melrosian 26 Nov 2015

Re: Slater & Gordon Car Crash! Acually TX2 more car crashes puts SGH income up, possibly the margins too.How do you get the public to have more car crashes exactly?Mel

QPP melrosian 26 Nov 2015

Brilliant TX2 is back. Love it.Mel

QPP melrosian 26 Nov 2015

Re: Wow at current SGH SP , Assuming SGH satisfies lender covenants , and carries on the current historic dividend yield is now 9.34%. I wonder what the dividend increase will be on the results to june 2013. On todays sp could take div yield up (20%?) giving 11.2% and sp recovery over next 2 years? If Greech is right next 6 months reporting may well fix it.Always thought christmas eve was good time for recovery play purchases. Time to put more money where mouth is methinks. Mel

LRE titusaducks 26 Nov 2015

share price dip Anyone any ideas why such a dramatic fall in the SP this morning?

TRY Bellabeck 26 Nov 2015

Re: Time to buy? Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply. Fairly new to this, taken my asset allocation from Monevator's Slow & Steady Model Portfolio for my SIPP. I have property asset allocation currently invested in Blackrock Global Property Securities Equity Tracker D, which has gone down by 6.57% since bought back in February this year. Recent edition of Money Observer on ITs was encouraging on TR Property (with a NAV discount around 9%) and so I wondered whether to sell around £5K of tracker (at a small loss) and invest in TR Property instead...

EMR long term hold 26 Nov 2015

Re: Hardman To my mind, the day to day performance is not what is important ... The long run returns are what we should be looking for and this continues to look undervalued, generating strong returns on capital and expanding sensibly ... Hardman are there to inform people who have never looked at the company. But overall, brokers are to be ignored - this company will succeed or fail based on its business model and execution - not based on what a broker does or does not say from one week to the next - and emp appears to be going in right direction... We should all hold tight IMHO

ZOX alan G4 26 Nov 2015

Re: Placing Guys just a word of warning - none of the respectable finance houses are willing to lend tosmall Aim resource stocks at the moment so if this placing goes ahead it will likely be withone of the sharks like Hendersons or Darwin ( death spiral funders ) and at a huge discountto todays prices.Safer to stay out of this at moment IMVHO as it could get a whole lot worse very quick.On the plus side if they can get a placing above 0.20p and halt their cash burn till the zincprices recover they might have a chance of staying around for a while.

MONI Steve Gurr 26 Nov 2015

Re: Why the rise? "You wouldn't like to back that up with your contract notes, would you? No, thought not. What a berk."Sure I'll dig them out, but then if you bother to look you'll see I posted when I sold, in March 2014, at 72.25 and made a profit!"I sold yesterday @ 72.25, looking to get back in but unsure when.""What a berk"..............Pot - Black- KettleHave a good day at school

TCM LuxInvest 26 Nov 2015

Unbelievable this is it even rises from 200 to 230 in 4 days, after which all gains are given back in 3 hours with so little volume....this surely must be manipulation!!

CHL keepcalm 26 Nov 2015

viz, don't you think that Clifford Chance would have already worked this through ! and for the sake of good order the licenses have been recorded correctly in the RI records

TUNG Ripley94 26 Nov 2015

Re: Odey tops up Tungsten stake Hi Orchard.Maybe/ or not..... you might like to look at the AO board again. LOL

WRES jaja 26 Nov 2015

interview with zakmir later late afternoon - expect more buying soon after that

CHL keepcalm 26 Nov 2015

viz, are you on a short by chance?

TCG Orchard Gate 26 Nov 2015

Re: Quiet " if you don't hold any shares or don't rate this share then why are you hanging around"So your view is that the only people who should express a view are those who own the shares (by definition bulls or they would sell) and those with a bullish view? And you think that's an intelligent contribution on a share discussion board, do you?If you only want to see views which accord with your own, send yourself an email. And you appear to have missed the fact that my bearish views have been rather better than the bullish views of the 'insider'p.s. if you don't like reading my posts put me on ignore because your sort of intolerance only motivates me to post more frequently. No one likes a fascist.

AO Ripley94 26 Nov 2015

Re: Topped ER..... You made me look.My record is 23 July @ 121.I know you think me foolish but i do know 140 is less then 170.Maybe you did need time to think about it... LOL.Maybe you are not what you seem and just try to mislead.