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NAH MRBIG 26 Nov 2015

oh dear...

LTHM pharmaspecialist 26 Nov 2015

Re: Half yearly figures Yes I quite agree lew, another set of solid figures. I like companies with strong track records and significant family ownership as they oftern have conservative strategies. Osborne's financial measures to boost housebuilding, announced yesterday, can only help the company. I have topped up today.

ZOX popes11 26 Nov 2015

Re: Andrew Woollett I bailed out as felt it was better to get something rather than total wipeout. Thought I could have been selling the bottom but just keeps falling. Looks to me like Korea zinc will get the plant. Funnily enough I mentioned this share to a wise investor about four years ago. His take was they have done better than most to get the plant constructed. He thought in the end that Korea zinc would take them out due to debt. That was just prior to commissioning the plant when the price was 80p or so. Sold out at that time but thought the risk was worth getting back in when it hit single figures.

WRES supeman1 26 Nov 2015

plent of legs on this baby

INL Eadwig 26 Nov 2015

Re: Results - P/E? - Future "CEO sold £1m worth though so his will have had some effect"Seems like a lot of that effect that has worked out of the price now (see price dip on high volumes below). I hope the directors don't make a habit of it as they own about 25% between them from memory. On the other hand, he created a very nice buying opportunity for anyone interested at the time. Unfortunately, I'd bought more a little before he gave us that opportunity.That large land bank owned by INL (large relative to the company's size), mostly meant for re-sale rather than building on themselves, must surely make them one of the big winners from the governments new housing policy intentions announced yesterday.I would certainly be buying at this level if I wasn't a holder. Hence, strong buy @70p, although if the US Fed raises rates around 16th Dec, there might be a sector-wide reaction giving a lower opportunity - despite the fact the Chancellor when interviewed this morning quite obviously isn't expecting UK rate rises anytime soon.

88E jaja 26 Nov 2015


LGO jaja 26 Nov 2015

WRES shooting up

UKOG jaja 26 Nov 2015

watch WRES

QPP melrosian 26 Nov 2015

Re: Wow Spike I don't recall Edison saying anything about the cash flow forecast, just profits and EPS. ...and note. There is nothing irrefutable in the points I make, except the Edison forecasts.The Edison PBT rise forecast can be 50 % wrong and SGH shareholders will still see EPS on an upward trajectorymel

KMR ALAN22211 26 Nov 2015

I understand that i dont mind the company not being sold as i am not in it to make money from the quick sale. I would prefer the BOD to come out and reassure us that everything is okay as at present i am feeling a bit on edge as i am watching the share price dramatically fall day by day

SAL boldly going 26 Nov 2015

Continuing price slide Is anybody aware as to why the share price keeps heading south? Perhaps some bad news that's not been released as yet? Would be interested in views...

ZOX HPC Follower 26 Nov 2015

Re: Andrew Woollett Andrew is certainly has a major incentive financially to get ZOX back into a profitable position; but suspect he will save any cash he has in order to support the planned Placement.His family have significant holdings for their pensions as well, which may not be included in this 3.3%.Today is more for day traders I suspect... although I have averaged down a bit more myself - a bit of a gamble though.

TRY holland44 26 Nov 2015

Re: Time to buy? The MP and former stockbroker John Baron likes TRY for his Spring and Thematic model portfolios at He includes other more UK-focused property trusts in the other portfolios. You can find his rationales under "Trusts of the Moment", e.g. FRCE and SLI.Which Investment Trust recommend TRY too: see their Buy List at [link]

NCT BOWOOD 26 Nov 2015

SP Don't understand the SP drop on the issue of equity. The funds were raised in difficult times for the sector, to assist with further positive investment. This is an opportunity to top up as production should increase and the oil price will no doubt recover over the coming months. Mexico could prove to be a exiting investment.

MOS wkdmarty 26 Nov 2015

And the downward spiral continues 4p coming?