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MMX Brimach1 27 Nov 2015

Looks like Henderson has sold out.... We know Hendersons held 45,277,483. The RNS this morning indicates 45,277,483 shares have been purchased under the buy-back . Logic suggests Henderson has sold out.

BOX BOWOOD 27 Nov 2015

Bid? Posters on another Board are talking about an offer for BOX now it's getting established. I hope this is not the case as I would like to benefit from further anticipated, and substantial growth over the next 12/18 months. Still good value under 0.50p IMO


Results - Good Results read very well and good progress on new store openings funded entirely internally. Maiden divi paid in Janaury EPS of 11.4 makes the P/E a bit eye watering but i guess people have been happy to follow Luke and purchase a quality business.Views from anyone whether the share price will mark time around these levels?GLTA

LRE Greyinvestor 27 Nov 2015

Fair value LRE has now distributed more of it's capital, so it's time to assess what fair value is, based upon the reduced level of net tangible assets, and to some extent reduced earning power.In my view the highest possible valuation is £6.60, and the lower end of the valuation range is £5.44. So I put fair value at around £6.I remain a substantial holder of these shares, but the price is a bit too high for me to add to my stake at this stage.

FRP janebolacha 27 Nov 2015

RNS: No impact on results 2015 and 2016 27 November 2015 Fairpoint Group plc ("Fairpoint" or the "Group" Response to Autumn Statement Fairpoint Group plc ("Fairpoint" or "the Group", one of the UK's leading providers of consumer professional services (including consumer legal services), notes the comments made by the Chancellor in yesterday's Autumn Statement regarding personal injury claims. The Government's outline proposals, which remain subject to consultation, seek to restrict the ability for sufferers of minor whiplash injuries to claim compensation. The expected implementation timetable is April 2017 following a period of consultation in which the exact nature of the proposals will be defined. As such the proposed changes will have no impact on the Board's expectations of Group performance for the year to 31 December 2015 or for the year to 31 December 2016. The notion of extending the small claims limit has been a topic of debate for some time and following the acquisition of Colemans LLP and its class leading Legal Processing Centre in August 2015, the Group has an operational capability designed specifically in anticipation of such changes. As such the Group is well positioned to take advantage of these market changes.

SPH Ambiorix1 27 Nov 2015

Remember this one... 28 May 2014Valeant shipped off rights to a handful of cosmetic products to Nestlé as the Swiss food group looks to expand into the dermatology space. In exchange for $1.4 billion in cash, Nestlé will grab North American rights for antiwrinkle treatments Restylane, Perlane, Emervel and Dysport. The company already claims the ex-North American rights to those treatments, thanks to its March move to take full ownership of Galderma, a dermatology venture with L'Oreal. As part of the Valeant deal, Nestlé will also gain worldwide rights to another aesthetic med, Sculptra. Galderma not only has a history of building strong businesses, but is firmly committed to the aesthetic dermatology. Galderma has already built a strong franchise with Restylane, Perlane, Dysport and Emervel outside North America and, with the addition of Sculptra, will now have the ability to bring their expertise to the U.S. and Canada. For Nestlé, the pickup is part of an attempt to diversify beyond its signature food products. While it isn't a huge deal, in combination with the $3.6 billion Galderma buyout, it's a signal that they are serious about expanding their business into the health sphere, analyst Jon Cox told the Financial Times. "I would expect to see more acquisitions from them as they move further into the medical and health spectrum," he said.(Reworked article from FiercePharma)Ambiorix.

FRP janebolacha 27 Nov 2015

Re: Sell Off There's a very good presentation here, on Paul Scott's excellent site:[link] figures or percentages for the different activities, though.

QPP eagle51 27 Nov 2015

calling Mel..... ....are you awake (I'm in Oz and don't know what time it is in Melroseville).SGH is in trouble and a lot of people are saying it's fraud, PLUS only 73 people in the UK yesterday had really painful injuries worth more than £5k. That Osborne's measures worked.I made a miscalculation earlier - SGH is worth (sorry its share price says its worth) £116m, which is a bit much for me. Do you want to go halves? If we're prepared to risk it, if we wait half an hour we could get it for £50m. Make that £25m.It's all private sellers by the way, Mel. Moonie told me.

QPP eagle51 27 Nov 2015

Re: Slater and Gordonraol Spike - I'm not sure about SGH either. I've had a modest bet against the dung beetles (I like that description, sorry - shorters). I'm not sure I'd be buying QPP presently either. I exclude the new CEO from this comment but I'm not sure the new board is that smart or brave - they're probably too well paid and only had to achieve safety to collect. 'Shareholder value' at the top of their agenda?? Where? If they'd had balls they'd have held onto the £650m and used it to back their claims that the new QPP is a firmly focused. three prong business with good prospects. As it turns out, they could have bought S&G whole, got PSD and the escrow back, paid off a lot of SGH's debt and had change. I'm not suggesting they should have owned crystal balls, just balls. Can someone remind me what Rose is getting? If you're reading this, Rosey. I'm not really having a go at you - I had no complaints at the time; it's just that I have 20/20 hindsight. You haven't done a bad job all things considered; we probably don't know the half of it.They did what they had to do and steered QPP away from the rocks. Whether there was better way of doing this we'll never know. You say SGH overpaid for PSD? Why? They spent 3 months or more with a team of 60 or 70 lawyers working through 8000 live cases and at the end weren't shy about saying they knew what they'd bought, they'd ignored QPP's accounting policies and applied their own and reckoned (presumably conservatively) the £649m tag represented 7.1 times earnings.The above, if only maintained, would have provided a 14% net return on investment, but importantly it gave them a strong entry point into the much bigger UK market they clearly believed was ready for their kind of style, which seems to me to come across as a bit more upmarket than what the UK is used to in this most pure and ethical of business activities. I haven't got a clue if it is any different inside their doors, or when you climb inside the heads of those who run the business, but they seem to make money in Oz even if their gearing's a bit high for my liking. It's easy to work out what the PSD SHOULD make, but heaven knows if it will or, if it does, when. Finishing off on the price SGH paid for the PSD, it would be surprising if Rose hadn't lined up a friendly organisation or two (a bank and a factoring business?) to say they'd be providing the means for the PSD (and QPP generally) to overcome any short term cash outflow until WIP started producing if the price wasn't right. It needn't have been true! Rumours aren't always without substance and the number of £1bn being bandied about at the time might have been what it started off at.WDIK - it's all guessing. QPP's a guess; SGH is a guess. The markets are a guess. Life's a f***** guess. None of it will matter when an asteroid hits us. Have some fun in the meantime. Mow a few fields (it's a joke, moonie - it's simply something I like doing - I have a lot of my best thoughts on the tractor and the khazi). I don't believe anyone's cash flow forecasts. There are lies, damn lies and CFF.I see SGH is still heading south - now 69c (A$8 a few months back). I might buy it, sort out all the frauds and sell it for a profit. The bigger carcass feeders have got blood drooling all down their cheeks..................

QPP spike501 27 Nov 2015

Re: Slater and Gordonraol Eagle - glad you didn't execute the higher order, the budget review was completely out of left field which no one could have predicted. To be honest the proposed new rules seem sensible and I can't believe it won't affect the business model but I've not looked into it in enough detail to make any sort of educated call.I've always thought SGH significantly over paid for QLS but only in the fact that Quindell were quite obviously screwed with liquidity and I think a bid of half what they paid would still have Ben successful.However I never believed that SGH, after sending a detailed DD team in, has bought a load of garbage - surely after such a thorough process they have solid cases, but frankly I'm not sure.Personally I won't be buying now as its outside my appetite but, and it's a big but, if they can convert the existing WIP into cash - and existing WIP should not be impacted by new regulation - then they should be able to stay within their banking covenants and then, whil they might have to scale back in some new business, overall it should offer far more value than today.All depends on whether you believe SGH forecasts of QLS cashflow. Not really sure I do.

QPP eagle51 27 Nov 2015

Re: Should we be getting out? "Eddie - do you have anything to back up the fact that the halving of S&G's share price is down to shorters and not existing shareholders heading out?"................Moonie - do you have anything to back up the fact that it isn't? A lot of individuals would have to have sold to warrant a halving of the price in a day (a lot must have sold at the same time, with the price falling off a cliff around midday Oz time - 11 hrs ahead of us). Were they all watching the UK Chancellor's Autumn statement? The link I provide might give a vague clue - even to you - about the level of interest the dung beetles show in SGH. It's not bang up to date (20/11) but it will do. SGH is the most shorted stock on the ASX by a few multiples of the next most shorted (16.33%). If you don't understand, I expect you'll be able to ask someone with an IQ of closer to 100 to explain it all to you:[link] you support the practice of beneficial owners of shares in companies they have invested in having those shares, which are held in trust for them by others (internet brokers, pension funds etc) being lent by those others, without their knowledge or consent, for the express purpose of destroying their value?I have no idea if you have a mortgage or not, but how would you feel about a bank that was holding the title deeds to your home as security for your mortgage, lending those deeds to the owner of a construction company without your knowledge or consent, so that he could turn up and vote at a meeting about a new motorway it was proposed should be built at the bottom of your presently peaceful garden, which he was hoping to win a contract to build part of? Does that sound fair to you, Moonie? As for: "Perhaps more pertinently do you have any examples where betting against big short positions is wealth generating?"..........I think you'd better call nurse too. Dealing in stock markets is about making money. The wealth of individuals is what is being created or lost by them effectively placing bets, either short or long. If they get those bets right, they win and if they get them wrong, they lose. But the rules should be fair. It's as simple as that. I didn't do badly out of buying QPP when the price had been forced too low by the dung beetles, so a bit of wealth was generated there (for me at least).I'm prepared to take the rough with the smooth and am not shy about truthfully declaring my thoughts and the actions I've accordingly taken.How about you, Moonie?

WEIR II Editor 26 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 27/11/2015 "WEIR GROUP  (LSE:WEIR) completes our week of taking the time to read Interactive Investors front page! Near term. movement above 1203p shows with growth to 1263p possible with secondary a slightly more useful 1312p. Perhaps of more importance ..."[link]

QPP melrosian 26 Nov 2015

Re: TX2 & Moonowl Actually I have revised my opinion1 NHL no change2. The core business may contract as a % of the smaller least profitable new cases falls after 2016 or 7. I am unsure, That is not all bad as the larger best cases will remain and the biggest beast in the UK is SGH - ensuring it probably has excellent ongoing bargaining position.It seems unlikely that projections of £280M PBT ( overall for yrs to june 2016 & 2017)will be affected much . If ( I stress if) there is some contraction , it is not beyond the wit of lawyers to change direction/ redeploy and bring efficiency processing to other areas of the law after thePBT £280M ( over £200M PAT) has made a big hole in the debt. " We are lawyers". Wonder if they are bright ones with adequate treasury / risk/tax management skills?. Moonowl, Porsche didnt do badly betting against shorters. If SGH can keep coming up with 9 fig £M guidance and debt reduction then shorters will have to go long. Mel

ZOX HPC Follower 26 Nov 2015

Re: SLOANE ROBINSON If they have, the trades haven't been reported yet. There has been no RNS indicating any major shareholder stock holding either... so far.Who knows what the next few days/weeks will bring us here ???

QPP moonowl 26 Nov 2015

Re: Should we be getting out? As usual, any indifferent news (and the market had two bits to present as a lot more than they were) gave the shorters the sort of opportunity they love, as destroyers of other people's wealth for their own greedy gain, using shares borrowed from investors without their knowledge or consent that is allowed by a system that is far more corrupt than anything these leeches claim to be targeting, as the means to do so. ………………………………………….Eddie - do you have anything to back up the fact that the halving of S&G's share price is down to shorters and not existing shareholders heading out?Perhaps more pertinently do you have any examples where betting against big short positions is wealth generating?