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DGO alanjackson 29 Nov 2015

CAPITA fees Hello, did you find an alternative to paying these extortionate fees?

DGO alanjackson 29 Nov 2015

I also have Drogon Oil shares but did not receive the offer brcause I was moving house. CAPITA have now witten to me saying ther fees are 15% PLUS VAY (at 20%) Any alternatives?

OXS Pennyfalls 29 Nov 2015

Re: Phone number - sent you e-mail Hi Indaknow..With all respect I take it that you have never met or talked to DavidUzbek, so, although you may have views on what he knows, doesn't know, past background and jobs, what do you actually know about him ?You're making a lot of assumptions. Put it this way, I'd rather talk to David, and find out myself, than have an armchair critic , who doesn't even know him personally, judge what he does or doesn't know. I don;t see what the problem is..I'm not looking for anything specific about the Oxus case, but I like learning things, important or not.You only find out and make a rounded view by asking. Most stories aren't the ones you expect to hear and are just picked up by throwaway remarks, and if I learn one interesting thing, then it's been worthwhile.I just want to talk to him and have a chat, it's that simple

MONI Steve Gurr 29 Nov 2015

Re: steve gurr Love the multiple '?' to try and emphasis a question Not hypocritical at all imvho - I recommended the posts because I have loved watching OG, who only seems to post patronising belittling posts, getting flamed and played at his own 'game'.But thanks for your interest, and comment, and I hope I helped with your confusion

QPP melrosian 29 Nov 2015

Re: On the other hand Eagle...what you are talking about is bondage. I absolutely refuse to talk about my private life.Mel- issa ( Coy mode)

QPP melrosian 29 Nov 2015

Then SGH falls on bank covenents. Oh dear. Happy shorters. Watchit has one of those weekend Board meetings.EGM where we are asked if we want to scoop SGH for nothing. Good - my constitution has had enough Wallaby for a bit. Result.of EGM ...whatever the Board recommends. Howard becomes chairman and prospective Duke of Orkney....King of Scotland?Watchit Plc knows the cash generative bit is now upon SGh and it spends 18 months banking the WIP+ the 44% gross profit margin ( Wow)....and contracting to big beast not huge beast. ( its cash generative) Meanwhile Yon Muchart chappie proves to be a genius and those businesses valued at negative Gazillions are actually headed for huge value in a couple of years. Timetable set for IPO Apr 2017QPP /watchit shares now worth £3 and no gearing at all. just after the rest has demonstrated that actually there is a lot of value in SGH. .well it works on a Monopoly board............Mel ( in strange mode he know nothing) PS......As a matter of interest, how long will the cash in Balance sheet + 3 businesses have a negative value on the stock exchange?

HAWK sailordude 29 Nov 2015

Re: Does Rick do a good RNS? Hi CB, Yes I was meaning the bad old DB days, at least Rick says it as it is.

QPP eagle51 29 Nov 2015

Re: On the other hand You sound as if you know quite a lot about bonds, Mel.What are they? Do they have something to do with rope?

OXS indaknow 29 Nov 2015

Re: Phone number - sent you e-mail PennyI hope you know what you're doing. Lou Lou will be so upset when she finds out you're cheating on her... Good luck getting anything useful out of David Uzbek. He's not seen the contract, not actually seen any corruption take place with his own eyes, not part of the arbitration hearing.. I'm sure he'll be very knowledgeable...

SEV spurslegend 29 Nov 2015

Re: riddler podcast - picks Servision And now CEO has done excellent podcast for 20mins on sharepickers. Comthis company should be 10p +

SPH whitehat 29 Nov 2015

What's it worth? So, after this deal does anyone have any idea what the overall value of the company is, and what the remainder is really worth?The share price didn't exactly explode on the news, less than 10% gain since, so it doesn't look that good at first glance. If it were only a small part of the company then the gain, averaged out over the entire share base, doesn't look too bad.I almost bought in here at 40p-ish and glad I didn't. But this obviously has a way to go so will get in if an opportunity opens.Any analysis appreciated.

QPP melrosian 29 Nov 2015

Re: On the other hand MillipedeI conclude I know not a lot about a lot. Mel ( In epiphany mode)

FTO Guyfawkes 29 Nov 2015

Payment of CVRs Approximately three months left for the conditions to be met allowing the payment of CVRs to former shareholders. If memory serves, they expire on 6th March or thereabouts. Good luck to all.

BA lagolis 29 Nov 2015

Re: 440-520 Yes SP just as fast as it plummeted. Just back in the positive territory. With the expected Santa rally in Dec let's hope the upward trend is maintained.There has to be time when this will start to drift down again before too long?Lagolis

HLMA Hugh Betcher 29 Nov 2015

Re: Uncharted heights "SELL target £3.."I think we have worked out how much this poster knows!NOWT !