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CWK Boring Bernie 30 Nov 2015

Re: Decent results Better results, profit wise, than I'd expected if I'm honest.I know what you mean about the cancer scare, people don't understand what "processed" actually means

KLR oldjoe1 30 Nov 2015

KLR, Fundies Look Strong For Keller...... KLR Keller Group PLC<b><i>Fundies showing......1.Forward P/E of just 8.5 to 2016, which is far lower than the sector average.2.Forward EPS estimate for 2016 of 11.56% which i think is very conservative given that the US is recovering and I expect at least a figure of 15% or more. 3.PEG of 0.74 to 2016 which shows the company as still healthy growth.</b></i> Keller Group PLCFORECASTS2015 2016Date Rec Pre-tax (£ EPS (p) DPS (p) Pre-tax (£ EPS (p) DPS (p)Peel Hunt LLP 26-11-15 BUY 96.04 91.07 26.50 107.04 99.61 28.50Investec Securities 17-11-15 BUY 95.70 83.65 26.47 104.00 91.13 27.78Numis Securities Ltd 04-08-15 ADD 95.00 85.60 27.70 106.10 95.50 29.90Westhouse Securities 09-10-14 BUY 2015 2016Pre-tax (£ EPS (p) DPS (p) Pre-tax (£ EPS (p) DPS (p)Consensus 95.87 85.60 26.48 106.10 95.50 28.151 Month Change 0.17 1.12 -1.10 -2.30 0.22 -1.753 Month Change 0.48 1.09 -1.10 -2.30 0.22 -1.75GROWTH2014 (A) 2015 (E) 2016 (E)Norm. EPS 34.08% 9.01% 11.56%DPS 5.17% 8.54% 6.28%INVESTMENT RATIOS2014 (A) 2015 (E) 2016 (E)EBITDA £148.90m £156.17m £171.96mEBIT £92.40m £98.30m £108.30mDividend Yield 2.99% 3.24% 3.44%Dividend Cover 3.22x 3.23x 3.39x<b>PER 10.40x 9.54x 8.56x</b>PEG 0.30f 1.06f 0.74fNet Asset Value PS 223.28p p p

ZOX HPC Follower 30 Nov 2015

Re: RNS Looks like the market, and perhaps at least one of the Major Shareholders, doesn't like the deal with Korea Zinc... and even I'm not going to throw in more money in at this stage.I can only assume that Andrew has agreed this because he has someone willing, in the wings, to come up with most of the $5 million at a relatively low ZOX SP for the company to survive... looking very bleak right now despite what I thought was a reasonably good offer from Korea Zinc.

TEA harpmandoodle 30 Nov 2015

Hate to think what happens with bad news then!

MIRA sceptical ali 30 Nov 2015

4.5p It's time the major shareholders examined the credibility of the management. I no longer believe anything they say.

UKOG Bridges 30 Nov 2015

RNS FLOW TEST great news

XTR lpdegeer 30 Nov 2015

Apart from a possible hike in US FED interest rate, there is also a possible decision by the IMF to include the chinese currency in the SDR basket of currencies.

QPP melrosian 30 Nov 2015

Re: Then I say £388 Millions WIP transferred from Q to SGH is quite big. If the Gross profit margin s still 44% (?) ,,rhen £558 m cash coming in 19 months ( Greechsay "18-24 to conclude" by which he means, I assume, Case to cash cycle is 18-24 months)....then SGH has other businesses it has bought contributing to cash in. If you have £0.5B income coming in from a new business bought, it probably allows elbow room ...and a not small CT bill. I like a bit of prudent level "acrualling" when a company has access to the capital markets. There are ways to shelter/postpone CT . Banks and large PLc's do it by having leasing subsidiaries . Who do think owns airplanes and rail rolling stock? Of course that just turns this year's taxable profits into subsequent years taxable leasing income. Chuck in some Queens counsel opinion and the leasing subsidiary iis sold at 90p per each £1 of NPV to an airport being built. Net effect The original co postpones (then halves) tax at point of sale. , and the cost of money building airport is reduced by 15%So what do I really think. Overtaxing which flows from accruals stunts growth. SGH will face a huge CT bill and that is a problem for SGH. If that slows the process of bringing efficiency into processing in the semi legal sector, that is a pity. The big picture seems to be being missed. The legal profession hates what SGH is doing since it will progressively reduce prima dona legal partnership income . The future is a big place and the strategic and tactical moves SGH makes will be interesting. I would like to see the UK manufacturing sector nearly exempted from tax ( Capital Allowances help) and a lot more tax on to cure the property bubble. In my simple mind it appears that those economies, with large segments of their economy devoted to manufacturing , seem to prosper.The City does not much like stodgy risky manufacturing and I see that as a problem . In an ideal world I see no problem with corporate taxes based on accruals accounting in the services sector. I would like to see CT rates lower because CT can stunt growth and drain cash. You are right . Overvaluing WIP can be near fraud and QPP shareholders have paid dearly forlack of prudence in WIP valuation. If you remember when inflation was high there were special provisions brought in for stock valuation in CT computations. When there is rapid growth in WIPit would be good to see HMT bring in concessions to allow CT following abnormal growth to be amortised over subsequent periods. We disagree at the margin on accruals in this context. The shorties have trashed my small move into SGH but I plan to increase my holding and see what happens. Festina Lente , but if I am right, the company is now materially undervalued by the market. I am not leaping in to the bounce . Mel ( Woffling a bit)

XTR lpdegeer 30 Nov 2015

Apart from a possible hike in rate from US FED, there is also expected a decision by the

ODX Another Jacko 30 Nov 2015

Re: Decent H1 results today Hi GretelThat's exactly my feeling Gretel and is the reason I bought a few of these at around the current price.

MBH Frivolity 30 Nov 2015

Time to go ? Have enjoyed the recent run up in the share price doubtless greatly helped by the Government's avowed intent of building 400,000 houses a year.However the greater proportion of these houses will not be the sort that could afford Michelmersh bricks which are very much the top end of the market.Furthermore the medium to top of the new build market will be hit by the increase in stamp duty.The extended delivery of twelve to eighteen months of a year ago has evaporated and most bricks other than hand mades are available ex stock all at the wrong time of the year with winter approaching.Time to take profits and move on.

SPH Keith Emmerson 30 Nov 2015

Re: What's it worth? For what it is worth, US stockbroker Jeffries came up with a target price of 60p on Friday which is exactly in the middle of your 48-72p range.

ODX gretel 30 Nov 2015

Decent H1 results today The current share price is easily justified on the core business alone, which: - is producing around 1.3p EPS - is backed up with a nice cash pile - should continue to grow nicely given the specialisms in growth areas like food intolerance and infectious disease - and the Indian facility is being completed and should provide lower cost productionMeanwhile CD4 and Automated Allergy are in the price for free.

APC riddler24 30 Nov 2015

#APC Apc Technology Group PLC 110.5% Potential Upside Indicated by Cantor Fitzgerald [link]

MIRA spike501 30 Nov 2015

Re: 4.75p Still here JC - the drop has been on small volume so it doesn't suggest there is anything specific that is driving it, rather there is no demand to soak up even small amounts of sells.The placing is done so there is no immediate need for cash, it all depends on Mexico and the Televisa rollout now. If it rolls out as planned this year it will look cheap as the company will show a small profit, the balance sheet position will be decent (net current assets minus long term debt should be c£1million) and there will be a decent minimum revenue stream guaranteed for a few years.If it doesn't roll out - well then thats the risk of investing in a small AIM company.