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ZOX popes11 30 Nov 2015

Re: RNS Yes AIM a gamble for sure. Can't believe I sold these a few years ago at around 80p. I sould have left it at that. 0.8p now and the plant is in better shape that it was back then. Share price collapse has been brutal. Andrew Woollett has 6.2m of these shares. How can somebody so close to action get it so wrong?

CWD lambrini girl 30 Nov 2015

Re: Very quiet here.....? starting to appeal..however would expect closer to 365..<<<<hit near enuff for a BANG ON!!..and a bit of a bounce..BANG ON!!

HLMA Yertiz 30 Nov 2015

Re: Uncharted heights Surely this charge upwards must come to an end soon, even if just for a breather. I'm somewhat tempted to sell half and run the rest at these levels. But....greed is an invidious trait and I don't want to miss out on any more profit! I'll set my target to sell at £9 because at this level there must surely be some pull back, if we get there, all well and good, if not.....damn!

RUR scotguyinsuffolk 30 Nov 2015

Shareholders meeting Outcome of the meeting was perhaps predictable as Sterling Investments ( or their administrators ) not in favour of the resolutions ! Questions now need to be asked why . ...What alternative strategy do they have ? Or are there vested interests at work ? The adminstrator was asked if he was voting under the instructions of Sterlings shareholders ! He replied he had consulted all parties but if he was swayed by Sterlings shareholders surely that might conflict with the interests of their creditors ! The administrators vote was clearly influenced ! And in my opinion could be discounted which might leave a completely new situation.Either way...where is the funding going to come from ?

OCDO oldjoe1 30 Nov 2015

Re: OCDO, TAKEOVER TALK......... OCDO Ocardo....... J P Morgan Chase: "Overweight" PT £4.76 issued today

OCDO oldjoe1 30 Nov 2015

Re: OCDO, TAKEOVER TALK......... OCDO Ocardo Credit Suisse announced a 466p target price.

JPM II Editor 30 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Barclays shares - 270p or 50p? "Since peaking at 289p in July, LSE:BARC:Barclays has underperformed the FTSE All-Share index by over 15%. That means the "McFarlane bounce" - the rally between the announcement of John McFarlane's hire as executive chairman in September 2014 to ..."[link]

OCDO oldjoe1 30 Nov 2015

OCDO, TAKEOVER TALK......... OCDO Ocardo......Take over talk going on again. Ive had a speculative punt. [link] Suisse</b></u>Broker.<b><i>&#9632; Three key events – one past, one future, one possible – will drive Ocado’sshare price over the medium term, in our view. We have reduced our FY15and FY16 EBITDA forecasts slightly, but maintain our Outperform rating andcurrent Target Price of 466p.&#9632; Event one – the coming of Amazon: Reports of Amazon’s entry into homedelivery for groceries spooked investors, causing Ocado shares to fall 15%over the 10 days after the stories first appeared. We were less troubledgiven the very modest success of AmazonFresh in the US market. However,Amazon Pantry is much more concerning, as it plays to Amazon’s strengthsand exploits the weaknesses of the existing home delivery model.&#9632; Event two – a third-party deal: Ocado’s self-imposed deal deadline (YE15)is approaching fast. Buyers may be wary of the very high complexityinvolved in a transaction, but the real roadblock is more likely the fear ofcannibalisation of their existing operations. Without online competition intheir respective home markets, the incentive to stay on the side-lines is high.&#9632; Event three – an outright acquisition: We list a number of reasons whywe believe an acquisition of Ocado makes sense. We see Amazon and Wal-Mart as most likely to benefit strategically from a tie-up with Ocado.Ocado has neither the balance sheet, brand, management depth, nor the mandate toexpand internationally. Those limitations underpin why they are trying to commercialisetheir technology by using partners rather than by expanding their own operations. Butmany potential purchasers are focused on their home markets, which, as noted above,introduces the strong likelihood of cannibalisation.Ocado’s technology enables rapid expansions into new markets, using less capital than atraditional store network build-out would entail. Even in low-growth markets, market share is available if you can take it away from incumbents (like the Discounters are doing in theUK), and is where a winning online offer can become a genuine disruptive technology.With a market capitalisation of ~$3bn, Ocado is a small enough to be bought by a widerange of companies, but two companies stand out: Amazon and Wal-Mart. Neither haspublicly expressed any interest in acquiring Ocado, but both have characteristics thatmake a potential acquisition of it compelling:&#9632; Few cannibalisation concerns;&#9632; Balance sheets that would allow roll-outs to multiple countries simultaneously;&#9632; Global brands with global ambitions;&#9632; Global supplier relationships; and&#9632; A strong interest in grocery.Almost as important, by buying Ocado, that technology would then become unavailable totheir competitors.We would also consider other larger retailers who have the ambition, vision, and balancesheet to embrace a fundamental change in the way they do business. We would includeTesco and Carrefour in this list.Wal-Mart has been redeveloping its e-commerce platform (their “Pangea” project), whichwill have at least some overlap with Ocado’s technology. We also know that Wal-Mart hasa lot on its plate right now, and while the financial cost would be minor, it would bestretched from an operations management perspective. We think any transaction that putsa greater burden on management would be taken as a negative by the market.Amazon is more opaque. Their AmazonFresh operations in the US are barely past the trialstage. However, if they were getting reasonable returns we would expect them to expandoperations to the 85% of Americans who are not within the current catchment areas.Instead, th

PIC loytyb13 30 Nov 2015

under the radar Creep slowly my precious Pace. Perhaps if you take small steps the powers that be will stop scything. Then again....

AUE Otherwys 30 Nov 2015

Re: Am hurting here now. . . Did you miss the point about if the POG stays the same we won't be able to make the loan repayment due in a year's time?This stock is a gamble on whether POG goes up or down over the next 12m.

ZOX HPC Follower 30 Nov 2015

Re: RNS Hoegh Capital Partners are probably still selling their entire holding but can't have many left to sell now.The two delayed "buys" above a million today are likely to be their sells coming through at an average below the then lower asking price. Once these clear, that should be the low point ahead of final decisions on the placement and share offer needed.

VLK rRomeo29 30 Nov 2015

Re: Naked Trader buys in. Pants down, Naked Trader!!Sorry to see that all mid term support has been breached (32p touched) and the Sp continues to show weakness.Down-trend could continue now and reach as low as 25.30p.

ECK theprior 30 Nov 2015

Re: RNS New PSS contract Nice to see you're still around Loads. Hope you're now in good health and your investments are doing well !Regards, TP

ZOX Ripley94 30 Nov 2015

Re: RNS Well opinion changed quickly around 10.30 am down 45% to 0.75.Well done popes for cutting you loss last week.I hope your wrong long term ... AIM just a gamble.I recall top slicing in the summer and you posting id gone to soon.Topped up later.... another mistake Lol.

AUE Iclaude 30 Nov 2015

Re: Am hurting here now. . . So much for being debt free in 18 months! Whilst we must rely on management to make any draw-downs prudently, the stated aim of these additional loans is to provide extra equipment to ramp up production and presumably to enlarge operations at the Liberty Mine and other prospects. Surely, the value of the stock should increase with the gaining of more assets and I agree, shuggie, that the drop in sp is overdone at this time.