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KMR ALAN22211 30 Nov 2015

what was the closing price tonight?

STEL Norris107 30 Nov 2015

Re: info All good reading . . . . and reiterates all the known positivesalbeit on that day (02/11/15) STEL price "slipped" 20%And again, another 20% today - nothing's going to happen this year.All a bit disappointing, well that depends on what 'lane' your'e inMe, I'm definitely in the slow lane with this one - so topped up with another 5000 (in the new money) - as did another bargain basin buyer. The Ebola crisis is over - but the enormous potential remains undiminished and I welcome such buying opportunities.Roll on 2016

AVM shugg1e 30 Nov 2015

Re: Time is fast running out they got the funding

BPTY john222 30 Nov 2015

Re: Sub 100p? Joke company we see this on going charade because of takeover rules etc imagine the poor daily management decisions that aren't in the public eye that Norbert Shuffleburger is making or pondering over daily!!!!!!!!!!!One thing is clear this company needs new management the current guys have lost their way.Look at Betfair was 500p now over 3000p good management is mainly what matters.

TPT peddlar 30 Nov 2015

Have been watching these Sounds like news has leaked out and the price suddenly rises before the results!!!!!!!!!Did want to buy in at 152 as this usually fluctuates so much.\Godluck shareholders/

RUR broomfielder 30 Nov 2015

Re: Shareholders meeting All very valid observations scotsguyinsuffolk. Failure to sound out Sterling's Administrator prior to proceeding with the OO is more than a bit concerning so it does not augur well IMO for the new BoD. It's rather basic after all.Look as if Rur are caught in the classic liquidity squeeze where a short term facility is expensive and will soon expire and there is never enough time to realise the sorts of assets (especially given their geographic locations etc) that they have. Expense every which way is the norm.We can only hope there may be some good news to announce now that the OO is out of the way (as rumoured on other bb's).B

FTE tetrafluoride 30 Nov 2015

unbelieveable At it again - more discussions over corporate transactions.....the only transaction here is theft in my opinion - from my hard earnt pocket to this bunch of crooks......We should be up in arms!I'd be there at the agm if i lived in oz......where is flashmax nowadays or was that mr in disguise (one of my hunches all along)

PIC Norman Barrington 30 Nov 2015

She's a bird dog Oh how Pace toys with our affections!

PIC the bosun 30 Nov 2015

10 mins to go and almost there! Its 1620hrs and my app says about 2 pence to go before the magic figure. I bet this is tempting fate, apologies but please please please just a little bit more!

TUNG Orchard Gate 30 Nov 2015

Re: Another bear Very poor form sounding off when you don't know what you're talking about. The site/ blog in question permits reposting and I can't state the source or this site then blocks the post. But if you Google it you will find it.I take it you're long and wrong on this one.

WTI Orchard Gate 30 Nov 2015

Re: With regret - I'm out "I've put OC (sic) on ignore and all of his posts have disappeared. Please do likewise and he can post messages until his heart's content and nobody will be able to read them. Prof"Oh dear. If only some folk had been more willing to consider a different view to their own - for example that talk of 'smart money' and 'no brainer' were not very smart - they might be a little better off.Always worth trying to look at a contrary view objectively.

SAL casabanker 30 Nov 2015

Re: Continuing price slide Hello boldly going, SAL could be described as a micro-cap and as such, the sp is prone to volatility. A short time ago, SAL won a contract with Network Rail to put kiosks on a number of mainline stations. If you click on "news" above, you will be able to find the details. The sp spiked up on this news but, as with small Companies, daily share dealings are light and consequently, shares of this kind need continuous news flow to keep the sp buoyant. As there is no news flow, the sp is likely to drift down as pi's lose patience and move on. However, no news does not mean bad news and unless there is bad news confirmed, I will hold fast until SAL informs the market on further progress. I bought shares in SAL on the announcement of the contract award and still hold. Another reason for poor sp performance is the fact that in the past, SAL was upbeat about future performance and had to back track which the market treats harshly. Casa.

SGI Contrariwise 30 Nov 2015

Re: TOM WINNIFRITH IMO Tom Winnifrith is very good. His research on the downside is spot on, and got me out of my speculative position in Quindell in good time. Not so sure about his buy recommendations, but he deserves a hearing.

IMIC HPC Follower 30 Nov 2015

URL for ex-AFF Loan Note holders [link]

AUE Otherwys 30 Nov 2015

Re: Am hurting here now. . . Shugg1e,"I think they all are dependent on the POG but golds bear market is about to end."Sez who? Would like a glance in that crystal ball!I sincerely hope you're right, this is a lovely little company, it would be real shame to watch it die a slow death (not to mention the financial loss that would come with it personally!)Otherwys