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AVM Diottica 30 Nov 2015

Re: Time is fast running out Even though I still hold here (mentally written it off) I'm with Kenj2 on this. Seems to me the lender will take-over the mine - utilising their rights after Avocet default on the loan.

AVM Kenj2 30 Nov 2015

Re: Time is fast running out Putting the mine on care and maintenance will not repay their debts.If they default on their debts they will not have a mine to do anything with.

AVM shugg1e 30 Nov 2015

Re: Time is fast running out they will just put the mine on care and maintenance like a lot of others will do then world gold supply dries up and prices rise.

RRS tornadotony 30 Nov 2015

Randgold hanging on [link] day to go before quarterly review and it looks like Morrison's need a very good day tomorrow and Randgold to have a poor one if they are to overtake. Certainly no improvement after today.TT

RUR broomfielder 30 Nov 2015

Re: Shareholders meeting Appreciate your feedback from the GM scotsguy and thanks for sharing your views.Given the size of Sterling Trust's shareholding in Rur, the actions of it's Administrator was always going to be pivotal to any attempts to restructure Rur's capital.Given how matters appear to have evolved, perhaps now we can have the 'horse trade' that both parties might just benefit from.B

EAH Roger Baron 30 Nov 2015

Re: Interim results ....normally come out first week in December.

RUR scotguyinsuffolk 30 Nov 2015

Shareholders meeting Perhaps I should elaborate further re Sterlings position.Currently majority shareholder in a business that needs a decent amount of cash.I presume it doesn't have cash to satisfy creditors ...hence administrationTotally understand wishing to preserve their shareholding but they have not made any proposal concerning the need for cash and I expect they are incapable of any assistance whatsoever.Other shareholders could have come to the rescue . This often happens in startups where the company finds it takes longer to get established , runs short of cash and needs a white knight. The early shareholders need to swallow the bitter pill of dilution ! Sterling ( in admin) could have allowed other shareholders to rescue the company. Let's see what happens now !

HAWK Clarence Beaks 30 Nov 2015

Re: Does Rick do a good RNS? Well judging by the fact there are now more shares in issue and the company is almost worthless with the worst share price it's ever been, do we really care what rick says having overseen this complete disaster?

IMIC HPC Follower 30 Nov 2015

Re: URL for ex-AFF Loan Note holders What will actually happen to the IMIC share price is. of course, anyone's guess since trading is presently suspended and there won't be any re-joining of AIM for the foreseeable future whilst the Iron Ore price is so low and nomads are reluctant to provide any support.What we do know is that unless another market will trade IMIC shares, the company is likely to be insolvent and go into administration. Not a lot will be left then for bond holders.On balance, as recommended by the IMIC Board, it is probably then BEST to VOTE IN FAVOUR of the recommendation being put to Loan Holders in the General Meeting planned. This will be carried through, I suspect, by the main Loan Note holders.

RUR scotguyinsuffolk 30 Nov 2015

Shareholders meeting Whilst I totally agree that the BOD should have sounded out Sterlings administrator before the meeting it would seem that any contact or negotiation prior to the meeting could be construed as preferential treatment and was advised against by the Nomad. However I must say that I was totally amazed by the behaviour of Sterlings administrator at the meeting. He proposed a 14 day postponement which was rejected. He had been appointed as administrator in October and received the offer documents along with everyone else. As adminstrator he should be concerned with obtaining value from Sterlings assets - nothing else. He is aware of the need for cash. and yet he left the meeting without putting forward any alternative proposal and without even speaking to the BOD ! The OO would have funded the business and paved the way for the future. Now we could be faced with a low ball offer from goodness knows who ? And if there is any whiff of Sterlings people being remotely involved I fear litigation will follow .

FRM 1to7 30 Nov 2015

yearly accounts When are the yearly accounts going to be ready.

ADN Hardboy 30 Nov 2015

Finals Not great, but the words seem very calm, as though everything is under control, and a hefty hike in the dividend, gives a 6+% yield at these prices. keep the faith!

AVM Kenj2 30 Nov 2015

Re: Time is fast running out "they got the funding"You are not reading this properly Shugg1e. They have NOT got the funding. They have simply got a stay of execution, a short term loan of $8.2m, which has to be repaid in full between Jan and June 2016. They still have outstanding debts of $59m, which need to be refinanced urgently, because they cannot mine gold profitably at these low gold prices. Hence they cannot earn the money to repay this debt, so must seek to extend it.

IMIC HPC Follower 30 Nov 2015

Re: URL for ex-AFF Loan Note holders The proposal refers to a Conversion letter apparently sent to Loan Note holders dated 6th November... I have found this on the web site and this states that all AFF shareholders would receive their loan + interest value in AFF shares (I assume at close to the present share price, perhaps based on the last 28 days of trading).The >10% holder clearly wants a means to get at his cash more quickly since a quick sale of his/her new IMIC shares would certainly drive down the share price and the return. If approved, the loan would continue for another 5 years and could be converted to shares or cash in a "window" every six months subject to willingness by IMIC - and to the provision of additional warrants if not willing.This looks very complicated to me, although I can understand why those with high numbers of Loan Notes may be interested. Personally, I would rather have the IMIC shares and sell them whenever I want to...Anyone else have strong views here as we have only a views days to get our votes in - and most probably won't bother. If there is disinterest and few vote against this, it only needs 75% of the votes cast to pass with immediate impact on the 90% who may not have voted at all. IMPORTANT TO SPREAD THIS AMONGST ex-AFF Loan Note Holders who may yet know nothing about this.

PIC xgxg 30 Nov 2015

Tomorrow £4 Yes i know tomorrow never comes - But Tuesday 01-December-2015 Pace will glide through the £4 barrier and it WILL stay above it!!!We need the news on the Pace arris deal to seal the issue............