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FJET jules rimet 01 Dec 2015

HappyRob Hi HappyRob. Please rearrange the following words: Are,money,soon,a,fool,parted,his,and.

VLK rRomeo29 01 Dec 2015

Re: Decline Thanks for the upticks! : ))Like said, the Sp will likely trend down to about 25p.

FCRM pharmaspecialist 01 Dec 2015

Re: Here we go - dividend time! Yes Two Headed God, I am also pleased I remained patient over the past few years. I originally bought because management had a decent track record and it was clear that gas was the fuel of the future. Gas remains more efficient and much cheaper than electricity for heating houses and I wonder when the government will see the sense of extending gas mains to the many rural areas of the UK which do not currently have them. If the politicians could understand that this is the best way for reducing fuel costs to many consumers over the long term I think this could become a big issue in rural areas and it is much better than whining about the high costs charged by utility companies. I hope to see Fulcrum lobbying in this area although it appears the company is now diversifying its expertise into the provision of electricity supply. Well done to Fulcrum's mamanegement.

CRND rRomeo29 01 Dec 2015

Re: Depressing - 3p Careful now!From technical point of view CRND could dive down to 3p and even 1p.The "chinese offer" (total discount takeover) has never been a real option anyway, and CRND probably used the PR gag to attract new investors (25p spike!)!!! Moreover they managed to rape long term holders who took up the share issue at 10p!Sad facts really.Unless CRND pulls a magic rabbit out of its hat, the Sp could bottom out around 3p, and there is where the management could come up with a new "fancy" takeover deal. Fancy for them, selling the entire outfit to someone for a steal.It would be very interesting to know how much land & property value this company has right now!The property alone must be more than 5M Pounds, dont you think?

ADN Omaha man 01 Dec 2015

Re: Beauforts Security The clue to how useful this broker view is, is contained in the phrase 'we maintain a buy rating on the stock'. Given the dreadful performance anyone who has been a buyer has led their clients into trouble.I'm still out and monitoring. I feel there will be a point where the markets are looking really poor, this will tank again and then represent real value.

SRP oldjoe1 01 Dec 2015

SRP, This Mornings FULL Broker Note...... SRP Serco GroupUpdated with this mornings full note. [link] Full Note This Morning.BUY TARGET 157p</b></u><b><i>We upgraded to Buy in September as we felt risk/reward had becomefavourable. According to The Financial Times this contrarian call was “verybrave” but two months on, and ahead of a year end trading update, ourconviction is increasing. Headwinds have not fully abated, but the IMS willhighlight the significant progress made by new management in 2015.FY16E attrition guidance could increase to £400m. Earlier this year, Serco guided to£350m revenue attrition in FY16E. In our view, this could be revised to c£400m as the originalfigure included £50m from Intelenet (which drops out as it will be sold before year end)and the following contracts have been lost or lapse: US National Benefits Centre (£35-40mannual revenue); Virginia Department of Transport (c£35m annual revenue, winding downtowards a May 2016 exit); complex cases child maintenance (£30m annual revenue whichruns off over three years as existing cases are resolved).Disposal update. Judging by Blackstone’s recent financing activities the Intelenetacquisition is on track to complete before year end. This leaves UK leisure/waste as Serco’ssole remaining non-core asset, but novating its contracts to individual legal entities couldtake until mid-2016. Serco’s balance sheet will have been de-risked by then, and we think itsturnaround will have a firmer footing so there may be a case for retaining this public sectorfacing unit.Positive cashflow developments. Serco recently reached a favourable agreement withthe Australian government to amend its contract to provide in-service support to ArmidaleBoats. This is the largest component of the £447m onerous contract provision and resolvingloss makers would lead to material FCF upgrades. On recovered earnings, Serco has an 8%FCF yield.Trimming LFL revenue assumptions; unchanged EPS. We now anticipate -8% and+2% organic revenue growth in FY16E and FY17E, respectively (previously -5% and +3%)due to higher attrition, but our EPS estimates remain unchanged for two reasons: 1) as wehighlighted in our September note, management feel more in control of cost efficiencies;2) we assumed that UK leisure/waste would be sold in late 2015 but have reconsolidateduntil any transaction is clearer.</b></i>

IMM rpg7 01 Dec 2015

Re: sp action Still the travesty continues -5% down on £8000 worth of sales- in any other walk of life such things would be classed as fraud

PET riddler24 01 Dec 2015

Clontarf (CLON) Tano 2A licence in Ghana enlarged: Two Irish exploration firms - Clontarf Energy and Petrel [link] .

CLON riddler24 01 Dec 2015

Clontarf (CLON) Tano 2A licence in Ghana enlarged: Two Irish exploration firms - Clontarf Energy and Petrel [link]

PIM pharmaspecialist 01 Dec 2015

Deal underlines Plant Impact's attractions. Another of my holdings, Croda International, announced a deal today in which they are buying seed enhancement specialist Incotec for £109M. In the announcement of this deal Croda said "Seed enhancement has been identified as a key market opportunity for Croda's Crop Care business". Whilst I am not suggesting that Incotec's business is the same as Plant Impact's I think it does show that Plant Impact is working in a sector which is regarded as very attractive because it offers plenty of growth so Plant Impact's high rating may well be justified.

ISG idontwanttolose 01 Dec 2015

Re: Results Loadsof dosh... seems like your statement"but they still have to prove they are out of the woods." would seem still pertinent!! with a 30% fall in the SP to 142 today there are going to be a lot of unhappy investors in ISG !!!

JQW I always get it wrong 01 Dec 2015

Re: Website Activity Do you know if this is the same company?[link] this website is up and running.

APC riddler24 01 Dec 2015

#APC Analyst interview, Northland Capital Partners 35P still the same after yesterdays fantastic NEWS [link]

KMR ALAN22211 01 Dec 2015

Lure and Squeeze: The way it works is a company is very distressed on paper, with impossibly high debt and consistently high annual losses, but very few assets, making it look as if bankruptcy must be imminent. The stock price gradually falls as people new to the stock short it on the basis of the poor outlook for the company, until the number of shorted shares greatly exceeds the total number of shares that are not held by those aware of the lure and squeeze scheme (call them "people in the know"). In the meantime, people in the know increasingly purchase the stock as it drops to lower and lower prices. When the short interest has reached a maximum, the company announces it has made a deal with its creditors to settle its loans in exchange for shares of stock (or some similar kind of arrangement that leverages the stock price to benefit the company), knowing that those who have short positions will be squeezed as the price of the stock sky-rockets. Near its peak price, people in the know start to sell, and the price gradually falls back down again for the cycle to repeat. or maybe this is happening?

VLK kevlarr bandini 01 Dec 2015

Re: Decline The shares must surely find some support soon. The PE ratio is now in single figures and the dividend yield is 5.2% (1.5p divi/ 29.75p sp). The partnership with GoPro must be worth something. There seem to be buyers emerging at this level. [link]