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JQW Ripley94 01 Dec 2015

Re: Website Activity Share prophets say website is not back trading.favorite next AIM fraud.sell for dealing cost + 1p and you will be better off. ?Any views on that site.

MONI Steve Gurr 01 Dec 2015

Re: steve gurr "How does this ignore button work???"You click on my name, then click 'ignore'.......................even you should be able to manage tha

FLYB pharmaspecialist 01 Dec 2015

Another crazy project? In common with most shareholders I am pleased to see the end of Project Blackbird but I am concerned to see that the chairman, Simon Laffin, is now proposing another high risk project for the company. This is the expansion of Northolt Aerodrome to allow Flybe's aircraft to start commercial operations there. The last time proposals were made for short haul airliner flights from Northolt, the cost of the necessary expansion of the airport was put at billions of pounds so I really do not understand how Flybe is hoping to fund this. In addition, anyone who is familiar with the area will know that gridlock exists in all the main roads around the aerodrome every rush hour (I know because I used to commute through the area) and public transport links are not particulary good so the infrastructure will not support expanding passenger numbers from the aerodrome. Flybe already has debt of well over £50M and is classed as close to a "financially distressed" rating on Stockopedia so I would not have thought that now is the time for another high risk enterprise.

FJET green.as1953 01 Dec 2015

Re: HappyRob This share is best avoided.

LWDB schovald 01 Dec 2015

Re: Sudden fall Have noticed that the premium has reduced from about 12% to 7% recently, whilst NAV has remained fairly flat. Not sure why there has been a down-turn in sentiment recently (but we are still well above the premium of only 1% reached briefly in June). I'm just guessing, but might it be due to news eminating from the fiduciary services business, which has historically been the justification for this trust having such a high premium compared to its peers? The manger's October presentation (available on the trust's website) refers to fierce completion in this area of business.

KMR ALAN22211 01 Dec 2015

MC Is on a cushy sum $731,000 rate of pay for 2015 not bad for running the company into the ground

MARL goldie5 01 Dec 2015

Actually the initial drop from 2 to 1.5 coincided with virtually everything aim commodity related being sold off massively in the space of a week or so. The second drop from 1.5 to 1.2 coincided with the Turkey situation which was quickly bought back as not deemed to be a sufficient threat.

DGB gerihatric 01 Dec 2015

DT and contract RNS article in DT today on ThruVision which is a camera pointed at an individual and can identify the "hot spots" of guns; explosive vests etc on an approaching individual. Just sold some in AP area plus more ISP modules to give camera images to exposed areas. Also said they will achieve break even in 2nd half. In light of Paris events I anticipate more of the ThruVision technology will now be utilised in Europe. Identifies bomber and protects the scrutineer. And the rest of us!

CWC lol88 01 Dec 2015

going up i might have known it would go up sold out yesterday @76.10 wanted to buy into barclays as i thought thay had bottomed out but thought i would wait a few days thay have gone up 4% today .dont know why i bother ?????

MONI Hugh Betcher 01 Dec 2015

Re: steve gurr Love the little smiley faces to try to show your emotions.But yes, that’s a very helpful clarification, thank you. So you don’t object to people who own no shares but post here regularly provided you agree with them. And you don’t object to someone who posts mostly childish abuse provided the abuse is aimed at someone you think you don’t like but have never met. Which might make sense and appear not at all inconsistent to you provided you are either six years old or have suffered a major ischaemic stroke. How does this ignore button work???

FXPO fwwrgergervrc 01 Dec 2015

whats happened to all the posts from 16th November to 1st December - all disappeared.

LWDB Corpus10 01 Dec 2015

Sudden fall This share has fallen sharply over the last 2 weeks. Is there an obvious explanation?

OSB Hugh Betcher 01 Dec 2015

Great investment I bought these at float as a bit of a punt, thinking they'd do well but worried it was essentially a rag bag of businesses and an old loan book but it has done better than I could ever have imagined.Since the election the mood music has changed as coalition was committed to promoting the challengers and this has changed a lot now, with tax on profits so as to reduce bank levy and with BTL being hit quite hard in autumn statement but I'll continue to hold for now and see if they can squeeze more from this as they pull the businesses together.

TRAK zulu principle2 01 Dec 2015

Re: tooksome profit today I do think the PER is pretty high but if they win anther big contract or they beat forecasts that could change. The other reason I reduced was everytime ive weighted my portfolio to 1 stock its ended badly. And those shares were all sure winners. I promised myself never again. Trakm is still my biggest holding and my favouite holding with the best prospects.Please dyor as im very bullish on this stock so am ramping a I hold it

ZOX The buzz 01 Dec 2015

Re: RNS The Chinese are also cutting back on zinc production:-[link] but it is probably not going to have much affect on the price in the short term. I think that the price of zinc is at least $500mt below the price that ZOX needs it to be.The B