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BAB sharegardener 02 Dec 2015

Re: Half Year results WEBCAST Recent Citi downgrade note - not sure if their retirement predictions are just speculation or based on factual knowledge. Has anyone heard anything? '' Im still going be here in July - assuming the chairman allows me to stay'' was Peter Rogers' answer to the posed question on his 'tenure' - from the Citi guy I think (in the Q&A)I thought the results looked pretty good all told and the webcast indicated likely new contracts coming through soon and good bid pipeline. Much reduced pension deficit also welcome.Im still holding SG ''Cut to Sell, £10 TP — While Babcock is an excellent operator with solid barriers to entry in a growing market, we currently see too many risks for comfort around its shares’ investment case. Top-line and succession risk are added to our previous concerns around margins and cashflow. We trim our 2017E and 2018E EPS forecasts by -2%, lower our target price to 1000p and downgrade to Sell..Organic growth risk — With both Magnox and QE Carrier growth props heading into reverse (combined £160m headwind), FY17 looks a year of deceleration and we model a worse organic growth outcome than management’s “high single digits” outlook. We assume 100%-owned Babcock continues at its current and mediumterm 5-6% organic growth rate but with Magnox JV sales step-down diluting total organic growth to 3.5%, well below management guidance.Cash conversion risk — With capex running almost twice depreciation, plus provisions and working capital outflows, Babcock has gone from “Cashflow King” to one of the sector’s weakest cash converters of earnings at c70%.Management succession risk — In addition to Support Services head Kevin Thomas’s retirement, we expect long-time CEO Peter Rogers also to retire over the next 6-9 months.1000p Target Price — Lowered from 1020p, our valuation remains based on sector average EV/EBITA multiples and DCF.''

ZOX HPC Follower 02 Dec 2015

Major Shareholders Only Sloane Robinson, the IFC and Andrew Woollett left now as major shareholders... rest down to zero (or less than a reportable 3%).Share price dropped again on lower volumes now that the two Major Shareholders have sold out... although It's very unclear who has picked up all those shares given the lack of any RNS for anybody growing their share.Meeting to give the board rights to proceed with a Placement down to a figure as low as 1p a share sought; and to let Korea Zinc take 90% of the facility if no placement can be arranged, set for 18th December.Can't see that remaining shareholders have much option left but to agree; neither is there any justification to buy any more ZOX stock even at a price well below 1p a share given the risks of the company now folding.This is all very upsetting for shareholders who have backed ZOX for so many years, through 3 placements and too many fixes to plans and plant.A "miracle" is needed now, or a lot of money and faith from Sloane Robinson, the IFC & ZOX directors who will need deep pockets as well - and probably have the most to lose financially.Not sure whether to sell now at a paltry 0.5p a share of hang in there... but the residual value is just so low now.

NGR Blanketstacker 02 Dec 2015

Re: Gibraltar Explosion 2011 It seems the Gibraltar experiment may be over soon. The RNS today notes the possible sale of the premises and business there. As it had become loss making this may not be a bad move.

WRN ventura1 02 Dec 2015

its a shame dinghole, bloodaxe, et al still spout there bile - pathetic individuals - happy in a pack - lick wolves and hyenas

FTE happypills 02 Dec 2015

50% fall in one week At this rate we will lose another decimal place before Christmas.Happy

SNTY The Millipede 02 Dec 2015

Re: Board changes Market not impressed. Jeez it is hard work investing here.

NPT dandigirl 02 Dec 2015

SP too low Think that the SP is now too low, especially as there is 3p - 4p or so cash per share.Henderson now above 13% too.It is to be hoped that the recent acquisition will bear fruits quickly... so I have topped up!

AEX jackson 02 Dec 2015


AEX jackson 02 Dec 2015

i think GSA will be here soon.very soon .start top up more .

TIG k1304 02 Dec 2015

Share holding I have a few shares in the above company. What happens to my share holding?

INL ookyfly 02 Dec 2015

AIM: IHT Does anyone know if INL qualifies as an AIM company for exemption from iht once one has held them for two years? (My assumption is that it does.)

DLAR LK Hyman 02 Dec 2015

Re: Good to see ... ... today's nice rise.One wonders whether the new centre for excellence for identity and security print would have been located in Malta had it not been for the closure of the banknote production facility in Malta and the consequent 300-odd Maltese redundancies, which will hit the island hard?On balance the manufacturing review looks sensible. Low capex generating a pretty decent return and banknote production coming into line with demand.LKH on the flybridge

INTQ TX2 02 Dec 2015

Re: figures I gave my opinion on InternetQ purely based on their published accounts last week.In my opinion they made poor reading and I could not get them to make sense.I now gather a well known blogger is going to give a more "detailed" look in the next day or so.Light blue touch paper or damp squib......?

SKP bamboozled 02 Dec 2015

Re: Flutiform-USA r66: "I wonder if Fluti is kept out of USA as it would directly compete with the GSK products???And in turn GSK provides SKP other business."I don't think this conspiracy theory applies. It is very costly and notoriously difficult to get FDA approval (as d297 mentioned) which is always a massive hurdle ,even if the individual components of fluti are widely known,tried and tested and used in patients for years. Remember GSK contested the patent expiry with Advair/Seretide under the assumption that although the drug is the same, it is the delivery/device that can vary the dosing to the lungs.However,FDA approval would of course be a massive coup for the company and no doubt the SP.

JQW TX2 02 Dec 2015

Re: Future Question.What had Naibu,Camkids & JQW in common-apart from all claiming to be making massive profits and to have huge cash balances?Answer.Their worthless accounts were all audited by Chinese division of accountants & auditors.Crowe,Clark,Whitehall LLP.