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INTQ HFWizard 03 Dec 2015

InternetQ plc (LSE-AIM: INTQ), a leading provider of mobile marketing and digital entertainment solutions for mobile network operators and brands, notes the recent share price decline and related market speculation. As a matter of course, the Company does not normally comment on such matters. The Board, led by the audit committee, will of course review the allegations however given the factual inaccuracies in the blog post the Company has taken the decision to strongly refute the assertions made and the conclusions drawn. The Company would also like to state that it has not been contacted by the author in advance of publication. The Company confirms there has been no material change to the operational and financial performance or outlook for the business as set out in the Q3 trading update and that trading remains in line with management expectations.

PIC the bosun 03 Dec 2015

Re: What if PIC continues to rise before... Thanks for the clarification. I have hung on for so many years and managed to top up on the dips so not going anywhere yet. Having completed the Ben8 stuff, I believe its relatively simple to trade on US markets if I do decide to cash in a small number once the deal is done. Hopefully it will be a simpler process than I experienced with some equities acquired following a similar deal between Canadian and UK firms where the resultant holding is on the Toronto exchange. As a relatively small PI, I find it nigh on impossible to get rid of the shares and still make a profit.

LGO Rogadar. 03 Dec 2015

Mr Tmhh.... has gone into hibernation but when you wake up to reality, SP is 0.35-0.40 and falling (nothing to support it) GL with your (bad) investment

AO Ripley94 03 Dec 2015

Re: Topped I am honest mate , i am not sure about you.Expand on the Sunday trade which is at best a silly remark.And like before ( when you were wrong ) i will take time to look back.Never suggested buy @ 247 was a good call, but i have not got your hindsight.

LXB coldascheese 03 Dec 2015

Results before Xmas ? Should be an update before xmas as last year.Notification was 5th, results 18th.

PIC Norman Barrington 03 Dec 2015

PACE SP Vs Buy-out value There is no logical reason why PIC SP should ever rise above the actual value of ARRS Paper + Cash. The only scenario where this would likely happen is where a white knight offers a better deal, or even a whiff of a rumour of such a possibility. Much more likely for it to trail a percentage behind the ARRS offer value, dependent on the degree of uncertainty left. This is what we are currently seeing. Indeed yesterday big tick up was the direct result of that uncertainty being much reduced. The other reason for a small discount is the undesirability and complications to many PIs, of swapping PACE for ARRS Paper and the uncertainty of where the ARRS sp will be then, plus the UK£/US$ exchange rate directly impacting the value of said offer.

PIC xgxg 03 Dec 2015

Re: What if PIC continues to rise before dea... Bosun - I am no expert but whatever the Pace SP is before the conclusion of the deal is what it is and what you can sell the shares for.The Pace Arris deal is fixed in concrete.For each Pace share£1.325 + (0.1445x*New Arris share) *Price based on Arris SP when changeover happens.So currently the Pace and Arris SP's should be matching each other or thereabouts.The new forward projections for merger are pointing to Arris (New Arris) SP being higher.This could push the Arris SP up nicely in the following days as the news sinks in to investors.10, 20, 30% increase easily attainable if not in weeks within months.Are you prepared to wait? Maybe just take the cash for now and watch your New Arris shares rise???DYOR!!!

JQW Ripley94 03 Dec 2015

Re: Future Well concerns about cash in bank not new. What are auditors/ non exs paid for ?

SMDS Boring Bernie 03 Dec 2015

Interims : Mixed Bag At first glance, these don't look like great results. Though adjusted op profit is up, PBT is down, as is cashflow, which always makes me look at the exceptionals to see if they really are one-offsOn the face of it though, they are exceptionals in that the main hits are restructuring and impairment of assets due to the closure of Wansbrough. We'll be getting another 30 million or in H2 related to Wansbrough and Lantero, but it should, hopefully settle down after that.Happy to hold at the moment, but I think it'll be 2016/17 when we start to get some decent sp growth again, but I've wrong many times before.

MIRL M-A-L 03 Dec 2015

resign Pinto, resign end of message

PIC Norman Barrington 03 Dec 2015

AKO AKO were still short by 3243192 shares.Large trades are reported late, on level 1 access, even with realtime prices (Such as the excellent MoneyAM free stream). The buy/sell fagl is arbitrary, based on only the current price. Therefore in a rising market the apparent sell of 1 Million shares could in fact be a Buy earlier in the day when Buy/Sell prices were lower. We need level 2 to see this, but I am too mean to pay the sub.Nonetheless this could prove to be AKO pulling out their shorts, look out for this evenings FCA update on Either way they have lost an additional £4 million between April and today.ha! ha! (to be exclaimed in the voice of Nelson from the Simpons)

ISG trivaskus 03 Dec 2015

Re: Rare bargain I note 2 directors have added to their holding!

CRND rRomeo29 03 Dec 2015

Re: merely 5.12m market cap! ---------- ---"Read my posts. 4p is the entry point.The land it's self is worth 8 - 10p.This was allways going to end up jv these things take years almost 10 months now so end of Jan we should be updated."Interesting post from lse-uk!

ZOX popes11 03 Dec 2015

Re: Major Shareholders Good. If you have something to offset it against then its a free bet now so no point selling.

PIC the bosun 03 Dec 2015

What if PIC continues to rise before deal done xgxg - If for a change the LSE value of PACE share continues to rise to and/or exceed their value of them based on the original offer from ARRIS, do we dip out by holding on to them if there is not a concurrent rise in the value of ARRIS shares? I am assuming that the cash part of the deal won't change whatever happens? Apologies if I have confused you or missed something. Cheer