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SMDS sharegardener 03 Dec 2015

Re: Interims : Mixed Bag There are also FX changes with Euro 1.28 in FY14-15 vs 1.35 to 1.40 this year with most earnings in Euros. Net debt is 906M pounds but 500M eurobond avoids currency translation. If the euro strengthens it will work in our favour.Looking again at the capital markets presentation from october, the expansions coming out of the new acquisitions will only start to appear in 15/16 second half and through 16/17 as you say.They now have more capacity across eastern europe where a lot of DS international customers like Mondelez are also expanding. SG

TRAK shovelier 03 Dec 2015

Re: keep dropping I sold half my holding at 85% profit yesterday and will buy them back again when I reckon it's at the bottom of the dip. This a great company with a good track(m8) record and hopefully a good future.

GPE azzalyzarc 03 Dec 2015

Why the fall? Any ideas on the recent fall in last few days?This is quiet a sharp movement. Other private equity does not seem to be moving downaz

LRE adriano 03 Dec 2015

730p Forecast With the lovely dividend, even if this SP reaches the low estimate of 730p, this suits me very well. Still a T/O target IMHO in which case 730p would be incredibly low.... DYORA

BKY Ripley94 03 Dec 2015

Re: New presentation on website n/c

OBT Ripley94 03 Dec 2015

TW tip Hasn't moved it.

MONI Steve Gurr 03 Dec 2015

Re: In the Monitise You silly little man..............I thought t was a great little company when I was banking my profits, and my last comment on the company was "to me it now looks completely fooked"But carry on attributing me with statements, it says way more about you than it ever will about m

AO Orchard Gate 03 Dec 2015

Re: Topped Well your message was "averaging down ***" and is dated 20 September. A Sunday.

INTQ Mpg1 03 Dec 2015

Re: fraud? the problem is that the accounting practices` appear `to be similar to those used by globo. maybe thats how they roll in greece!if the nomad goes its curtains.

UKOG Bridges 03 Dec 2015

forgot to mention Riyadh's three-month Sibor rate watched as a gauge of credit stress has spiked to the highest levels since the Lehman crisis

UKOG Bridges 03 Dec 2015

Short on oil and oil equity I would be extremely nervous as could unwind very soon, maybe tomorrow who knows but the only way is up. We will see but the odds are now highly in favour of oil going up.

TRAK zulu principle2 03 Dec 2015

keep dropping Another 5 to 10% and I will be topping back up slowlySorry for wanting it too dro

HAWK Andy Reilly 03 Dec 2015

Goodness, 1p touched today... Looks like the carnage continues. The chart just looks 'orrible! I'd salvage what I could if I held, but that is not intended as advice, just my view. AR(Chart shows classic sell signal in Sept 2014 when the SP was above 9p!)

CHOO glasgowboy 03 Dec 2015

newbie Hi everyone decided to buy 2000 shares today at 1.26 although does anyone know why the sudden drop today I cant see anything ?

AFR ldlv 03 Dec 2015

From ALAG to Alixp, will they respond? From ALAG to Alixp, will they respond? Alixp,In regards Lekoil announcement, obviously all assets come with obligations, and presumably the liabilities only relate partially to 2015 so can't be that huge. How much is exactly? It would be good to see these quantified as this is a huge amount of oil as assessed, and it's appraisal, not exploration. Can we see all this detail to understand the real value of the deal?Furthermore, a bid would normally also reflect the amount spent by the seller on drilling/appraisal/seismic etc to date. Surely that would offset -and more- any recent unsatisfied liabilities?Also, we are confused as to how this fits with the Administration. As these are Afren liabilities, shouldn't they be put in the pot with all of the other debts due to creditors, and settled proportionately according to the official hierarchy? Or do JV partners somehow jump to the front of the queue ahead of the banks etc ? It would be good to get an explanation from Alix. This is from today, that asset is just huge!![link] 310The Company announced on 1 December 2015 the acquisition of Afren's participating interest in OPL 310, taking Lekoil's economic interest to 70 per cent. and its participating interest to 40 per cent. With the removal of Afren from the partner group, Lekoil and Optimum can now accelerate appraisal work on the licence. Early analysis of the new 3D seismic data acquired in 2014 has identified other prospects and leads similar to Ogo in size. The Company expects to complete interpretation in the first half of 2016. Following this the partners plan to spud an appraisal well before the end of 2016. As a result of Lekoil's increased economic interest in OPL 310, the Ogo risked prospective resources net to Lekoil is estimated at 541.8 mmboe.This is from yesterday:[link] of Afren's Participating Interest in OPL 310 Lekoil (AIM: LEK), the oil and gas exploration and production company with a focus on Nigeria and West Africa, has agreed to acquire Afren plc's ("Afren" entire 22.86% participating interest in OPL 310, which contains the Ogo discovery, for a total cash consideration of US$13 million (the "Consideration" (the "OPL 310 Acquisition"ALAG