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ARM II Editor 04 Dec 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Ten shares for the future "Rolls-Royce has slid down the decision engine's rankings this month. Formerly one of the highest-ranked shares of all those I track, the latest profit warning from the manufacturer of power systems (engines and generators) anticipated profit ..."[link]

ZOX popes11 04 Dec 2015

Re: Future of Plant? The whole thing must have value. Zincox invested around 120m getting to this point and just as it's finally working well the price of zinc goes against it. I think Korea Zinc see a future for the plant but the big question is are Zincox shareholders involved?

CNEL luckyboy112 04 Dec 2015

did people expect the SP to fall to 3.8 or lower today?

TPL 3Dimensional 04 Dec 2015

JP Morgan added [link] (19p PT)

ZOX HPC Follower 04 Dec 2015

Re: Future of Plant? Doesn't look like ZOX expect to fold... up 52.38% today on III L2.I'd like to hear more now on how the plant now works without the heat exchanger.

ZOX popes11 04 Dec 2015

Future of Plant? Would be interesting to know how much it costs Korea Zinc to dispose of the waste it produces. Could it make sense to keep the plant going producing zinc and perhaps stockpile it until the price rises? What part if any do Zincox have in this?Could Korea Zinc take 90% let Zincox have 10% and fingers crossed Zinc price recovers next year. Korea Zinc obviously want the facility otherwise they would not have backed it so heavily over the years.Existing board have plenty of shares so keeping 10% would leave them with a bit of dignity and an interest in the future.

EOG ndr242 04 Dec 2015

Re: Must Watch Interview It certainly is a must watch. Their French HPHT field used to be the company's star attraction and now it's a minnow field producing less than 200bpd. Just don't get how they will ever be able to do anything with a deep water and difficult play off west coast of Ireland as this requires serious investment. What they have at present just about keeps the lights on.I suppose looking at the share price is a good indicator of market enthusiasm.

PIC xgxg 04 Dec 2015

Re: Follow the big players £ set to weaken against $ in 2016 by up to as much as 10%This mean any holdings in Arris will automatically be worth 10% more when it comes to sell and cash in chips time (if you are converting back to £'s of course).The low blip is only a blip due to the market unease and the rest of December will be healthy for the Pace SP and Arris too.BTW take a look at the Pace website these days. Lots of cobwebs and zero News uopdates.I wonder if they will remember to turn the lights off before thay fade away.Do you realise this week is normally 'interim divi' payout.. Well we got a big one thanks to the DoJ not Pace!!! Where is all our cash? Will they update us on last few months trading I wonder????

GLIF Dingledangle 04 Dec 2015

Re: Proposed placing and new divi policy I sold half a few months ago, but he divs were the one thing keeping the sp up. I can see this dropping back to 25p level, in which case it might be worth a buy. A pity, but as they say on Dragon's Den...I'm out.

EOG ndr242 04 Dec 2015

Re: Director Dealings I think someone has their basic maths wrong here. Divide the amount invested by 100 to get back to pennies and the investment is £9674. Hilarious!!

ODX Ambiorix1 04 Dec 2015

Re: Oryx Interesting evolution indeed, but maybe Mr. Mills sees far more than just a to low value for ODX. Cyprotex, (in which Mr. Mills is a major shareholder) just launched ChemTox, a new in silico modelling solution, which predicts genotoxicity and rat LD50 directly from chemical structure. The LD50 is a commonly determined parameter in preclinical toxicity studies, representing the dose that causes death in 50% of the test group.Cyrotex proposes this model as an ethical move to reduce animal toxicity testing but perhaps this new model can be adapted for all kind of toxicity testing and then we get far closer to ODX, specialised in allergies and food testing. This new ‘in silico’ solution is using quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) modelling, a technique that relates calculable chemical characteristics of a molecule to important properties such as its toxicity. ChemTox can be used as a virtual screening tool prior to chemical synthesis. There are significant cost benefits to this approach as chemTox can be applied as an early stage filter for directing chemistry and prioritising subsequent in vitro screening by taking into account the predicted safety of the molecule. Cyprotex not only provide the in silico predictions but can provide a full tiered screening strategy with safety of the molecules substantiated using a panel of in vitro toxicity assays.We know ODX is developing assays for all kind of allergy and food safety testing, so perhaps some synergies can be developed based on the know-how of Cyprotex. So this could be another explanation for the sudden interest of Mr. Mills in ODX.Ambiorix.

HSTN mark20690 04 Dec 2015

PID - question on tax All, could anybody with a HSTN holding in a non-tax sheltered account tell me, how much of the recent PID (declared as 1.5p / share by HSTN) they received in their account? I hold HSTN in an ISA and I received 1.5 per share, and I am wondering whether this is the net amount or the gross amount ? ( as PIDs are subject to 20% withhholding tax). So I am asking whether you received 1.5p per share, or 1.2p per share. The background is that I would like to work out whether my broker is reclaiming the tax for me (as they claim) or not. Thanks!

RMM UphillStruggle 04 Dec 2015

Dropped too much Buy Well I've been watching this one for quite a while.... Copper production in Q116 was up 33% totalling 1,272t Cu compared to Q415. Gold production was also up 33% totalling 1,986oz Au. Silver production was up 46% totalling 15,664oz Ag.Q116 financial results expected on or before 18/12/15.Could this be better news that nobody has spotted? If the increase turns into increase profits this will jump. I increased my holding at 2.90p.... It's highly speculative but probably worth a small punt

ZOX popes11 04 Dec 2015

July open Offer "The proceeds of the Open Offer, assuming full subscription, will be used to progress work on the next EAFD recycling project in Thailand."Would it be rude to ask Andrew what they achieved in Thailand with the 3.2m?

TCG UphillStruggle 04 Dec 2015

Back to profit..... Well now in the Black again. Get ready for a re-rating.... Oil at $41-43.... and likely to stay low. TCG still cutting debt fast... Dividend due to be paid on 2016 results in 2017... The ship has turned.