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JQW waytogo333 04 Dec 2015

Investor Relations Mailed Abchurch Communications the other day, basically asking what was going on.Received the stock reply (as half expected), that an update on the suspension would be given via RNS when one was available.I was really just trying to make the point to them that there was a lot of talk about this company heading down the same route as Naibu and Camkids......

BVS valuemanbuyer 04 Dec 2015

Re: Strong Update - Price crash You should check out GLEgrowing at 20% per annum from a small base and potential to triple build capacity with little competition at the low end of the market -just what the government are supporting.Ps i hold it and Crst and Bvs

INL lawdoc 04 Dec 2015

Re: AIM: IHT I have also made the IHT assumption on INL but it would be good to know for sure.For what it's worth, psinker, a contributor on LSE has confirmed IHT on ARBB:"I was an executor for a deceased estate in 2014. We were granted Business Property Relief by HMRC on the ARBB shares so that no IHT was paid on that holding."

INTQ HFWizard 04 Dec 2015

INTQ has been in a joint venture with Tosca and Penta who each will have done due diligence on INTQ. I don't believe claims but would love to see a couple of directors buy

INTQ HFWizard 04 Dec 2015

Tom W. Does anyone have access to his site and can post the allegations here.

AEX jackson 04 Dec 2015

wheneveryone scared ,means somthing coming soon .

ADN Greyinvestor 04 Dec 2015

Director selling Further heavy director selling of option shares yesterday......and then granting of fresh options to no change in their view of future value.....

INTQ Ripley94 04 Dec 2015

Re: fraud? Views on Tom Winnifrith what is his history ?

ULT wulwirth 04 Dec 2015

Re: people no pc.... OK I did it [link]

ULT wulwirth 04 Dec 2015

people no pc.... Ah but a recent study said it didn't work....need people not computers..bun redundant - up to me [link]

SIA GoPaddy 04 Dec 2015

OPEC Is there a expected official time when an announcement from OPEC will be made today?

CRND rRomeo29 04 Dec 2015

Re: merely 5.12m market cap! ...and maintenance BUYs are starting to kick in this morning4-Dec-1509:56:235.33150,000Buy* 7,995O 04-Dec-1509:58:445.49150,000Buy* 8,235O 04-Dec-15106:145.7087,552Buy* 4,990O Would be interesting to see if someone grabbs the entire company just for the property and land development outside Johannesburg!

GWIK iiTown 04 Dec 2015

New So anyone know much about this post-Treveria company yet?

SAL boldly going 04 Dec 2015

Re: Continuing price slide Hi Casa,Appreciate your thoughts on this matter. I would point out that S&P are not putting kiosks on network rail stations, they are managing the experiential promotions that take place on concourses by large brands.I had also heard that they no longer dealt with the Hammerson group of retail parks/ centres and wondered if this had caused the blip?

SMDS MJS1234 04 Dec 2015

Tempus is positive From this morning's TempusGLTAMJSDS Smith has set itself various performance criteria to beat, and duly beaten them DS SmithRevenue £1.95bn Dividend 4p It is now more than five years since Miles Roberts arrived as chief executive of DS Smith and vowed to make it the leader in recycled packaging for consumer goods. As mission statements go this is not exactly up there with putting a man on the Moon, but he has achieved his aim. The company has set itself various performance criteria to beat, and duly beaten them. Return on sales then was below 5 per cent; today it is 9.4 per cent, at the top of the stated 8 to 10 per cent range. DS Smith has done this, along with other packaging companies in different areas such as Mondi and RPC, by buying smaller businesses in Europe, putting them together and cutting costs. It has also worked closely with customers such as the big supermarkets in developing the sort of packaging they need to promote greater efficiencies. The figures for the half-year to the end of September on the face of it suggest this process is going into reverse, which may explain the market’s perverse reaction to mark the shares 21½p lower to 395p. Revenues are off by 1 per cent, pre-tax profits by more than a quarter to £91 million. Revenues, though, were hit by the fall in the euro against the pound — DS Smith has less than a quarter of its sales in the UK. At constant currency rates they were up by 6 per cent. Profits were hit by £48 million of exceptional restructuring costs, including the closure of a paper mill in the UK, and adjusting for this they were up by 5 per cent, even allowing for negative currency movements, at the operating level. The key indicator, like-for-like volume growth, which indicates market share gains, is meant to beat GDP by 1 per cent. It came in a further percentage point ahead of this. DS Smith spent about €500 million on three acquisitions in the period, and picked up another in Turkey since the end of the first half. The assumption is that such deals can continue at a similar pace, stoking up the engine for further progress in due course. There are certainly, as the other acquirers have found, any number of smaller packaging companies seeking new ownership as markets become more difficult or succession issues loom. The shares sell on 15 times earnings. The price fall looks an attractive buying opportunity. MY ADVICE BuyWHY Market’s reaction is hard to fathom. DS Smith is still performing well by all the criteria it uses and building in future growth