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SLS Kingel 04 Dec 2015

Nimmo hero, property zero We reverse our usual order with a look first at the most ‘expensive’ investment trusts this week ranked by Numis Securities (see first table below).News that star fund manager Harry Nimmo was looking to do another seven-year stretch on Standard Life UK Smaller Companies (SLS + ) before retiring pleased investors and resulted in the discount – or gap between the share price and its net asset value (NAV) – shrinking to a 10-year low of 1.4%. The shares closed yesterday at 371p, up 4.6% over the previous week. That pushed the sector-leading trust’s Z-score to 3.7 making it this week’s most pricey fund.Just to recap, Z-scores are a measure analysts use to put a share price in some historical context. Roughly speaking, a Z-score of 2 or more shows a stock is significantly above its normal trading range and is therefore ‘expensive’. Conversely, a score of -2 or below shows a stock is significantly below its normal trading range and is therefore ‘cheap’ (see second table).SEE LINK FOR CHARTS[link]

GLIF VoxVoci 04 Dec 2015

Balance Sheet Strengthening I have held these for some time now and on an absolute return basis am now about break even.So what to do? Sell the lot, hang in there with full holding or keep a percentage?If Edison research are right I should be topping up.You can download there report here:[link] Edison did flag up the ZDP share issue in an extensive research note on Nov 11th which is here:[link] Edison know what they are talking about? If the do and the restructuring means the dividend becomes sustainable then the forward yield at today's price would be 14%Based the the capitulation in the price that has occurred today the market does not share Edisons evaluation.So who is right Mr Market or Edison?

RCP steveggiles 04 Dec 2015

Re: hello and hope ur as good Have held these for approx 17 years. Compound return BEFORE dividends of approx 11% p.a.If only I could reasonably expect the same return in the future. But still a good hold.

NTOG steptoes123 04 Dec 2015

Controlling the BBs Just looked over at the lse bb for ntog and what a sad old board, why? because it is silent!!Silent because the Preacher and lse between themselves have destroyed what these boards are all about, freedom of speech is no more, i note with even more sadness, that our most long term dissident as we all know him Iceclimber, has finally become the latest victim of Lofgrunt and his controlling personality!!Does the man have such little else to do apart from police the shareholders and control their very own reasons for posting their concerns, you had better watch out Preacher as even squeaky clean you have Skeletons in the closet, and they may just be creeping up on you, you have already upset several well known bloggers with your underhanded deals just lately, and while they are quiet, its the time to be extra vigilant, many pens may be at work?Its a sad time for Ntog shareholders denied their Human Rights as a free speech generation, by someone whose very existance as a Ceo of listed companies, depends on those shareholders, good or bad, disciples or not, rampers or derampers, you have no right to control them on these Boards or your other favarite Banning Ground.Just one more line for Bonkers22 i am not samvoller and i dont have a Twitter account!!!!!ATB geseppe

MFX stillere 04 Dec 2015

Re: nibbling a few more/AND AGAIN but could he grant himself more options - which could explain why price seems deliberately held down?

IKA Go Dink 04 Dec 2015

Re: When ? end H1 2014 cash was 7.2m; 6 months later cash is £4.5m - so £450k a month of cash is being spent. That means the company has 10 months worth of cash left.Sorry for the simplistic point of view but is this correct? Because it may mean the company asking for more funding?

ZOX popes11 04 Dec 2015

Re: First positive day for ZOX in a while... It just looks like fun and games before it gets delisted if you ask me. Would be delighted to be wrong.

ZOX HPC Follower 04 Dec 2015

First positive day for ZOX in a while... 57% up on the day, although well down on the week - very badly down since the 25th November placement announcement and Major Shareholder sell offs.Hopefully ZOX can continue to improve from here... any strength in buying pressure will help Andrew Woollett's negotiations.

ZOX popes11 04 Dec 2015

32m traded 32m shares traded today. Up until a week ago you would be lucky to get 2000 in a day.Bought my entire old holding back today for the price of a mountain bike. So far in good % profit. Just need about another 1000% rise to get back previous loss. Easy. lol.

CNKS km1 04 Dec 2015

Director dealings Some large director sales of CNKS (see below) taken from HL website and the SP down today.Any thoughts on these events? 24 Nov 2015 Hodges, Paul Executive Director Sale 390,115 £1.80 £702,207.00 424 Nov 2015 Durkin, Jim CEO Sale 379,035 £1.80 £682,263.00

RMM oldernowiser 04 Dec 2015

Re: Dropped too much Buy Price of copper has been dropping fast. It depends if they can still generate cash at these prices.

MONI TalygarnTom 04 Dec 2015

Telegraph Article: Monitise is surely a contender for car crash of the year [link]

STB Thorndon33 04 Dec 2015

Arbuthnot Yes very good news for STB but why is ARB still lagging behind ?

PIC Rikman63 04 Dec 2015

Re: Pace lack of Dividend You never know, PACE BOD may surprise us all with one final Christmas Divi ! lolPigs may fly too ! Agree, not really Cricket is it !R.

TUNG Orchard Gate 04 Dec 2015

Re: Another bear The item isn't written by Winnifrith.And even he - mad as he appear to be - has never claimed to get every call correct. Do you? No, but it doesn't stop you posting.