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MML Peter the Red 05 Dec 2015

Re: Medusa Share Price Latest price:- Aus$0.36 (= 17p)

HFEL Greyinvestor 05 Dec 2015

Inv trusts v ETFs I spent many days reading books and studying comparatives of ETFs v Investment Trusts.In summary, everyone recommends ETFs.My experience is exactly the opposite. I recommend plotting SEDY v JEMI, IUKD v KIT, IAPD v EAT. Then you'll arrive at what took me a very long time to understand. Value tends to pay in the end.HFEL has been paying out too high a divi, in my opinion. But I still have a large holding, and intend to hold it forever. I also hold quite a few AAIF.I also recommend looking at this.[link] look forwards, not backwards. The past is a guide to the past, in my view.Now you know what I know.I use it to guide me, but not to make my decisions........All the best from a plodding investor.

HSTN Greyinvestor 05 Dec 2015

Re: Is it the exchange rate ? I'd be surprised to see a marked rise in the price this year. Why?The Euro exchange rate has moved massively against the companyThis year the LTIP will take a hefty chunk out of the companyThere are large short holdings in the stock, institutional buyers hate thatTo my mind the shares are OK value, not stunning.I'm holding........not buying or selling......If you believe in deflation, Hold. If you believe in inflation, Sell.

HSTN Greyinvestor 05 Dec 2015

Re: PID - question on tax I may have got this wrong, but the declared dividend was;1.5p PID plus 0.6p ordinaryWhat I received in my non tax sheltered broking accout was;One payment of 0.6pOne payment of 1.2pSo I assume that the 1.2p is 1.5p less 20%Hope it helps......

JIL Greyinvestor 05 Dec 2015

Outsourced investments I am breathing a deep sigh of relief at having exited this stock a while ago, and switched the money into BUR, which is in the same sector and has done well, so far. It does make me wonder......I think that the root cause is that this company completely outsourced it's business to a third party, thus ensuring two layers of costs and no control. Exactly the same thing happened at ALPH, a REIT, and it too collapsed. Whereas BUR handles everything 'in house'.As to how much value is embedded in this business, I guess it depends upon the cost of exiting the old and the new third party relationships, both of which may demand performace fees. It's going to be a messy exit unless a third party like BUR buys up the entrails. It could go on for a while.........

MANX Greyinvestor 05 Dec 2015

Re: First purchase I'm quite sure that CNKS is a cyclical stock and therefore risky. But the incredibly low P/E and strong balance sheet has encouraged me to take the risk. It has, for instance, just bought back 7% of it's shares out of spare cash.Manx is kind of the opposite; it's moderately highly geared and it occupies a franchise rather than owning it's business outright. The P&L should be pretty safe as long as it retains the franchise. I should have bought more originally, now the price is a little high. But I do like it. Were it to lose the franchise, the shares would collapse.

ALY Greyinvestor 05 Dec 2015

Re: Dividends All that I can say on dividends is that the chairman has a stonking big shareholding. He'll both want a decent divi and want to make sure that the company stays safe..........


prospects Cheap steel, economy recovering, low interest rates,must be the right ingredients for this share to improve, not to mention the Chelsea stadia IF it was to be involved. Now paying a small dividend. The only clouds are India and the bolt issue with the Leadenhall project which has been fixed physically but probably not legally.

AOR Gold or Silver 05 Dec 2015

Of no interest Quadrasil™ is a family of co-polymer, thermoplastic, silicone polyurethanes that exhibit the properties of bothurethane and silicone. Included in this family of materials are the Elast-Eon™ and ECSil™ line of long-termimplantable biomedical polymers. These materials are ideal for use in implantable medical devices such ascardiac pacing leads, neuromodulation leads, orthopedics, stent coating, and interventional cardiac devices And May

CNKS km1 05 Dec 2015

Re: Director dealings Appreciate your comments Grey, similar to yourself I invest for the long term and income and was put of buying more when I seen these events.regards.

PIC speck you later 05 Dec 2015

Black Shoals I was reminded this morning why I need to hold. The big players fully expect the small fish to swim elsewhere before the big sharks come to feed. Watch Click on BBC iplayer and you will see towards the end of the clip, Black Shoals which is a real time 'stock market planetarium'. Watch what happens when the New York stock exchange opens. Reinforces how big the American market is. Hopefully New Arris will fly.....

CNKS Greyinvestor 05 Dec 2015

Re: Director dealings Nothing to worry about. The company has just bought back 7% of it's own shares. Some of the directors, the ones with the big holdings, chose to sell 7% of theirs. Therefore they now have exactly the same percentage shareholding. Ignore the Smith & Williamson stuff, they did the buying of the shares.The 7% has now been cancelled, so from now on the same level of profit will improve EPS by 7%. I chose not to sell any shares. the look of it, neither did Invesco, who own 15% and are always a good judge of value shares.To my mind all that matters is the long term health of AIM flotations or fundraisings. It is this that the company depends on. It is a highly cyclical business, and the froth has already started to dissipate, following a number of dud AIM flotations, and poor long term performance of the market. Having said that, these shares feel like a good long term investment, and I'm staying in. I have substantial holding. But DYOR.....

SILF verbits 05 Dec 2015

Silver Falcon [link]

TCG UphillStruggle 05 Dec 2015

Re: Back to profit..... Averaged in at 115p... I said I thought the results would be good. I think seeing that TCG is now profitable is a good result.... But no doubt some will say differently. The backdrop hasn't been so favourable due to Russian civil aircraft downing and Paris attacks but we didn't see them coming, or did we Orchard? Unfortunately the world is becoming a more dangerous place.... Brokers will be turning to future prospects for TCG and they look brighter.... Stronger books... Debt free soon as well I think. The tone in the press is also more positive towards TCG. I think 2016 will be challenging due to competition but manageable. Just got to get through the winter without too many delays etc. If you're feeling lonely this Christmas come and haunt us Orchard... Billy no mates....

ODX Carefully Does It 04 Dec 2015

Re: Oryx [link] hold Source Bio too.