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HFEL Greyinvestor 06 Dec 2015

correction Sorry, I should have said IDVY versus EAT.Funnily enough the best comparator to HFEL in the ETF world is IAPD. The results are very similar over the long term, but HFEL pays a bigger divi most of the time.

CVSG sharegardener 05 Dec 2015

Re: PH raises target Its the linking with crematoria as well as the vet centres and lab services giving wider national coverage (now in Scotland too) that appears to be working well. New refinancing on better terms also. My concerns are around the potential for rising premises rental costs over time and also skilled staff retention. Perhaps getting a bit overvalued now but theres definitely momentum in the SP and pets arent going out of fashion. Our neighbours cat had chemotherapy the other week - cant be cheap. SG

BRY sharegardener 05 Dec 2015

Re: Over-reaction I agree but this could be the first of several profit warnings. Commodities, energy and recycling sectors are all struggling at present so these trading companies are likely to be reluctant to invest in IT upgrades. However, Brady have net cash with no debt and they say potential orders are delayed into next FY rather than completely lost. They are one of the CTRM leaders so orders should recover with time.Kestrel a Guernsey based OEIC wealth fund has taken up 2.5M of the 3.2M shares dumped by Investec and now has 18% (yesterdays RNS). They appear to look for long term value so I am still holding. Will wait for the full year results which will report in March but there should be trading update in late january. The SP may start to recover once current overhang clears but H2 results will be the main determinant of what happens next - unless theres a takeover bid! (Latchways was a recent example in a different sector)SG

CNKS Broncomaniac 05 Dec 2015

Re: Director dealings Hi Grey, AIM certainly comes in for some criticism and deservedly so. Mainly for the poor long term performance but also the lax corporate governance in some cases, I am still bitter about my Quindell experience! There may be enough vested interests for things to stay the same, but I hope for the good of investors that there may be some tightening of regulations. Any organisation has to adapt to survive (well apart for a few exceptions which I won't mention). Perhaps AIM may introduce some kind of special class of AIM companies that volunteer for greater compliance and demonstrate higher levels of corporate governance. The future of AIM relies on new listings, but they will only be subscribed to if there is appetite from investors. I'm rambling a bit here, but enhanced regulation should be an opportunity for Cenkos to increase earnings, provided they are not pushed out by bigger advisory firms, and provided that enhanced regulation doesn't kill off AIM.Either way, I think provided that Cenkos closely monitors the market trends and adapts appropriately they should be fine. My feeling is they are a small enough company to respond quickly. I view this as a long term hold, with a nice juicy dividend that will be reinvested, but I'm not going overboard, my weighting is around 5% which is average for my portfolio.

WIND trickler 05 Dec 2015

Is 60p the most we can expect? nm

TCG UphillStruggle 05 Dec 2015

Re: Back to profit..... Zzzzzz.... My crystal ball didn't predict a downing of a Russian airliner... Bombs in Paris... Superior insight no.... Just maybe a feel for how things may be running. A look inside the books I definitely don't have. Any fool can see that over the past few years the stock has healed its wounds... But somehow you don't see that. TCG is volatile... So ups and downs are normal and also an opportunity to get on and off... Which is exactly what I do. As to me posting at 05:15.... That's my business.... You forget that I work at all funny hours of the day. Oil low debt getting killed off... Dividend around the corner.... I'd say due a BIG bounce over next 6-8 months.... But why do you care... You never put your money in TCG so why offer your "squeaks"? If all you're after is confrontation try somewhere else...

AOR Gold or Silver 05 Dec 2015

Good news I now hold the equivalent of BBrown`s holding , ie 0.22% .One day I may make it to the morningstar list . Good luck all And May

MNL pharmaspecialist 05 Dec 2015

Awful performance The recent cumulative performance figures on Trustnet show that over the past 5 years Manchester & London Investment Trust has lost 20% of its value whilst the UK All Companies index is up 55%. Such an abysmal performance indicates that Mark Sheppard is one of the worst performing fund managers in this sector. I do not understand why he is allowed to continue. Another warning to shareholders is that my dividend cheque has just arrived in an open envelope because the envelope was so old that the glue had dried up long ago. Last year I actually received two dividend cheques at this time of year, one belonging to myself and one belonging to another shareholder, who I forwarded it to. It would appear that this company's administrative performance is on a par with the investment performance. Needless to say I will not be shareholder for much longer but for those who do, I would recommend ensuring that your dividends are paid direct into a bank account.

TEA foggy 05 Dec 2015

Waste of time this page, loads of people with there own agenders desperate for TEA to fail, this will be back and stronger start up take a time to get going.

TEA foggy 05 Dec 2015

Loads of advice and information on here explaining why we are or domed, but it's Saturday markets and office are shut.. Why all the advice today when nothing his happening, please all relax and enjoy the weekend.

ANP LK Hyman 05 Dec 2015

Re: Institutional Holding Hardboy,"I think the shareholder profile gives me a lot of comfort here"Lord John Lee off of the FT is a shareholder here (he has 10,150 shares [cries of "How do you know that, LK?"]. He is a downy old bird. So that should provide you with a bit more comfort.LKH on the flybridge

MONI Orchard Gate 05 Dec 2015

Re: Telegraph Article: Monitise is surely a ... No wonder Sir Singed to a Crisp is so quiet."A crumbling share price? Check. Losses totalling hundreds of millions of pounds? Check. The loss of several major clients? Check. Three different chief executives this year? Check, check and check. And now the finance chief has stepped down. Could the situation be any more disastrous at Monitise, the mobile payments company? London’s Alternative Investment Market has served up some absolute horror stories over the years but the rapid unravelling of Monitise is surely a contender for car crash of 2015."But not everyone has lost money. There are fantasists like wigwanchor and Steve Gurr I'M Angry and then there are those who have made a genuine pile from this heap of rubbish."In the year the Aim mobile payments company posted a £63.4m pre-tax loss, directors received “exceptional bonuses” in recognition of their “success”.Co-CEO Alastair Lukies enjoyed a near-doubling of his total pay package over the year to June, from £616,000 to £1.17m, according to yesterday’s 2014 annual report. His commercial chief, Lee Cameron, was awarded a 43pc pay rise from £473,000 to £677,000."If you hold shares in Monitise you have been royally shafted by these cowboys and insider dealers.

BRSC 72_fastback 05 Dec 2015

Re: Time for a run Yes, someone out here.Great trust, this. Long term performance is superb but it doesn't have a persistent discount.Not that that's a problem when I'm buying...

TCG Orchard Gate 05 Dec 2015

Re: Back to profit..... "Billy no mates.... "Say the bloke posting at 5.15 in the morning LOL.You claimed to have superior insight as an employee and yet recommended the shares before a c. 45% share price collapse. I'm simply making the point that this suggests your views are not especially reliable.

IGAS Omaha man 05 Dec 2015

Re: Is this the saviour?! Wrong. Eventually the people will win. The government can over-rule Lancashire and any other council responsive to it's electorate which bans fracking, but that will only double the resolve of people to make sure it will not happen.Not anyway that that will need to happen since it's obvious it isn't going to be ecnomic any time soon.