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FTC Optimist1 06 Dec 2015

Re: my take on the AGM A chance to buy shares at no dealing costs, and as a shareholder and not a day trader to support the company through to better times.

TMZ Mr Google 06 Dec 2015

2015 Market Assessment on Smart Patches Came across this link [link] is included and predicts the potential growth of the smart patches market.I believe Toumaz at the current market cap is undervalued.

CPX alltold9 06 Dec 2015

Re: Cap-XX CEO comments on “transformational... This will be the 'transformational, week that the CEO was reffering to imhho. Bring it on!!!

AEX jackson 06 Dec 2015

sooner ,very soon ,

AEX jackson 06 Dec 2015

GSA tommorrow....

CHAL Mpg1 06 Dec 2015

Re: Suspension back on on tuesay 8th dec.... gla

TILS goondaft 06 Dec 2015

brilliant have not looked at this one since old days of alexander , d ,nice surprise well more than doubled my money

BRY Hangover2 06 Dec 2015

The Interview with the CEO It appeared to me the CEO stated (on first questioning) in the interview (linked below) that it became apparent at the Board Meeting that trading had deteriorated that they then "sat down with their advisors" (obviously close by) then presumably considered appropriate cost cutting measures, drafted and issued a RNS announcement all in the same day? Did I get the chronology right?What truly irritates me is that I read the Interim Results in September and as I saw the share price drift down I bought as could see no reason not too! What I now think is the share price was drifting down as others knew of the downturn in trading (and the only think that kept the share price up was the company buying shares back). Am I too cynical?Still the company has been punished enough and the question now is 45p cheap. I cannot help but think that for their customer base they must become an attractive take over - a premium to the current share price is still way down on the share price of a few months ago and some must be looking at the company as mining and metals will not always be in the doldrums.....


This weekends floods Hi all,Very sad for all those affected by the above even more so at this time of year so condolence to them.One thought I had while watching news tonight is in Carlisle which was badly flooded had 35 million invested to stem the floods was it built by renew or were they involved in some point. Would this be very negative for all involved as big questions will have to be asked why 6 years later owners of properties will go thru the same pain.On the other hand will companies like renew get massive order book for road, bridge repairs three times over ie emergency saw up now, temporary fix before a final resolution plan put in place.Interested to get other views to the above

JQW Ripley94 06 Dec 2015

Re: Brokers SP & TW stated all china AIM company's were a filthy forty.LSE state they are no worse risk wise then rest of AIM.The professional brokers annalist do not seem to be any better then PI s at picking best / worse of them.My advise ( first i have given ) stay well away from AIM.

SILF verbits 06 Dec 2015

Re: Beeston Interview #SILF worth following with the Twitter crew more insight

SILF memm21 06 Dec 2015

Beeston Interview [link] entry, huge growth ahead.

TCG Orchard Gate 06 Dec 2015

Re: Back to profit..... The shares tanked well before the Egypt bomb or Paris so please don't (once again) use tragedies as an excuse when you get a share call wrong. We all do - just some people are willing to admit and error and you, clearly, aren't one of them.

SPH whitehat 06 Dec 2015

Re: What's it worth? Thanks for the analysis, I'm in at just under 40p. Not a huge investment but one I'm willing to sit on for a while and see where it takes me.Good luck to all holders, hope I haven't put the kiss of death on it.

MML loadsadough 06 Dec 2015

Recent buys Recent buys during the last two weeks..Listed prices.CVSG 785pCRU 23.75pFCRM 26.75pTRAK 315pISL 107p.Paid for when bought on the H & L website.CVSG 722.7pCRU 23.8p bought Friday.FCRM 21.45pTRAK 314p bought Friday.ISL 99pFCRM Has the most gains.HAYD Bought, and sold. The low line in the chart shows the line falling below bottom line recently, soldl it.. Also sold recently MCO, AVON, NICC, EMR. Also sold JD. but its gone up since after staying put for a few weeks, well done JD.Loadsadough