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INTQ HFWizard 07 Dec 2015

Agreed. People my be realising it's not cover ups but more treatment of certain costs in accounts being treated differently

PIC xgxg 07 Dec 2015

Arris Pace Deal Price Conversion Pace deal value:-Today = £4.473**Arris closing price of $32.6765

SCE gretel 07 Dec 2015

Excellent trading update today A very encouraging trading update: - close to operating cash break-even in H1 - much improved sales and results in H1 - confidence in H2 meeting expectations - "five game changing automotive contract discussions", which should lead to contracts in the next year

QIF phredrik 07 Dec 2015

Tender Price $1.3004 [link] to the Company's announcement on 12 November 2015 regarding the passing of the resolutions at the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting to give effect to the Tender Offer, and the result of the Tender Offer, the Board today announces that the Tender Price, which has been calculated in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part III of the circular to Shareholders dated 15 October 2015, is US$1.3004 per Share. It is expected that cheques will be despatched and CREST accounts will be credited with proceeds in respect of successfully tendered shares and with unsold uncertificated Shares by 14 December 2015. It is expected that balancing certificates in respect of unsold certificated Shares will be despatched from 14 December 2015.The 19,333,165 Shares tendered under the Tender Offer will be cancelled, and following the cancellation, the Company will hold 1,417,370 of its ordinary shares in treasury and will have 118,547,877 Shares in issue (excluding treasury shares).

WGB The buzz 07 Dec 2015

Flooding Insurance might cover some of the costs, but there is a risk that business may be lost as it goes to other manufacturers. Just in time manufacturing begins to lose its appeal if the factory is down for some time. Plus insurance premiums are likely to increase in the future.In reality the flooding ought to have been half expected and some precautions ought to have been made in anticipation what might be damaged with a modest level of flooding. Of course we do not know that - nor the degree of the flooding. With more bad weather forecast for this week - we do not know when the flooding will go away either.I will show a precautionary weak sell due to risk and also because the share price went up at the end of last week. Once the scale of the problem has been established then the risk to business can be re-assessed and it might present an opportunity to buy back at a lower level?The Buzz.The B

MGGT oldjoe1 07 Dec 2015

MGGT, Revenue growth AHEAD......... MGGT Meggitt,Update this morning........MGGT... Over the medium term, the Group is well positioned to deliver organic revenue growth ahead of the end markets in which it operates.[link]

SRP oldjoe1 07 Dec 2015

SRP..Significantly HIGHER.......... SRP Serco Group, Cracking update............SRP Serco... Reported Trading Profit in 2015 likely to be significantly higher than Underlying Trading Profit.[link]

PCI earthly 07 Dec 2015

Re: Would be interesting..IF.. my previous post taken from ; sun.22-38 M& A chestertouristcomEARTHLY

HVN idontwanttolose 07 Dec 2015

Trading Update and Disposal TRADING UPDATE AND DISPOSAL The Board of Harvey Nash announces a trading update and the disposal of Nash Technologies GmbH. Trading update Trading for year to date is in line with the Board's expectations. For the nine months to 31 October 2015 both gross profit and PBT, adjusted for non-recurring items, increased by 7% (10% on a constant currency basis) against the comparable period in 2014. This performance has been driven by strong trading in the USA and Germany, solid results from the UK and progress in Asia. Despite the third quarter being seasonally the strongest trading period in the year, net borrowings at 31 October were similar to the net balance at 31 July 2015 stated in the half yearly results. Disposal The Group announces that the sale of its German telecommunications outsourcing business Nash Technologies GmbH ("NT" and its two fully owned subsidiaries, Nash Technologies Stuttgart GmbH ("NTS" and Nash Innovations GmbH ("NI" ("NT Group" was completed on 6 December 2015. NT Group was identified as non-core in a strategic review of the Group's operations in 2014 and a disposal process was initiated. On 30 September 2015, the Group reported that the revenues of this business had declined further, as a result of the merger involving its largest client, Alcatel-Lucent, and that the business was loss making. Following a full review of the disposal options, the Board has agreed the sale of NT Group to Udo Nadolski, Chief Executive Officer of NT, by way of a management buyout (the "Buyer". The disposal will have no effect on the Group's core recruitment business in Germany, which is trading strongly with gross profit for nine months to 31 October 2015 up 18% to €5.6m (2014: €4.8m) and business contribution (before shared services) up 69% to €1.3m (2014: €0.7m). Albert Ellis, CEO of Harvey Nash, said: "This transaction provides a clean exit from a non-core loss making activity and lowers the Group's financial risk profile, whilst retaining upside potential from any future success of the NT Group. We wish the management team every success with its venture." Transaction details The aggregate consideration from the disposal of the NT Group payable at completion is €27,600 (£19,876) with the Buyer assuming working capital liabilities capped at €2.3m (£1.7m). In addition, the Buyer has agreed to pay additional cash consideration to Harvey Nash by way of earn-out, based on the performance of the NT Group, subject to a maximum aggregate amount of €9.0m (£6.5m) plus the amount of restructuring and other costs borne by Harvey Nash as described below. In respect of certain restructuring and other costs to be borne by the NT Group, Harvey Nash has agreed as follows: · to indemnify the buyer in relation to certain liabilities of NT Group up to a maximum of €5.75m (£4.1m) (net excluding VAT). These are anticipated to be incurred over the next nine months; and· to provide a loan to the NT Group of €2.3m (£1.7m) (net excluding VAT) in respect of product investment and property costs. The Buyer has also agreed that, should it dispose of the NT Group prior to 31 December 2022, it shall pay Harvey Nash up to the first €2.3m (£1.7m) of any net proceeds arising from such disposal, in satisfaction of any outstanding amount of the loan by Harvey Nash to the NT Group (as described above) and shall pay 50% of any proceeds in excess of such amount to Harvey Nash, subject to the overall aggregate cap of €9.0m (£6.5m) set out above. As at 31 January 2015, the gross assets of the NT Group were approximately €11.8m (£8.8m) and, during the financial year ended 31 January 2015, the NT Group made a loss before non-recurring items and tax of €0.4m (£0.3m). Excluding the effect of the earn-out or the share of any future disposal proceeds, the one off exceptional charge on disposal falls into two parts: (1) the non-cash loss of €8.6m (£6.2m), representing the differe

LEG BOWOOD 07 Dec 2015

Interims Due later this month so we should have a bit more news on VS. I think the valuation of £58m will be left well behind on the next valuation. £100m still seems low but will give LEG a value of £7m against a MC of £2.5m at 0.10p. LEG substantially undervalued.

PCI earthly 07 Dec 2015

Would be interesting..IF.. "Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) announced this morning that it has increased its offer for Dragon shares to 800p, a rise of 6.7% from a previous offer of 750p 3 Aug 2015 "__________ ________Dragon swallowed a poison pill to ward off being taken over !!! the enoc paragraph taken from a post on the xcite BB. DYOR as to the above statement.EARTHLY


Sheikh shakes off Safestore [link]


Godber and Hamilton ramp up Renew stake [link]

BOX BOWOOD 07 Dec 2015

Acquisition It appears the the acquisition news and further delay with casino cash has impacted the SP. Not sure that this is justified as the existing and on going business is performing well and the proposed acquisition we are told will be earnings positive. Casino cash will add further when it is rolled out. Published results in January together with prospects for the current year should justify a much better rating IMO.

LOK itsfatboyjim 06 Dec 2015

Recommended for income portfolio [link]