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BATS gamesinvestor 07 Dec 2015

Re: Sold Out Bronc, Joined you. Just sold at 3834. I've not held this as long as most here, but think the price is high and the debts in the tobacco industry are getting far too high.If BATS do make a bid for IMT then the share price of BATS surely will be hit and there will be a lower entry point.Someone earlier in this thread commented that profits were still rising, and looking at the numbers it doesn't appear to be the case. The latest interims showed a profit of 2347M compared to higher figures for the last 5 years in descending order of 2691M, 2722M, 2807M, 2458M. All of these numbers have been produced on declining revenues from £7.4Bn to £6.3Bn in the last interims.I've held onto my IMT for the moment although I see Alison Cooper has just sold a chunk 3-Dec-15 Imperial Tobacco Group IMT Cooper,Alison 17,500 @ 35.78p £626,149.9803-Dec-15 Imperial Tobacco Group IMT Phillips,Matthew 5,171 @ 35.78p £185,018.37If BATS did buy IMT, it's debt situation would look pretty hefty and the balance sheet would change significantly for the negative.The net gearing of BATS has increased from 173 to 336 in the last 5 years and it's still rising.Games -- still holding Reynolds and IMT, but under review

CNKS Greyinvestor 07 Dec 2015

Re: Falling knife I'll just repeat my earlier point, yes the directors have trousered some money, but their shareholding percentages remain the same. I would also observe that they would be considered insider dealers if they know anything new. They will surely have taken advice on this point. I can't advise you, but I'd sit tight.Rather frustratingly, this year's flotations have tended to be much higher quality. It's last years that were the problem, because investors were buying any old rubbish, just like at previous market tops.Suspension of their highly regarded medical analyst is just blinking frustrating. I can't see that CNKS have done anything wrong, if I read the runes correctly the accusation is that he shouldn't have been a non exec at a company where the Chief Exec is alleged to have misbehaved.....but I'm no expert......and what this does do is inhibit CNKS from floating new biotecs.If I had a smaller holding, I'd be adding today.....what a day, LRE has also blown up, which is another holding of mine. It's proof that I know nothing.....

CNKS Guitarsolo 07 Dec 2015

Re: Old news Dear Grey, Thank you for your emails of today. The drop is alarming to say the least but, as you say, surely the MMs who are more aware of this would have priced this in before today. You mention insurance which is what I do for a living. In fact, more specifically, I investigate claims for stockbrokers and other financial institutions including PI and crime matters (mostly South America rather than UK). Can anyone who knows their way around CNKS' accounts and company information ascertain whether they have a SFIP policy (Securities and Futures Industries Policy) or similar? The SFIP is effectively a mixture of PI, crime and error cover. It would respond to matters caused by negligence or dishonesty - subject to other terms and conditions. Prima Facie, it would seem to be what we have here - he says with minimal information.I agree with Grey's comments that Quindell's auditors should be first in line for criticism and charge.....The NOMAD has to rely on audited information to check that it should be released to the market by RNS but doesn't compile the information. There could be reputational damage to CNKS but I can't believe in the world of stockbrokers there are many that haven't occasionally become embroiled in the odd mini-scandal. GS

CNKS casabanker 07 Dec 2015

Falling knife I've bought in three times today and caught the falling knife. The sp was about 160 and I placed a limit order at 150 thinking it wouldn't be filled, lol. I am not selling on a knee jerk reaction and wait to see if there is any reasonable bounce. The issue for me now is how this will affect CNKS's earnings going forward and how it will affect the dividend. It's looking like a value trap and the directors that have sold a good proportion of their shares probably knew this fall was coming. Feeling foolish, Casa.

ETO Hypertension 07 Dec 2015

Share price fall Has anybody any idea what is driving today's fall in the share price?

LRE bulltraderpt 07 Dec 2015

Re: Oh dear.. No RNS either. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

LRE adriano 07 Dec 2015

Re: Oh dear.. Damn - that's messed up one of my plans, so these shares have had to go.....

RDSA fifi35 07 Dec 2015

Re: Wrong shares Thank you. I will sell and switch.Fifi

RDSA Blanketstacker 07 Dec 2015

Re: Wrong shares You will loose 15% of your dividend due to the Dutch withholding tax. That is a sizable chunk.

CNKS Greyinvestor 07 Dec 2015

NW Bio This is the guy who has been suspended on pay by CNKS. Again, I'm not sure how he can be slaughtered for something that the Chief Exec is alleged to have done, but I'm no expert........Bethesda, Maryland, April 17, 2012 – Northwest Biotherapeutics (OTC Bulletin Board: NWBO) (NW Bio), a biotech company developing DCVax® personalized immune therapies for cancer, is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Navid Malik and Mr. Jerry Jasinowski to the Company’s Board of Directors. These new members bring to the NW Bio Board longstanding, deep experience in the life sciences industry, advanced manufacturing, and corporate operations and governance.Dr. Navid Malik is the Head of Life Sciences Research for Cenkos Securities Plc. in the UK, and has been one of the most influential analysts in the UK and Europe over the last decade, covering the life sciences industry worldwide. In 2011, Dr. Malik was awarded two Starmine Awards (awarded each year by Thomson Reuters and the Financial Times): Number One Stock Picker in the European Pharmaceutical Sector, and Number Two Stock Picker in the UK and Ireland Healthcare Sector. Dr. Malik has built life science teams and franchises at multiple large financial institutions in London, which completed IPOs and secondary stock offerings for small biotech and life sciences companies totaling over $700 million in recent years, and which also initiated research coverage on dozens of small life sciences companies in addition to covering large pharmaceutical, biologics and healthcare companies. Dr. Malik holds a PhD in Drug Delivery within Pharmaceutical Sciences, as well as degrees in Biomedical Sciences Research (M.Sc.) and Biochemistry and Physiology (B.Sc., joint honors). Dr. Malik also holds an MBA in finance.

EAH tejo 07 Dec 2015

Re: Interim results What's not to like and worth waiting for. I have mentioned the apparent link with Anpario before and both companies have yielded me a 100% gain and the good results seem set to continue. I bought a few more to-day and if one can find the right type of smaller company, it is infinitely more rewarding than the likes of Shell etc. and more interesting.

TMZ TheDrewster 07 Dec 2015

Re: 2015 Market Assessment on Smart Patches I too believe TMZ is (significantly) undervalued. I would however stop short of saying the company will not get cheaper still before equillibrium might be restored.Digital must surely be worth north or 3p, possibly 4?!But then, WTFDIK?

CNKS Greyinvestor 07 Dec 2015

Old news This is bad news but it's also old news. Of course CNKS is going to have to hand the files over. The question is, how involved were they in the insanely aggressive accounting policies at Quindell, and did they do their due diligence properly ? They are entitled to rely on accounts that have been properly audited, but they are also responsible for checking that directors are fit and proper people to run a PLC. They should also have heavyweight PI insurance. I think that the directors of Quindell could scrape home as being acceptable, because they hadn't actually been disqualified and presumably did not have criminal records. I would never have bought the shares though, they had a poor track record. It's a difficult one, CNKS will probably get slapped wrists, but were they actually the bad boys? To my mind the auditors are first in line, then the directors, and finally the NOMAD.Of more concern is whether NOMADs are still floating duds. Hopefully they have cleaned their act up, but a few really bad companies are still finding their way onto AIM, especially foreign companies, the accounts of which can never be properly verified. In my view AIM should be a market for UK companies only.My view of the share price? It's unfortunate, but I felt that the bad news was already in the price. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows. I feel no great urge to sell, though. But DYOR.

RDSA fifi35 07 Dec 2015

Wrong shares Damn accidently bought these A instead of B for my isa. Is there a huge difference and will it have any detrimental effect?ThanksFifi

TPL flipdalid 07 Dec 2015

6.59am tues is when the latest extension period runs out. Bell and his chums seem clueless in dealmakingso I suppose YET ANOTHER extension is the betting choice. Let's hope OLISOL push them over the line..Bell as always will just want to look after his job/salary/pension,