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LEG waytogo333 07 Dec 2015

Re: Interims I think you're right, seriously undervalued. It was encouraging to see that shift from coal to gold in October, as well.

EAH JIGSAW47 07 Dec 2015

I too have a useful holding of both Ampario and Eco Animal (the former being spun out of Eco Animal some years ago) and intend to remain a long term holder as I believe there remains significant potential uplift in value. NAV and PER are understated depending upon assumptions made. For instance last year drug registrations, patents and license cost were amortised by £2.476m to £26.453m whereas in reality, by their nature taking up to ten years to obtain the necessary approvals they are difficult and very costly to replicate and if depreciation was added back to profits an enhanced PER would result. Likewise, if they were revalued to reflect their true commercial value, they could on some yardsticks be worth significantly more.

UTW casabanker 07 Dec 2015

Quindell syndrome UTW have an aggresive accounting model which records income before it is received. This method was adopted by QPP and we all know what has happened to that Company. The difference, however, is the fact that not all of QPP's income could be collected whereas UTW's can. This should mean that if UTW's management can sort out a system to collect moneys owed more quickly, the benefit will show in the sp ---- unless there is something else wrong that I am not aware of. Suggestions here please.Casa.

RDSA fifi35 07 Dec 2015

Re: Wrong shares Thank you Lk. My Isa is with Hargreaves Lansdown so will make enquiries. What would the advantage be to holding BG as opposed to RDS?Thank you.Fifi

CNKS casabanker 07 Dec 2015

Re: Falling knife I admit that I panicked but I haven't sold out. There have been a number of small and AIM stocks that have fallen sharply in recent weeks and in some cases, have shown a possible buying opportunity. I have held CNKS for much of this year and, although I have felt wary, due to the high yield and cyclical and lumpy nature of stockbrokers earnings, the sp has been stable until now. If CNKS is badly holed after this, I may well exit but hopefully at a better price. My average, thanks to the last buy at 150, is around 163 so losses are not huge in percentage terms but serious enough to make me hot around the collar, lol. I also hold UTW which is also giving me some concern. However, I am in good company as Mr Woodford holds many more at a much higher price so I am informed. It appears that having a strong balance sheet and a good dividend does not insulate against sudden shocks and a nervous market. Thank you for your response, Greyinvestor.Casa.

PIL II Editor 07 Dec 2015

NEW ARTICLE: 10 of the best high-yield growth shares "Investors with a knowledge of stockmarket folklore will doubtless be aware that this week marks the start of the St Leger Festival at Doncaster racecourse. The old adage to "sell in May and go away, stay away till St Leger Day", is a myth that ..."[link]

BATS gamesinvestor 07 Dec 2015

Re: Sold Out Just to qualify my last post, the profit numbers I quoted are operating profits. These differ from the pre-tax which show a rising trend, but I'm assuming that a lot of the discrepency is due to cost savings which are admirable in themselves, but surely have a limited life.I missed out the other point and that is dividends are covered only 1.3 times which at current interest rates on the big debt pile is OK, but if that changes?Still overall an excellent company in terms of ROCE and Operating Margins at 65 and 43% respectively but at the end of the day it's a declining business.Games


29% up since i started very happy in a weak market.never quite got the 100k thotiger

MFX stillere 07 Dec 2015

Re: nibbling a few more/AND AGAIN imho - product of a simple cynicit occurs to me that if sp remains low until results announced ( i expect something impressive - as before) and at same time bod reward themselves with more options the sp could be turned loose upwards; , co. opened to bids and all options would automatically convert at buyout this possible on AIM market?

RDSA LK Hyman 07 Dec 2015

Re: Wrong shares Fifi,"I will sell and switch."Don't be too hasty! If your ISA manager can cope with scrip dividends and if you do not need to take divis in cash you could keep the A shares and take scrip divis WITHOUT incurring the Dutch divi withholding tax.A shares are priced a little lower than B shares (largely because of the tax on the cash divis from A shares) so you will be better off if the foregoing is possible for you.Personally I've sold all my Shell B shares and am now 100% in BG in order to switch into Shell when the BG takeover completes, as is looking increasingly probable.LKH on the flybridge

CWD high blood pressure1 07 Dec 2015

Re: Very quiet here.....? any thoughts re next 3 months?I think a return to £6 by end of Q1 2016?

POG George Zibbos 07 Dec 2015

News Lamesa Group Holdings building a large stake here (14%) now.

FOGL master shanus 07 Dec 2015

Re: Merger Cash try to avoid thinking rational in an irrational market, it hurts your head and your pock

LRE Greyinvestor 07 Dec 2015

Re: Oh dear.. There must surely be an RNS on the way, this is pretty big news.....

MMX oggs 07 Dec 2015

Re: Looks like Henderson has sold out...... They are not very friendly but they are relatively straightforward if you look at the key element - the before and after numbers.In this case as with others recently the report is indicating that no shares have been bought or sold by the party making the disclosure but their %age interest in the company has increased as a result if shares being bought and cancelled.