Share Discussion Forum

23:51 20/12/2018

Welcome to the new Antisoma live discussion forum! Messages posted in the Antisoma live discussion will be logged here for posterity.

18:22 20/12/2018

We're holding up pretty well in the current climate me thinks. Let's hope this is a good omen and we move onwards and upwards in 2019. Glad I'm in JLP and not Bitcoin that's for sure. Good luck all. idg69

22:05 17/12/2018

Ended up having a few cth so must of sold ex rights as ended up with some with small amount of CTH , topped up today 333p

22:05 17/12/2018

Welcome to the new Cambian Group live discussion forum! Messages posted in the Cambian Group live discussion will be logged here for posterity.

18:10 17/12/2018

Cheers JaJa, they must have been desperate for the cash to sell at this stage in the game. If the money starts rolling in next year as many on the BB's are predicting, this share will be worth many multiples of what it's worth now. Retail shares and the house builders are falling out of favour, let's hope the money gets re-invested in mining and precious metals in the coming years. Would be great to see some momentum behind this share in the coming years. Good luck all, we deserve a change in fortune. idg69

15:17 17/12/2018

BMR out. those sells were from BMR... see LSE BB

12:35 17/12/2018

Hi Breezy, holding up nicely my friend. Not sure what all those big sells were last week but don't seem to have had a detrimental affect in the price. We are teetering on the edge of much success with JLP I firmly believe. I just don't want a global slowdown next year to take the wind out of the sails just as we hoist them high. LC has done formidable work over the past few years and he deserves some success and we could do with some reward for our patience too. Keeping the faith. idg69 ps I need a little more than 8p to recoup my losses. We live and learn!

12:29 17/12/2018

Hi Breezy,

18:02 15/12/2018

Things must be looking bad with An Taisce, so now we're moving in to the boiling water business all of a sudden.. Keeps the CEO in clover for another few more years of B. S.

18:00 15/12/2018

Things must be looking bad with An Taisce. Tc
