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22:20 19/04/2024

The new marker is 546,630 Beaten by 93,574 which is worse then two weeks ago 98,147 - 93,574 = by 4,573

22:11 19/04/2024

19th April 2024 (B) 419,680 ( Por ) 640,204 ( debt ) -220,523 (Day ) 3,170 ( Available ) 48,493 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -127,240 , monies in 2,960.62 out 2,000. = 960.62 added.

09:51 07/04/2024

The Marker was beaten by 99,873 ( 6,686 better ) on 10th March 2024 , today one month on 98,147 ( worse by 1,726 )

09:44 07/04/2024

643,816 Port - the new marker is 545,669 ( 535,947 + 9,722 added funds ) = Marker beaten by 98,147

09:29 07/04/2024

7th April 2024 (B) 423,574 ( Por ) 643,816 ( debt ) -220,241 (Day ) 1,550 ( Available ) 53,697 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -122,431 , monies in 9,722.

13:20 01/04/2024

The marker was beaten by 178,589 this time last year 1st April 2023 and by over 300,000 two years ago in April 2022 . The margin over 50,000 well above forced sell risk concern, and desired buffer.

12:58 01/04/2024

Monies in and out should affect the balance 420,744.09 , not the Portfolio value , and is added and taken from marker.

12:44 01/04/2024

The 648,303 Portfolio is better then any noted this calendar year , funds in and out N/A to compare marker. ( last on 10th March 535,947 , moves up and down with cash in and out )

12:22 01/04/2024

Port a little better on Easter Monday 1/4/24 . The Defenx loss ( [link] ) appeared at bottom of page when I looked at trade history over past year from 1/4/23 to 31/3/24, there was 517 of them. note on LSE.

05:49 13/03/2024

Hey! I'm new here.
