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16:24 12/06/2019

You are free to post whatever you like about the subject of this BB. You are not free to troll other users. We are decent folk here.

10:42 12/06/2019

Fozzer, I would not engage with him, he's probably one of the shorters from ADFN.

11:57 08/06/2019

That video below was from Nov 2017. How much of that become reality ?

11:56 08/06/2019


11:50 08/06/2019

I’m more interested now in why the market wasn’t informed correctly about the payment terms of Hopes notes. That was material for a lot of people to make an investment decision and was not declared to the market.

11:49 08/06/2019

I can’t believe that anyone is seeing anything else than an utter cluster-fuck outcome for FRR. This is one of the most grim and damning court summaries I’ve ever read. This was bust on Christmas Eve and to think anything else is simply delusional. Next step is for FRR to drop this case completely as they have been sussed by Mr Seeborg.

15:35 04/06/2019

Just to cheer you up, this web ( [link] posted the following comment: "The first Velocys plant in the UK, which is due to start construction in 2021 and be producing fuel by 2024, will take hundreds of thousands of tonnes of organic household waste and convert it into clean-burning, sustainable fuels, delivering more than 60 per cent greenhouse gas reduction, compared with conventional fossil fuel and savings of 60,000 tonnes of CO2 every year. Latest research findings estimate that the Velocys fuel plant will create more than 5,000 jobs in the UK and add nearly £3bn to the UK economy." Love to know where they got their info from as I can find no corroboration!!

15:32 04/06/2019

Just to cheer you up a bit this web site posted the following comment:

08:09 03/06/2019

The reading section of the IELTS Test assesses your English reading skills. It consists of 3 texts and 40 questions which you have to answer within 60 minutes. Don't worry, you won't need any specialised vocabulary, even though the text may look 'scientific'. The questions won't test your scientific knowledge! Here are some tips and tricks that will help you be successful on the test day.

10:26 30/05/2019

Cheers Breezy, thanks for your kind words. I'll be OK long term, it's just a bump in the road. Business has been pretty good for 18 years so I was due a set back at some stage. Once you're invested in something like JLP you become emotionally attached (worst thing you can do) and you hang on in there despite the pitiful gains year after year. I still think 2019/2020 will be transformational for the company but I see a strong headwind coming in the form of a global stock market correction. 10 years of growth artificially funded by quantitive easing is coming to an end. Trumps trade wars, UK housing & retail slow down, Brexit shenanigans and the threat of a Labour/Corbyn government don't bode well. I want to sleep well so for me cash is king over the next 12-18 months. You can probably tell that I'm wearing my cautious trousers at this moment in time. Wishing you well. idg69
