Big pharmas have an extensive pipeline of drugs but none that are this much fun. I think if Med ever makes it to market the amount of recreational use by men with little or no ED issues will be massive. And if it eventually went OTC, even more so. What is not to like about an enhanced experience as reported in ph 2 trials? Everyone surely seemed to enjoy the stuff even at the low dose..
SIBANYE GOLD .. 2140 zar recent high 12th August, and the pound is weak . 2094 zar today . only consolation Tom put proceeds into SAVP which has done better since . (( D )..mass sale 1619 zar )).
This board only goes back to 24 Nov 2014 .. so not sure what i was thinking at time of purchase , looks like there was offer speculation from sou in 2014 .
liquidators paid out £ 138.55 for 4022 shares. paid £2000 for them 9th October 2012 ( W ) they went into liquidation April 2017 .
The investment case here is that Kier is massively undervalued. The share price doesn't reflect any kind of value. Even as a construction business with low margin business, this company is worth more than £200m (ie the current market cap). Underlying profit is over £100m annually. New management team committed to slimming down the business and using less debt. Even current debt is easily paid by Kier (very low interest rates). Sentiment has driven this to an unrealistic low point. The share price is likely to get boosted by shorters closing (ie creating buys as they cover their short), the sale of assets, any news which shows debt reduction, any news which shows the business isn't going bust. I reckon £3 is easily achievable, which would probably be a p/e of about 5, if current write downs are taken into account. Avoid if you're a nervous type though. Results are out in three weeks. Maybe take a look then.
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Yes, share price has doubled recently. Shorts still seem to be the same. Not sure what bad news they could be expecting; recent RNS confirms debt is coming down. Construction Enquirer shows Kier as the top firm for winning contracts: [link] I'm seeing an interesting debate on ADVFN, pointing out that the rights issue and cancelled dividend has put over £300m into Kier's bank account. That's presumably why debt is falling. So far, all the metrics that I can find look good. Let's see what the actual profit is when they publish the end of year report in September. But since this doesn't seem to be another Carillion, it looks like the share price fall has been way overdone. I bought at 110p. Some big hedge funds involved so expecting price moves, but the recent broker note says £1.50 is a realistic target if it's not broke. There are loads of Kier jobs advertised too. Doesn't look like a bankrupt business!
Hi Breezy, I not doing too bad thanks. Business is quiet and a little hand to mouth but I've got some cash reserves to tied me over into 2020. I'm please you got out of SXX, very good move and congrats on the UJO profits - don't forget to take them though. I wish I'd cashed out of JLP at 6p after the Tjate license news and not looked back. FUM 'could' be a game changer but with Brexit around the corner and a world recession looming it could put the brakes on things - who knows? I'm 50 at the end of the year and was hoping to be mortgage free. After 9 years of self investing I'm further away than I ever was before I started. This time next year though - we'll be millionaires! Where have I heard that before - aha ah. Wishing you well my friend, keep in touch. idg69
Jonathon you are right the share price as been desroyed.
I haven't received payment fo my KCOM shares, anyone else still waiting ?